Statistics about Health, Pharma & Medtech in Italy
- Number of palliative care hospices in Italy 2017, by region
- Hospitalization rate for rehabilitation care in Italy 2021, by region
- Average length of hospital stays for inpatient acute care 2021, by age group
- Private (not-for profit) owned hospital beds in Italy 2011-2019
- ROI of hospitals and other health facilities in Italy 2015-2017
- Number of inpatient care beds in public and private hospitals in Italy 2018
- Average length of inpatient hospital stays in Italy 2011-2020
- Percentage change in production value of hospital activities in Italy 2015-2017
- Public hospitals performing pregnancy abortions in Italy 2021
- Non-profit owned hospital beds per hundred thousand inhabitants in Italy 2011-2019
- Number of inpatient care hospital beds in Italy 2021, by region
- Number of public hospitals performing abortions in Italy 2021, by region
- Publicly owned hospital beds per hundred thousand inhabitants in Italy 2011-2019
- ROE of hospitals and other health facilities in Italy 2015-2017
- Private (for profit) owned hospital beds in Italy 2011-2019
- Discharges after colorectal cancer surgery in Italy 2021, by region
- For-profit owned hospital beds per hundred thousand inhabitants in Italy 2011-2019
- Number of psychiatric facilities in Italy 2022, by type
- Publicly owned hospital beds in Italy 2011-2019
- Women accessing ER because of violence cases in Italy 2020, by diagnosis
- Women accessing ER because of violence cases in Italy 2020, by triage assessment
- Share of women accessing ER because of violence cases in Italy 2020, by age
- Share of individuals resorting to private hospitals in Italy 2010-2019
- Intensive care units (ICU) per 100,000 inhabitants in Italy 2012-2020
- Number of patients treated in mental health wards in Italy 2022, by region
- Average age of new patients in mental health wards in Italy 2022, by diagnosis
- Rate of patients treated in mental health wards in Italy 2022, by region
- Average length of hospital stays for acute care in Italy 2001-2021
- Rate of mental health patients in local facilities in Italy 2022, by diagnosis
- Number of patients quitting mental health treatment in Italy 2022, by diagnosis
- Inpatient acute care hospital discharges in Italy 2021, by diagnosis
- Number of hospital discharges in Italy 2021, by treatment
- Average length of stay in private hospitals in Italy 2021, by type of care
- Share of individuals resorting to hospital services in Italy 2019, by type
- Number of hospital beds in Italy 2014-2021
- Number of hospital discharges in Italy 2010-2021
- Number of occupancy days at hospitals in Italy 2010-2021
- Number of occupancy days at hospitals in Italy 2021, by type of treatment
- Opinion about hospitals' reaction to COVID-19 in Italy 2022, by type of hospital
- Number of involuntary mental health treatments in Italy 2013-2022
- Share of patients quitting mental health treatment in Italy 2022, by diagnosis
- Patients accessing ER with mental illness in Italy 2022, by diagnosis
- Number of involuntary mental health treatments in Italy 2022, by region
- Average length of hospital stays for rehabilitative care in Italy 2001-2021
- Share of individuals resorting to public hospitals in Italy 2010-2019
- Average length of hospital stays for long-term care in Italy 2001-2021
- Distribution of abortions Italy 2022, by type of intervention
- Average length of stay in public hospitals in Italy 2021, by type of care
- Distribution of abortions in Italy 2022, by place of medical intervention
- Number of hospital discharges by facility in Italy 2021, by facility
- Rate of patients treated in mental health wards in Italy 2022, by gender
- Prevalence of mental disorders among women in Italy 2022, by diagnosis
- Rate of foreign patients treated in mental health wards in Italy 2022, by region
- Number of nurses and midwives employed in hospitals in Italy 2004-2020
- Share of foreign patients treated in mental health wards in Italy 2022, by region
- Distribution of patients treated in mental health wards in Italy 2022, by education
- Hospitalization rate in Italy 2021, by type of treatment
- Rate of new patients treated in mental health wards in Italy 2022, by gender
- Rate of new patients treated in mental health wards in Italy 2022, by region
- New patients treated in mental health wards in Italy 2022, by age group
- Number of hospital occupancy days in Italy 2021, by facility
- Publicly owned hospitals in Italy 2008-2021
- Share of hospital readmissions for mental disorders in Italy 2022, by diagnosis
- Average number of services rendered in mental health centers in Italy 2022, by region
- Number of physicians employed in hospitals in Italy 2004-2020
- Prevalence of mental disorders among men in Italy 2022, by diagnosis
- Territorial care cost for patients with mental illnesses in Italy in 2020, by region
- Italy: number of beds in palliative care hospices 2017, by region
- Number of hospitals in Italy 2014-2021
- Number of patients treated in mental health wards in Italy 2022, by gender
- Hospitals in Italy 2021, by macro region
- Prevalence of mental health disorders in Italy 2022, by diagnosis
- Number of inpatient care psychiatric hospital beds in Italy 2022, by region
- Number of public and private hospitals accredited with the NHS in Italy 2021
- Number of outpatient care psychiatric hospital beds in Italy 2022, by region
- Number of patients treated in mental health wards in Italy 2022, by age group
- Public and private hospitals accredited with the NHS in Italy 2021, by macro region
- Number of hospital patients discharged in Italy 2014-2020
- Hospital curative care discharges rate in Italy 2010-2022
- Abortion objectors among Italian anesthesiologists by area 2021
- Italy: number of laparoscopic appendectomies performed 2011-2016
- Number of beds in private accredited hospitals in Italy 2021, by macro region
- Number of other health service providers employed in hospitals in Italy 2004-2020
- Forecast: hospitals revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Inpatient occupancy days at public and private accredited hospitals in Italy 2018
- Italy: emergency department lenght of stay in Rome 2016, by hospital
- Number of intensive care units (ICU) pre- and post-COVID-19 in Italy 2020, by region
- Italy: patients receiving pain management in palliative care hospices 2015-2017
- Number of intensive care units (ICU) pre- and post-COVID-19 in Italy 2020/2021
- Hospital inpatient care discharges in Italy 2000-2022
- Hospital inpatient care discharges rate in Italy 2000-2022
- Number of individuals employed in hospitals in Italy 2022, by role
- Change in cesarean deliveries prevalence in Italy 2013-2021, by region
- Number of oncological facilities in Italy 2023, by region
- Number of birth locations in Italy 2013, 2020, and 2021
- Number of birth locations in Italy 2021, by region
- Number of acute care hospital discharges in Italy 2019, by region
- Italy: turnover of major private hospitals 2010-2014
- Hospital curative care bed-days in Italy 2000-2022
- Hospital curative care discharges in Italy 2000-2022