Statistics about Finance & Insurance in Italy
- Average capital raised through crowdfunding campaigns in Italy in 2019, by type
- Value of peer-to-peer (P2P) consumer lending in Italy 2022, by platform
- Success rate of equity crowdfunding campaigns in Italy 2020, by platform
- Reasons for companies to launch equity crowdfunding campaigns in Italy 2020
- Alternative finance: market volume in Italy 2015-2017, by platform
- Leading European countries in reward-based crowdfunding 2020
- Alternative finance market size in Italy 2014-2020
- Number of lending real estate crowdinvesting campaigns in Italy 2021, by platform
- Alternative finance market size in Italy 2013-2020
- Number of crowdfunding campaigns in Italy in 2019, by type
- Alternative finance market average deal size in Italy 2015, by platform
- Italy: indebtedness of households 2017, by type
- Italy: number of equity crowdfunding projects for startups and SMEs 2014-2017
- Italy: knowledge of crowdfunding 2017
- Number of equity crowdfunding campaigns completed in Italy 2022, by platform
- Capital raised through equity crowdfunding campaigns in Italy 2022
- Companies launching equity crowdfunding campaigns in Italy 2022, by region
- Amount of funds collected through crowdfunding campaigns in Italy 2016-2021
- Value of peer-to-peer (P2P) business lending in Italy 2022, by platform
- Value of financial intermediation outside of the banking sector in Italy 2010-2020
- Number of crowdfunding platforms in Italy in 2019, by type
- Italy: value invoice trading on alternative finance market 2016-2017, by platform
- Leading European countries in invoice trading 2020
- Alternative finance reward- based crowdfunding volume in Italy 2013-2017
- Capital raised through crowdfunding campaigns in Italy in 2020, by type
- Companies using equity crowdfunding in last twelve months in Italy 2022, by sector
- Investors in equity crowdfunding in Italy 2021, by gender
- Leading platfroms for P2P consumer lending in Italy 2022
- Distribution of equity crowdfunding campaigns in Italy 2022, by minimum investment
- Number of investors in equity crowdfunding in Italy 2021, by age group
- Companies launching equity crowdfunding campaigns in Italy 2022, by sector
- Capital raised through real estate crowdfunding campaigns in Italy 2022, by platform
- Share of car insurance holders in Italy 2020, by gender
- Monthly average price of motor insurance premium in Italy 2019
- Share of car insurance holders in Italy 2020
- Average price of motor insurance premium in Italy 2019, by region
- Most common car insurance providers in Italy 2020, by gender
- Change in motor insurance gross written premiums in Italy 2013-2021, by category
- Most common car insurance companies in Italy 2020, by macro-region
- Most common car insurance providers in Italy 2020, by macro-region
- Value of motor vehicle insurance sector in Italy 2009-2025
- Average yearly price for car insurance in Italy 2020, by age group
- Average yearly price for car insurance in Italy 2020, by gender
- Share of car insurance holders in Italy 2020, by age group
- Most common car insurance providers in Italy 2020, by age group
- Car insurance holders in Italy 2020, by macro-region
- Most common car insurance companies in Italy 2020, by gender
- Most common car insurance coverage in Italy 2020, by age group
- Estimated number of uninsured vehicles in Italy 2013-2019
- Average yearly price for car insurance in Italy 2020
- Average yearly price for car insurance in Italy 2020, by macro-region
- Motor insurance premiums in Italy 2013-2022, by type
- Most common car insurance coverage in Italy 2020, by gender
- Domestic companies on motor insurance market in Italy 2004-2019
- Motor insurance claims paid on the Italian market 2004-2020
- Connected car insurance: market share by country in Europe 2020
- Change in motor insurance gross written premiums in Italy 2013-2021
- Motor insurance gross direct premiums written in Italy 2013-2021
- Motor insurance penetration in Italy 2004-2020
- Most common car insurance providers in Italy 2020
- Motor insurance density in Italy 2004-2020
- Most common car insurance companies in Italy 2020
- Most common car insurance coverage in Italy 2020, by macro-area
- Most common car insurance coverage in Italy 2020
- Data sharing with motor insurers in Germany, Italy, France, Spain, and the UK 2023
- Number of insured vehicles in Italy 2019, by region
- Motor and marine liability insurance average claim cost in Italy 2009-2019, by type
- Number of insured vehicles in Italy 2013-2023
- Motor insurance claims frequency in Italy 2009-2023
- Motor insurance claims frequency in Italy 2009-2023, by type of damage
- Average motor insurance claim size in Italy 2009-2023
- Average cost for private car insurance in Italy 2012-2023
- Motor insurance claims reported in Italy 2021-2023, by region
- Largest motor insurance companies in Italy 2022, by gross written premiums
- Number of motor insurance companies in Italy 2012-2021, by business line
- Most common car insurance companies in Italy 2020, by age group
- Motor insurance claims paid on the Italian market 2011-2019, by category
- Cost-to-income of Italian banking group Banco BPM 2017-2020
- Italian banks business development priorities in 2016
- Net profit/loss of Italian banking group Monte dei Paschi di Siena 2014-2021
- Italy: customers' trust in their credit institutes 2017
- Largest banks in Italy 2024, by market cap
- Cost-to-income ratio of the banking system in Italy 2008-2017
- Channels used to collect bank account information in Italy 2018
- Leading banks by cost to income ratio in Italy 2016
- Italy: opinion on the leading banks 2017
- Italy: banks and financial services improvements 2017
- Income before impairment, provisions and taxes of banking industry in Italy 2015-2022
- Assets of foreign-controlled banking groups in Italy 2008-2016
- Total banking assets as share of GDP in Italy 2007-2023
- Benefits from knowing more about banking and financial products in Italy 2017
- Italy: reasons for the necessity of a bank branch 2017
- Italy: leading ten banks 2017, by number of customer
- Number of bank employees in Italy 2011-2023
- Number of bank branches in Italy 2011-2023
- Number of banks in Italy 2011-2023
- Number of foreign banks in Italy 2023, by region
- Number of cooperative banks in Italy 2023, by region
- Number of banks in Italy 2023, by legal form
- Number of banks in Italy 2023, by region