Statistics about Society in France
- Impact of #MeToo on women's freedom of clothing without being harassed in France 2019
- Ranking of the most significant terrorist acts since 2000 in France 2018
- Support for allowing abortion by law in France 2022, by political preference
- Sexual harassment at work in selected European countries 2019
- Perceptions on the relationship between France and Germany in France 2018
- Public opinion on the main asset of France 2018
- Share of people identifying as LGBTQI+ in France 2023, by generation
- French positioning against gender stereotypes in 2022
- Legitimacy granted to a renewable strike from March 7 in France 2023, by party
- View on tension in society on gay rights claims in France 2019, by sexual orientation
- Reasons why French people went to Germany 2020
- Share of people supporting the anonymization of applications in France 2015-2022
- French understanding of the riots breaking out in the suburbs in June 2023
- French support to the social mobilization against the pension reform in France 2023
- Share of people involved in an association in France by frequency 2013-2016
- Young LGBT people's housing prior to their reception at Le Refuge in France 2019
- French's perception of the treatment's differences based on gender in 2022
- Public opinion on women need to be in love to have sex in France 2019
- Opinion of the French on how they would react if one of their children was gay 2019
- French people finding shocking that gay couples kiss in public places 2019, by gender
- Public opinion on sexual violence occurring in a family setting in France 2019
- Public opinion on situation underlying sexual assault in France 2019
- Public opinion on women saying no but meaning yes in a flirting context France 2019
- Public opinion on men being victims of rape in France 2019
- Fear of being discriminated in one's own company among French employees 2014-2023
- Number of students enrolled in higher education institutions in Lyon 2023, by gender
- Legitimacy granted to a renewable strike from March 7 in France 2023, by income
- Breakdown of yellow vest protesters in France February 2019, by professional category
- French women’s avoidance and renunciation strategies in 2022
- Opposition to assisted reproduction among French right and far right supporters 2020
- Share of French people who are confident in the future of the country 2019, by age
- Confidence in global health authorities 2021, by country
- Public opinion on feminists and their perceived exaggerations France 2014
- Ranking of top priorities regarding the advancement of women's rights in France 2019
- French opinion on male privilege in communication agencies 2021, by gender and field
- Political affiliation of "yellow vest" protesters in France 2019, by political party
- Share of people declaring being feminists in France in February 2019, by gender
- Public opinion on the achievement of gender equality in France 2019
- Share of French people declaring to be feminists February 2019, by age group
- Opinion on the existence of gender inequalities in domestic chores in France 2019
- Perceived proximity to the Yellow Vests movement in France 2021
- People taking part in the "yellow vest" movement in France 2019, by age group
- French revulsion towards sexist situations in 2022
- French support for the #Metoo movement 2022, by age and political proximity
- Share of the French who believe they belong to deprived classes in 2015, by income
- Level of education of immigrants in France 2022, by geographic origin
- Concerns of French people towards the rise of violence in society 2019
- Share of French fearing violence during pension reform demonstration in France 2023
- Share of French people who speak German 2020
- French people supporting stronger legislation for discriminating employers 2015-2022
- Opinion of the French on the level of progress in gender parity 2014, by gender
- Public opinion on rape situations in France 2021
- Confidence level of the French in the future of the planet 2019
- Most decisive issues for the legislative elections in France in 2024
- Number of deaths during the yellow vest protests in France 2018-2019
- Opinion on violence committed during demonstrations of the "yellow vests" France 2019
- French people having faced difficulties to access housing 2022, by disability status
- French young urban workers' views on home ownership and company role in 2022, by age
- French youth's main topics of interest in 2022
- Main goals of young urban workers in France 2022
- Opinion on whether there are more advantages in being a man or a woman in France 2019
- French young workers' views on home ownership and company role in 2022, by gender
- Expectations of the French regarding priorities in the post-coronavirus world 2020
- French people having faced difficulties to access care 2022, by disability status
- Arrests for far-right terrorism in France 2013-2020
- Number of terrorist attacks in France 1972-2022
- Number of accommodation places for women victims of violence in France 2012-2023
- French women's experience of sexual harassment since the start of the pandemic 2021
- Share of women that have experienced street harassment in France 2018 by type
- Homicide rate in France 1990-2021
- Number of violent crime offenses in France 2016-2024
- Types of bad handling of complaints of domestic and sexual violence in France 2021
- Homicide suspects in G7 countries 2022, by gender
- Types of sexual harassment that women have experienced at work in France 2019
- French Catholics in favor of giving women more responsibility in Church 2021, by age
- French views on #MeTooIncest's impact on child incest victims' consideration 2021
- Share of spousal homicide perpetrators and victims in France 2022, by gender and job
- Number of sexual offenses in France 2016-2024
- French Catholics' support for actions by the Church regarding sexual violence 2021
- Harassment or sexual abuse experienced by French women in bathing areas 2021
- Homicide rate of G7 countries 2000-2021, by country
- French Catholics' view of Catholic Church's response to sex violence in Church 2021
- French women having been sexually harassed or abused in bathing areas 2021, by age
- French women's behavioural changes to avoid sexual harassment in public spaces 2021
- Number of homicides within couples in France 2006-2022
- Opinion on the handling of complaints of domestic and sexual violence in France 2021
- Share of sexual violence cases closed without prosecution in France 2021, by type
- Share of women among victims of sexual violence in France 2022, by age and type
- Impact of #MeTooIncest on laws protecting sexually abused children in France 2021
- Number of people indicted for sexual violence in France 2023, by gender and age
- Number of deaths as a result of domestic violence in France 2022, by age and gender
- Spousal homicide perpetrators' motives in France 2022, by gender
- Number of violent crime offences in France 2016-2023
- Anti-LGBT+ offenses recorded by security services in France 2016-2023
- Breakdown of spousal violence-related homicides in France 2021, by previous violence