Statistics about Health, Pharma & Medtech in Italy
- Number of palliative care hospices in Italy 2015-2017
- Public expenditure for hospitals in Italy 2012-2023
- Share of individuals resorting to private accredited hospitals in Italy 2010-2019
- Eating disorder treatment facilities in Italy 2021, by region
- Rate of female mental health patients in local facilities in Italy 2020, by diagnosis
- Inpatient discharges at public and private accredited hospitals in Italy 2018
- Number of intensive care units (ICU) added due to COVID-19 in Italy 2020, by region
- Italy: number of cochlear implantations performed 2010-2015
- Italy: number of beds in palliative care hospices 2014-2017
- Italy: number of beds in palliative care hospices 2015-2017
- Complaints about lack of humanization in healthcare in Italy 2016-2018
- Number of private accredited hospitals in Italy 2021, by macro region
- Hospital curative care average length of stay in Italy 2010-2022
- Hospital curative care beds occupancy rate in Italy 2010-2022
- Women accessing ER because of violence cases in Italy 2021, by access outcome
- Inpatient average length of stay in Italy 2010-2022
- ED visit rates with alcohol-related diagnosis among females in Italy in 2022, by age
- ED visit rates with alcohol-related diagnosis among males in Italy in 2022, by age
- Number of patients in palliative care hospices in Italy 2017, by region
- Italy: emergency department lenght of stay in Milan 2016, by hospital
- Hospital curative care bed-days per capita in Italy 2010-2022
- Public expenditure for public and private accredited hospitals in Italy 2021
- Number of hospital admissions in Italy 2021, by macro-region
- Total revenue of main hospitals in Italy 2021, by macro region
- Public expenditure on active implantable medical devices in Italy 2017, by region
- Import value of artificial teeth in Italy 2012 to 2022
- Market value of non-prescription drugs in Italy 2001-2023
- Value share of generic pharmaceuticals market in Italy 2010-2022
- Production value of pharmaceutical CDMO in Italy 2015-2019
- Investment revenue ratio of pharmaceutical CDMO in Italy 2016-2021
- Distribution of employees of Novartis in Italy 2017, by age group
- Revenue of medtech companies in Italy 2020, by macro-region
- Number of medtech companies in Italy 2020, by macro-region
- Volume share of the generic pharmaceuticals market in Italy 2012-2022
- Pharmaceutical sales value in Italy 2013-2022
- Average revenue of medtech companies in Italy 2020, by macro-region
- Active spinal muscular atrophy clinical trials by region and phase 2023
- Number of employees at Alfasigma in Italy in 2022, by role and gender
- Italian pharmaceuticals revenue change 2019-2029 projection
- Leading companies in the sector of medical equipment in Italy 2018, by revenues
- ACS Dobfar: worldwide workforce 2016-2018
- Companies in the sector of medical devices in Italy 2016, by size and function
- Revenue distribution of medtech companies in Italy 2020, by product
- Sales revenue Novartis Farma S.p.A in Italy 2020-2022
- Italy: patients involved in clinical trials of Novartis 2017, by therapeutic area
- Sales revenue AbbVie S.r.l. in Italy 2020-2022
- Revenue growth of medtech industry in Italy 2021-2022
- Clinical trials managed by GIMEMA in Italy 2018
- Selected KPIs of medtech industry in Italy 2018-2020
- Share of medtech industry employees in Italy 2020, by gender
- Sales revenue Eli Lilly Italia S.p.A. in Italy 2020-2022
- Distribution of employees of Novartis in Italy 2015-2017, by gender
- Italy: value of purchased goods and services of Novartis 2017, by region
- Italy: investments of Novartis 2013-2017
- Italy: medicament mixtures put in dosage import value 2013-2023
- Revenue of the pharmaceutical group Bracco in 2016, by business unit
- Enterprises manufacturing medical equipment in Italy 2017, by region
- Forecast: medical and dental instruments manufacturing revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Forecast: electromedical equipment manufacturing revenue Italy 2008-2018
- U.S. Prescription of generic drug prices as percentage of OECD prices 2022
- Italy: pharmaceutical expenditure covered by the NHS 2012-2017
- Personnel costs of the pharmaceutical industry in Italy 2023, by region
- Individuals employed at GIMEMA 2016, by occupation
- U.S. Prescription of brand drug prices as percentage of OECD prices 2022
- Net revenue of pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry in Italy 2011-2022
- Leading Italian pharmaceutical companies 2021, by revenue
- Alfasigma revenues between 2020 and 2022 in Italy
- U.S. Prescription drug prices as percentage of OECD prices 2022
- Number of employees in the pharmaceutical industry in Italy 2023, by region
- Life sciences publications top five European countries in 2023
- Covid-19 forecast impact on EBITDA margin of pharmaceutical manufacturers Italy 2020
- Italy: clinical trials of Novartis approved by AIFA 2017, by stage
- Italy: investments of Novartis in research and development 2013-2017
- Pharmaceutical industry: Italian companies' revenues 2007-2017
- Italy: pharmaceutical products imports value 2023
- Italy: barriers to 3D printing utilization in the health sector 2018
- Number of employees of Novartis in Italy 2017, by region
- Italy: value of taxes paid by Novartis 2013-2017
- Italian pharmaceutical revenues 2019-2029 projection
- ROI of the medical and dental instruments industry in Italy 2017-2021
- Italy: international turnover of leading pharmaceutical companies 2007-2017
- Number of employees in the pharmaceutical industry in Italy 2000-2023
- Investments in pharmaceutical production in Italy 2010-2023
- Value added of the pharmaceutical industry in Italy 2000-2023
- Investments in R&D in the pharmaceutical sector in Italy 2012-2023
- Italy: pharmaceutical revenue 2016 , by type of drug
- Italy: patients involved in clinical trials of Novartis 2017, by region
- Italy: pharmaceutical CDMO investments 2016-2021, by focus
- Sales revenue Sanofi S.r.l. in Italy 2020-2022
- Italy: percent change in pharmaceutical sales volume by type of drug 2016
- Employee number at Bracco in 2023, by type of contract
- Olon company profit 2016-2022
- Worldwide revenue of ACS Dobfar 2016-2022
- Profit of chemical-pharmaceutical company ACS Dobfar 2016-2022
- Italy: R&D investments of leading pharmaceutical companies 2007-2017
- R&D employees of the pharmaceutical company Chiesi 2020, by country
- Employees joining Bracco in 2023, by age
- Employee distribution of Bracco in 2023, by role and gender
- Employee distribution at Bracco in 2023, by geographic area
- R&D investments of the pharmaceutical company Chiesi 2015-2023