Statistics about Chemicals & Resources in Italy
- Volume of paper containers market in Europe 2017-2022, by macro-region
- Value added of paper packaging companies in Italy 2015-2022
- Net revenue of paper packaging companies in Italy 2015-2022
- Projected share of McDonald's recyclable packaging in Italy 2023-2025
- Number of employees of paper packaging companies in Italy 2015-2022
- Breakdown of packaging type in the beverage sector in Italy 2022
- Production value of paper packaging companies in Italy 2015-2022
- Operating result of paper packaging companies in Italy 2015-2022
- Leading Italian paper packaging companies 2022, by revenue
- Net result of paper packaging companies in Italy 2015-2022
- Average ROI of leading paper companies in Italy 2016-2018
- Number of companies in the paper sector in Italy 2018, by business size
- Market share of paper companies in Italy 2018, by business size
- Number of employees in the paper sector in Italy 2018, by business size
- Imports' value of industry and consumer paper products into Italy 2019
- Output value of the paper products manufacturing sector in Italy 2014-2016
- Exports' value of industry and consumer paper products from Italy 2019
- Distribution of paper products' export value from Italy 2014-2019 by macro-region
- Italy: y-o-y variation of output prices in the paper sector 2017-2021
- YoY variation of average inputs prices in the paper sector in Italy 2017-2019
- Italy paper export value by destination country 2019
- Share of exports in the Italian paper industry 2014-2019, by area of destination
- Production variation of leading paper companies in Italy 2016-2018
- Share of the paper products' value imported into Italy by macro-region 2014-2019
- Production volume of paper bags in Italy 2013-2022
- Italy: y-o-y change of trade balance of the paper industry 2002-2021
- Production volume of corrugated fiberboard in Italy 2013-2022
- Turnover of graphic paper in Italy 2015-2023
- Financial figures of graphic paper industry in Italy 2023
- Trade balance of graphic paper in Italy 2018-2023
- Production value of the machinery for paper manufacturing industry in Italy 2017-2021
- Major paper and cardboard manufacturers in Italy 2020-2021, by revenue
- Production volume of folding cartons in Italy 2013-2019
- YoY variation of the export value in the Italian paper sector 2017-2022
- Breakdown of export of paper for recycling from Italy 2022, by country
- Toilet paper sales value in Italy 2011-2020
- Number of employees of the machinery for paper production industry in Italy 2017-2021
- Sold production value of handmade paper and paperboard in Italy 2011-2017
- Sold production value of cartons, boxes and cases in Italy 2011-2018
- Coronavirus impact on turnover and production index of Italy's paper industry 2020
- Sold production value of recycled fluting and other fluting in Italy 2011-2018
- Revenue of the paper manufacturing industry in Italy 2018, by sector
- Revenue of the paper and paperboard manufacturing industry in Italy 2010-2018
- Distribution of imports in the Italian paper industry 2014-2019, by origin
- Average ROE of leading paper companies in Italy 2016-2018
- Export value of the paper for graphic use industry in Italy 2015-2023
- YoY variation of the import value of the Italian paper sector 2017-2022
- Italy: firms producing wooden and paper goods employing ICT specialists 2014
- Italy: number of employees in the graphic printing industry 2010-2017
- Italy: export volume of graphic paper 2010-2017
- Leading suppliers of paper products imported into Italy 2017-2019
- Domestic graphic paper demand in Italy 2023
- Leading destination countries for Italy's exports of paper products 2017-2019
- Import value of paper for graphic use in Italy 2018-2023
- YoY variation of raw materials' costs in the paper sector in Italy 2017-2019
- Production volume index of graphic paper industry in Italy 2015-2019
- Italy: production volume of graphic paper industry 2010-2017
- ROE of paper and paperboard machinery manufacturing industry in Italy 2017-2021
- Italy: turnover of graphic paper industry 2010-2017
- ROI of paper and paperboard machinery manufacturing in Italy 2017-2021
- Growth rate in production value of the paper machinery industry in Italy 2017-2021
- EBITDA as share of production of paper machinery industry in Italy 2017-2021
- Turnover of the paper converting industry in Italy 2013-2018
- Italy: domestic consumption of graphic paper 2010-2017
- Forecast: soap and detergent manufacturing revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Italy: lost time injury frequency in companies 2014
- Forecast: essential oil manufacturing revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Saras net cash 2019 to 2023
- Saras operating profit 2019 to 2023
- Consumption of diesel in Italy 2000-2018
- Saras revenue 2019 to 2023
- Saras liabilities 2019 to 2023
- Consumption of gasoline in Italy 2010-2018
- Saras total equity 2019 to 2023
- Saras employees 2019 to 2023
- Italy: number of motorway petrol stations 2017, by area
- Number of petrol stations in Italy 2019, by region and type
- Saras total assets 2019 to 2023
- Estimated number of petrol station sites in Italy 2010-2018
- Number of employees of the company Saras 2018-2022
- Turnover of the coke and petroleum manufacturing industry in Italy 2010-2020
- Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores revenue Italy 2012-2025
- National expenditure on oil in Italy 2000-2023
- Italy: LPG price variation 2017-2018, by month
- Saras net income 2019 to 2023
- Market share of the leading petroleum brands in Italy 2017
- Eni revenue 2019 to 2023
- Monthly LPG consumption in Italy 2019-2023
- Accidents during the production of natural gas and petroleum in Italy1995-2018
- Eni employees 2019 to 2023
- Eni operating profit 2019 to 2023
- Eni net income 2019 to 2023
- Italy: turnover of the coke and petroleum industry 2013, by sector
- Eni total equity 2019 to 2023
- Eni net cash 2019 to 2023
- Primary energy consumption in Italy 2000-2023
- Number of petrol stations in Italy 2020, by brand
- Eni liabilities 2019 to 2023
- Eni total assets 2019 to 2023
- Monthly petrol consumption in Italy 2019-2023