Statistics about Society in France
- Mortality rate in French overseas regions 1968-2020, by region
- Number of births in Bretagne, France 1946-2021
- Birth rate in Lyon, France 1968-2020
- Mean number of years French 62-year-olds will be retired 2018, by gender and status
- Birth rate in French overseas regions 1968-2020, by region
- Number of births reported to the civil registry in Marseille 2010-2020
- Number of death certificates issued in Marseille 2010-2020
- Healthy life expectancy in France 2004-2020, by gender
- Number of deaths in Bretagne, France 1946-2021
- Women's healthy life expectancy in France and in Europe 2004-2020
- Fertility rate in G7 countries 2000-2024, by country
- Number of deaths reported to the civil registry in Lyon 2014-2022
- Life expectancy at 35 in France 2020/22, by gender and socio-professional category
- Men's healthy life expectancy in France and in Europe 2004-2020
- Number of births reported to the civil registry in Lyon 2014-2022
- Life expectancy in G7 countries 2000-2024, by country
- Life expectancy at 35 in France 2018, by gender and socio-professional category
- Public opinion on judicial corruption in France 2019
- French opinion on violence during demonstrations in France 2018-2023
- Number of people accused of homicide in France 2021, by gender
- Share of French women who suffered domestic violence during lockdown 2020, by age
- Share of people who feel unsafe in France 2016-2019
- Share of people thinking the police is effective in France 2019, by age
- Distribution of victims of childhood rape in France 2021, by gender and context
- Distribution of rape victims in Paris 2013-2014, by age
- French victims of childhood sexual abuse 2021, by age and context of first assault
- Share of French people who know a victim of incest 2023
- Minimization of testimonies from incest victims in France in 2023
- Follow-up events for victims of sexual violence who spoke in France 2023
- Victims of childhood sexual abuse who filed a complaint in France 2023
- Number of male victims killed by their partner in France in 2018, by motive
- Age of first harassment in public spaces for young women in France 2020
- Share of French who used illicit drugs during the year 1992-2023, by type of drugs
- French women victims of domestic violence during lockdown 2020, by number of children
- Link between the start of domestic violence and containment in France 2020
- Women's difficulties following domestic violence during lockdown in France 2020
- Impact of drug, alcohol and tobacco awareness messages on French young adults 2022
- Share of people who get acquainted with security risks when traveling, in France 2019
- Convictions for spousal homicide by gender of the culprit in France 2014-2018
- Share of French prisoners in French-speaking Africa by detention reason 2017
- French people considering that a man pressing his partner for sex is problematic 2022
- French opinion on politicians reactions to the death of Nahel Merzouk in June 2023
- Amount of public finance fraud in France 2015, by type
- Victims of incest during childhood in France 2023, by gender
- Budget of Justice in France 2012-2023
- Number of bike thefts in France
- Stolen professional laptop in France 2015, by company size
- Court convictions related to the yellow vests movement in France 2018-2019, by type
- Convictions for rape in France 2016, by perpetrator gender
- Annual number of domestic robberies and attempted robberies in France 2006-2017
- Common items stolen during home robberies in France 2015-2017
- Number of prisoners in France 2015, by offense committed
- Share of female victims of violence in France 2021, by aggression type and age
- France: share of rapes or attempted rapes of women 2021, by connection to perpetrator
- Minor victims of sexual violence in France 2020, by gender and type of assault
- Distribution of aggressors in cases of incestuous situations France 2023, by gender
- Share of French people having been victims of incest 2009-2022
- Number of male victims of homicides by intimate partner in France 2018, by age
- Trust in the government regarding protection against terrorism in France 2016-2019
- Fire department vehicles attacked and damaged during operation in France 2017
- Convictions for rape in France 2021, by perpetrator age
- Share of women victims and men perpetrators in sexual crimes in France 2023, by type
- Women victims of physical violence and/or domestic violence in France 2014-2021
- Steps taken by French women victims of rape or sexual assault in 2021
- Number of convictions in France 2000-2020
- Number of homicides per 10,000 inhabitants in France 2021, by region
- Share of French students having been victim or witness of sexual assault 2022
- Breakdown of reported lesbophobic assaults in France 2019-2023, by type
- Spontaneous feelings inspired by the police in France 2019
- Vandalism against cars in France 2007-2018
- Number of murders caused by a male partner in France 2018, by type
- Number of jihadist projects, attempts and attacks committed in France 2017
- Women who have been victims of harassment or assault France 2017, by type of assault
- Number of victims of threats in France 2014-2017
- French victims of childhood sexual abuse 2021, by age and context of first assault
- People arrested by the police during the "yellow vest" protests France 2018-2019
- Monthly number of drug resale-related crimes recorded in France 2015-2022
- Number of French people who have experienced incest 2009-2020
- Number of arrests during the yellow vests protests in France 2018-2019
- Typology of perpetrators of sexual violence by age of the minor victim France 2014
- Estimated turnover generated by the drug market in France in 2010, by type of drug
- Share of victims of violence outside home in France by aggressions and gender 2018
- Level of trust in the justice system in France 2022
- Number of victims of insults in France 2014-2017
- Breakdown of anti-LGBT offenses by type of infraction in France 2020
- Number of attempted homicides by the intimate partner in France 2014-2018
- Share of LGBT people who have been discriminated against in France 2019, by context
- Distribution of anti-Muslim incidents in France 2021, by type of aggression
- Share of people thinking the police is effective in France 2019, by gender
- Opinion on the evolution of insecurity and delinquency in France 2019
- Types of harassment suffered by women in public transport in France 2016
- Distribution of corruption cases in France 2020, by region
- Victims of childhood sexual violence in France 2019, by type of assault
- Distribution of reported trans- and homophobic assaults in France 2022, by author
- Share of people thinking the police is effective or not in France 2019
- Number of convictions for child rape in France 2017-2022
- Number of rapes of minors recorded by the authorities each month in France 2020-2022
- Number of convictions for sexual assault on minors in France 2017-2022
- Number of attempted homicides in France 2016-2023
- Number of homicides recorded in France 2016-2023