Statistics about Consumer Goods & FMCG in Germany
- Per capita consumption of eggs based on weight in Germany 2004-2023
- Average consumer prices of eggs in Germany 2012-2022
- Dairy products and eggs consumer price development in Germany in 2023, by type
- Sales volume share of eyeglass frames in Germany 2007-2023, by type
- Leading opticians in Germany 2022-2023, by net revenue
- Ranking of the largest optics companies in Germany 2022-2023, by number of branches
- Revenue in the eyewear market Germany 2019-2029
- Average revenue per unit (ARPU) in the eyewear market Germany 2019-2029
- Most popular places to purchase glasses and contact lenses in Germany 2017-2020
- Number of people in Germany owning exclusive eyeglasses 2019-2024
- Sales volume of eyeglasses in Germany 2000-2022
- Revenue in the Eyewear market Germany 2018-2029
- Online revenues in the optical retail sector in Germany 2011-2023
- Per capita sales volume in the Eyewear market Germany 2018-2029
- Volume in the Eyewear market Germany 2019-2029
- Average revenue per unit (ARPU) in the Eyewear market Germany 2019-2029
- Volume in the eyewear market Germany 2019-2029
- Slaughter volume of geese in Germany 1991-2023
- Sales distribution of meat products and sausage Germany 1990-2020, by product group
- Number of people consuming fresh sausage Germany 2018-2021, by frequency
- Number of people consuming fresh meat Germany 2018-2021, by frequency
- Share people who consume meat and sausage products daily Germany 2018-2021, by age
- Leading countries for pork exports from Germany 2021-2023, by export volume
- Bratwurst and vegan sausage products sales volume in Germany 2020-2022
- Number of commercially slaughtered cattle in Germany 1993-2023, by origin
- Number of people consuming packaged sausage Germany 2018-2021, by frequency
- Willingness to buy cultured meat in Germany in 2019
- Leading supplier countries for pork imports to Germany 2021-2023
- Benefits associated with cultured meat in Germany in 2023
- Share of consumers who would add cultured meat into their diet in Germany in 2023
- Per capita consumption of pork Germany 2010-2023
- Consumption of mutton and goat meat Germany 2010-2023
- Consumption of beef and veal in Germany 2000-2023
- Number of people consuming packaged meat Germany 2018-2021, by frequency
- Household consumption value of salmon in Germany 2015-2022
- Number of people consuming packaged barbecue sausage Germany 2017-2020, by frequency
- Number of commercially slaughtered animals in Germany 1993-2023, by type of animal
- Meat consumer price development in Germany in 2023, by type
- Producer price index for fish, fish products and seafood in Germany 1992-2023
- Consumer price development for fish and fish products in Germany 1992-2023
- Consumer price development for meat and meat products in Germany 1992-2023
- Number of commercially slaughtered pigs in Germany 1993-2023, by origin
- Slaughter weight of slaughtered animals in Germany 1993-2023, by type of animal
- Production volume of fishery products in Germany 2018-2019, by product group
- Production volume of lamb meat in Germany 2009-2023
- Sales distribution of meat in Germany 2020-2022, by channel
- Leading brands of ready-made sausage and meat products Germany 2017-2020
- Survey on buying products made from artificial meat in Germany in 2018
- Per capita meat consumption in Germany 1995-2020, by type
- Importance of a vegetarian diet in Germany households from 2010 to 2015
- Import value of pork Germany to South Korea 2014-2018
- Monthly consumer price index for meat in Germany 2022-2023, by meat type
- Per capita consumption of goat meat and mutton in Germany 1991-2023
- Export of pork meat products from Germany 2000-2021
- Consumer numbers for ready-made sausage and meat products Germany 2017-2020
- Consumer price index for meat and meat products in Germany 1992-2023
- Production of meat in Germany 2010-2023, by type
- Producer price index for poultry in Germany 2010-2023
- Household volume share of meat and sausage products in Germany in 2015, by type
- Germany: number of poultry meat processors and preservers 2012-2021
- Food retail revenues from deli meats and cold cuts in Germany 2010-2014
- Opinion on most relevant fish product certification in Germany 2020
- Opinions on desired changes for meat selection of food retailers in Germany 2021
- Enterprises in the soft drinks and mineral water industry in Germany 2008-2023
- Opinions on meat alternatives Germany 2019
- Frequency of meat and sausage consumption in Germany 2017
- Revenue from traditional and vegetarian sausage in food retail Germany 2018-2020
- Production volume of broiler chicken meat in Germany 1991-2023
- Per capita consumption of horse meat in Germany 1950-2015
- Production volume of turkey meat in Germany 1991-2023
- Export volume of pork to China from Germany 2008-2015, by product group
- Sales of sausage products in food retail in Germany 2015-2016
- Pig meat per capita consumption in Germany 2008-2015
- Private household demand for geese in Germany 2016-2017
- Frequency of sausage purchases in Germany in 2016
- Production value of sausage products in Germany 2009-2023, by type
- Production volume of sausage products in Germany 2009-2023
- Germany: number of meat product processors and preservers 2012-2022
- Survey on the best-known sausage brands in Germany 2017
- Import volume of beef and veal to Germany 2010-2023
- Self-sufficiency rate for meat in Germany 2010-2023
- Barbecue product essentials in Germany 2020, by gender
- Production volume of goose meat in Germany 1991-2023
- Export volume of pork from Germany 2010-2023
- Consumption of pork in Germany 2010-2023
- Consumption of meat Germany 2010-2023
- Export volume of beef and veal from Germany 2010-2023
- Revenue of the meat processing industry in Germany 2008-2023, by segment
- Share of German consumers that are aware of cultured meat in 2019
- Import volume of pork to Germany 2010-2023
- Per capita consumption of meat in Germany 2012-2023, by type
- Per capita consumption of offal meat products in Germany 2010-2023
- Revenue of the slaughter and meat processing industry in Germany 2008-2023
- Salary costs in the slaughter and meat processing industry in Germany 2008-2023
- Self-sufficiency rate for pork in Germany 2010-2023
- Import volume of mutton and goat meat to Germany 2010-2023
- Employees in the slaughter and meat processing industry in Germany 2008-2023
- Net production of beef and veal in Germany 2010-2023
- Consumption of poultry Germany 2010-2023
- Per capita consumption of poultry in Germany 2010-2023