Statistics about Finance & Insurance in Italy
- Banking sector assets composition per credit institution in Italy in 2016
- Italy: bank customers distribution 2017, by bank type
- Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio of the banking system 2008-2017
- Interesting topics on banking and financial services in Italy 2017
- Knowledge of banking and financial products in Italy 2017
- Population per local bank branch in Italy 2008-2016
- Leading ten banks on Facebook in Italy 2021, by number of fans
- Credit unions' issuing deposits to central bank 2013-2018
- Number of employees at major & large banks in Italy 2019, by macro-region
- Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) ratio of Italian banking group Banco BPM 2017-2020
- Operating expenses of UniCredit 2014-2023
- Operating profit of UniCredit 2011-2023
- Liabilities and shareholders' equity of UniCredit 2023, by type
- Number of employees of UniCredit 2023, by category
- Net interest income of banking industry in Italy 2014-2023
- Quarterly mobile banking usage in Italy 2019-2024
- Deposits from customers at UniCredit Group2014-2023
- Number of branches of UniCredit Group 2014-2023
- Total capital ratio of UniCredit Group 2014-2023
- Cost-to-income ratio of UniCredit Group 2009-2023
- Net profit/loss of Intesa Sanpaolo Group 2013-2023
- Operating expenses of Intesa Sanpaolo Group 2013-2023
- Number of employees of Intesa Sanpaolo Group 2013-2023
- Foreign bank branches issuing deposit to central bank 2013-2018
- Return on assets (ROA) of Intesa Sanpaolo 2013-2023
- Return on equity (ROE) of Intesa Sanpaolo 2014-2023
- Cost-to-income ratio of Intesa Sanpaolo Group 2013-2023
- Capital ratio of Intesa Sanpaolo 2014-2023
- Number of branches of Intesa Sanpaolo 2013-2023
- CET1 ratio of Intesa Sanpaolo Group 2014-2023
- Public administration's bank account in foreign bank branches 2013-2018
- Total assets of banking industry in Italy 2014-2023, by quarter
- BNP Paribas: Number of branches of the domestic markets network 2014
- Carrefour Banque: annual results in Europe 2014-2018
- Carrefour Banque: values of financial ratios by type 2014-2022
- Public administration's bank account in credit unions 2013-2018
- Public administration’s bank accounts in private banks (S.p.A.) 2013-2018
- Public administration's bank account in cooperative banks 2013-2018
- Assets of domestic banking groups in Italy 2008-2016
- Processes in banking affairs in Italy 2024
- Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) ratio of Italian bank Monte dei Paschi di Siena 2014-2020
- Leading holding companies in Italy 2019, by net income
- Number of employees of Italian banking group Monte dei Paschi di Siena 2014-2020
- Total revenues of Italian banking group Monte dei Paschi di Siena 2015-2020
- Market capitalization of Credito Emiliano 2004-2023
- Market capitalization of BPER Banca 2006-2023
- Market capitalization of Banca Generali 2020-2023
- Market capitalization of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena 2020-2023
- Market capitalization of Banca Mediolanum 2005-2023
- Market capitalization of Mediobanca 2020-2023
- Market capitalization of FinecoBank 2014-2023
- Market capitalization of UniCredit 2006-2023
- Market capitalization of Intesa Sanpaolo 2003-2023
- Total assets of Italian bank UBI Banca 2014-2020
- Italy: training courses on banking and financial services & products 2017
- Cost-to-income ratio of Italian bank UBI Banca 2010-2020
- Total assets of Italian banking group Monte dei Paschi di Siena 2014-2020
- Total capital ratio of Italian banking group Monte dei Paschi di Siena 2014-2020
- Cost-to-income ratio of Italian banking group Monte dei Paschi di Siena 2014-2020
- Value of current accounts at Italian bank UBI Banca 2016-2018
- Return on Equity (ROE) of Italian banking group Monte dei Paschi di Siena 2015-2020
- Satisfaction with primary bank in Italy 2019-2024, by quarter
- Total assets of Italian banking group Banco BPM 2016-2020
- Willingness to change primary bank in Italy 2019-2024, by quarter
- Net profit/loss of Italian bank BPER Banca 2014-2020
- Total assets of Italian bank BPER Banca 2014-2020
- Branch banking usage in Italy 2019-2024, by quarter
- Cost-to-income ratio of Italian bank BPER Banca 2014-2020
- Leading banking groups 2019, by number of employees
- Number of branches of Italian bank UBI Banca 2014-2019
- Italy: banking channels used to access/manage financial services 2017, by type
- Italy: accounts and services used at BNL 2017
- Italy: frequency of bank personal consultation 2017
- Largest banks in Italy 2023, by total assets
- Largest banks in Italy 2023, by ROE
- Largest banks in Italy 2023, by CET1 ratio
- Largest banks in Italy 2023, by tier 1 capital
- Quarterly ROE of the banking industry in Italy 2014-2023
- Italy: accounts and services used at BancoPosta (Poste Italiane) 2017
- Cost-to-income ratio of selected leading banks in Italy H1 2018-H1 2020
- Quarterly ROA of the banking industry in Italy 2014-2023
- Largest banks in Italy 2024, by number of branches
- Italy: number of employees in the banking system 2009-2016
- Leading banks by assets in Italy 2016
- Italy: accounts and services used at Banca Mediolanum 2017
- Number of employees of Italian bank UBI Banca 2014-2019
- Return on Assets (ROA) of Italian banking group Monte dei Paschi di Siena 2014-2020
- Italy: accounts and services used at Banca MPS 2017
- Italy: accounts and services used at CheBanca! 2017
- Current bank account holders in Italy 2018-2019, by number of accounts
- Operating income of Italian bank UBI Banca 2014-2019
- Current postal account holders in Italy 2018-2019, by number of accounts
- Net interest income of Italian bank UBI Banca 2014-2019
- Leading banking groups in Italy 2019, by revenue
- Operating income of Intesa Sanpaolo Group 2013-2023
- UniCredit S.p.A: leverage ratio Q4 2018-Q1 2022
- Return on Equity of BPER Banca 2014-2021
- Number of bank branches in Italy 2020, by region
- Leading banks in Italy 2018, by brand value
- Leading ten banking groups in Italy 2019, by net equity