Statistics about Chemicals & Resources in Italy
- Saipem Group new contracts in 2018, by geographic area
- Saipem Group income statement in Italy 2016-2018
- Saipem Group energy consumption 2016-2018, by fuel type
- Saipem Group waste production 2016-2018, by type
- National expenditure on solid fuels in Italy 2000-2018
- Italy: percentage change of production value of leading fuel retailers 2015-2017
- Stevanato Group operating profit 2021 to 2023
- Italy: distribution of hollow glass import value 2013-2018, by macro-region
- Italy: value of imported hollow glass 2018, by macro-region
- Italy: distribution of export value of hollow glass 2013-2018, by macro-region
- Italy: value of exports of hollow glass 2018, by macro-region
- Stevanato Group employees 2020 to 2023
- Stevanato Group net cash 2020 to 2023
- Stevanato Group revenue 2020 to 2023
- Stevanato Group gross profit 2020 to 2023
- Stevanato Group liabilities 2020 to 2023
- Stevanato Group net income 2020 to 2023
- Revenue of the glass industry in Italy 2018, by sector
- Stevanato Group total equity 2020 to 2023
- Stevanato Group total assets 2020 to 2023
- Breakdown of import of glass for recycling to Italy 2022, by country
- Italy: leading suppliers of imported hollow glass 2016-2018
- Italy: leading destination countries for exports of hollow glass 2016-2018
- Flat and technical glass export value share from Italy by macro-region 2014-2019
- Distribution of the value of flat and technical glass imported into Italy 2014-2019
- Flat glass manufacturing companies in Italy by legal form 2014-2018
- Leading suppliers of flat and technical glass imported into Italy 2017-2019
- Leading destination countries for Italy's exports of flat and technical glass 2017-20
- Value of imports of flat and technical glass from Italy 2019, by macro-region
- Value of exports of flat and technical glass from Italy 2019, by macro-region
- Forecast: man-made fiber manufacturing revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Green ammonia market revenue in Italy 2019-2030
- Italy: monthly value of lubricating preparations exports 2017
- Used lubricating oil collected in Italy 2012-2022
- Breakdown of used lubricating oil waste in Italy 2012-2022, by treatment
- Consumption volume of lubricants in Italy 2000-2018
- Consumption volume of industrial lubricants in Italy 2018, by type
- Italy: consumption volume of automotive lubricants 2018, by use
- Retail lubricants market share of the oil and gas company Eni 2014-2018
- Final consumption of industrial lubricants in Italy 2006-2018
- Final consumption of automotive lubricants in Italy 2006-2018
- Italy: potential ways to dispose of lubricants according to car drivers 2017
- Italy: extracted limestone, travertine, gypsum and sandstone 2014, by macro-region
- Italy: quarrying extraction in Lombardy 2014, by type of mineral
- Minerals extracted from mining activities in Italy 2017, by type
- Italy: quarrying extraction in Emilia-Romagna 2014, by type of mineral
- Italy: quarrying extraction in Friuli-Venezia Giulia 2014, by mineral
- Italy: quarrying extraction in Veneto 2014, by type of mineral
- Italy: quarrying extraction in Lazio 2014, by type of mineral
- Italy: extracted granite and other rocks 2014, by macro-region
- Italy: quarrying extraction in Abruzzo 2014, by type of mineral
- Italy: quarrying extraction in Sicily 2014, by type of mineral
- Italy: quarrying extraction in Calabria 2014, by type of mineral
- Italy: extracted sand and gravel 2014, by macro-region
- Italy: quarrying extraction in Sardinia 2014, by type of mineral
- Revenue of the mineral extraction and mining industry in Italy 2010-2018
- Italy: quarrying extraction in Basilicata 2014, by type of mineral
- Italy: average return on investment (ROI) of metal casting companies 2015-2017
- Output value of the mining and quarrying sector in Italy 2014-2017
- Revenue of the basic metals industry in Italy 2018, by sector
- Italy: change of production value of metal casting companies 2015-2017
- Italy: average return on equity (ROE) of metal casting companies 2015-2017
- Share of export value of iron and steel industry from Italy 2014-2019, by area
- Italy: average return on investment (ROI) of metal forging companies 2015-2017
- Value of steel tubes exported from Italy 2019, by macro-region
- Distribution of import value of iron and steel industry in Italy 2014-2019
- Value of steel tubes imported into Italy 2019, by macro-region
- Value of cold-formed steel exported from Italy 2019, by macro-region
- Italy: leading suppliers of imported non-ferrous metals 2016-2018, by import value
- Distribution of value of cold-formed steel exported from Italy 2014-2019
- Value of cold-formed steel imported into Italy 2019, by macro-region
- Export value of iron and steel industry from Italy 2019
- Share of metallurgy firms in Italy 2019, by ICT skills
- Italy: distribution of non-ferrous metal import value 2013-2018, by macro-region
- Import value of iron and steel industry in Italy 2019, by macro-region
- Leading destination countries for Italy's exports of iron and steel 2017-2019
- Italy: leading suppliers of iron and steel manufacturing in Italy 2017-2019
- Italy: change of production value of metal forging companies 2015-2017
- Distribution of value of steel tubes exported from Italy 2014-2019
- Italy: distribution of export value of non-ferrous metal 2013-2018, by macro-region
- Leading countries for Italy's exports of steel tubes 2017-2019
- Distribution of the value of steel tubes imported into Italy 2014-2019
- Leading suppliers of steel tubes imported into Italy 2017-2019, by import value
- Share of value of cold-formed steel imported into Italy 2014-2019, by macro-region
- Leading countries for Italy's exports of cold-formed steel 2017-2019
- Leading suppliers of cold-formed steel in Italy 2017-2019, by import value
- Italy: value of imports of non-ferrous metals 2018, by macro-region
- Italy: value of exports of non-ferrous metals 2018, by macro-region
- Italy: leading countries for exports of non-ferrous metals 2016-2018, by export value
- Italy: average return on equity (ROE) of metal forging companies 2015-2017
- Italy: number of enterprises in the mining and quarrying industry 2013-2022
- Industry revenue of »mining of non-ferrous metal ores« in Italy 2011-2023
- Manganese mine production in Italy 2011-2021
- Mining and quarrying companies in Italy 2014-2022, by legal form
- Proved and unproved reserves of natural gas in Italy 2018
- Distribution of natural gas import contracts in Italy 2023, by remaining duration
- Natural gas consumption in Italy 2005-2023
- Number of onshore natural gas producing wells in Italy 2012-2023
- Italy: number of offshore natural gas producing wells 2012-2023
- Onshore natural gas production in Italy 2023, by region