Statistics about Economy & Politics in France
- France: income tax revenue 2012-2021
- France: revenue form the solidarity tax on wealth 2012-2021
- France: tax revenue 2012-2021, by type
- France: government debt interest expenditure 2010-2022
- Net monthly salaries of civil servants in France 2016, by category
- Total public spending in France 2010-2022
- Public spending for subsidies in France 2010-2021
- France: social benefit to households as a share of the GDP 2011-2022
- Change in the average monthly pension of retirees in France 2005-2022
- Priority of pension reform in France 2022, by socio-professional category
- Public expenditure on personnel of former Prime Ministers in France 2014
- Amount received by unemployment insurance beneficiaries in France 2023
- Revenue of local authorities via property tax in France 2012-2018
- Gap in pensions between French women and men 2004-2020, by scheme type
- France: monthly gross salary of politicians 2024
- Breakdown of civil servants in France 2021, by sector
- Amount of State tax refunds in France 2017, by type
- Income tax revenue in France 2006-2023
- Opinion of the French on the increase in public spending after the coronavirus 2020
- Number of child protection recipients in France 2013-2022
- Deficit and surplus cash ratio in France 2007-2023, as a share of the GDP
- Government spending as a share of GDP on housing France 1992-2022
- Distribution of national deficit in France 2011-2023, by public administration
- Guaranteed minimum income recipients in France 2016-2022
- Number of people indemnified with the unemployment insurance in France 2011-2023
- Average gross amount of the unemployment benefit in France 2011-2023
- Gross public social expenditure for disabled people in France 2009-2022
- Revenue from contributions to public broadcasting in France 2012-2017
- Public spending for public sector employees' compensation in France 2010-2021
- Public expenditure on social benefits for households in France 2013-2022
- France: number of income taxpayers 2012-2021
- Monthly net salaries in the state public service by age in France 2016
- Perceived impact of the tax withholding on the purchasing power in France 2019
- Gross public social spending for seniors in France 2009-2022
- French voting intentions in a referendum on the pension reform 2020
- Priority of pension reform in France 2022, by vote in the presidential election
- Retiree pension as a share of average working income in France 2008-2021, by gender
- Number of people covered by the unemployment insurance in France 2011-2023
- Ranking of the 25 richest people in France 2024
- Number of poor people in France 1970-2022
- Monthly harmonized consumer price index for tobacco in France 2020-2021
- Monthly household expenditures on consumer goods France 2018-2024
- France: poverty rate 2022, by age group
- Inequality in Europe: top one percent national income shares in Europe 1980-2022
- France: goods import spending by type of product 2017
- Monthly inflation rate of growth for HICP in France 2018-2023
- France: annual goods and services import spending 2011-2017
- Goods export revenue in France 2021, by type of product
- France: goods export revenue 2011-2018
- Prospects for the recovery of retirement savings in France and worldwide 2021
- France: household consumption expenditure as a share of the GDP 2010-2016
- Purchasing power per person in France 2007-2021
- Revenue from the donation market in France 2015-2025
- Annual household disposable income in France 1996-2019
- Gross value added in France 2010-2021, by sector
- Gross domestic product (GDP) in France 2014-2021
- France: Gross domestic product (GDP) growth in volume 2017-2023
- France: gross domestic product (GDP) growth value 2017-2023
- Household consumption spending in goods in France 2018-2023
- Average monthly income per tax household in Marseille and in France 2006-2022
- Share of monthly household expenditures spent on food products in France 2018-2022
- External balance of goods and services in France 1949-2022
- Household expenditures on finished consumer goods France 2019-2020, by category
- Final household consumption expenditure change quarterly in France 2020-2022
- Share of people making online donations to associations in France 2020, by frequency
- Average monthly income per tax household in Bretagne and in France 2005-2020
- Breakdown of household assets in France 2021, by standard of living decile
- Extra carbon tax cost per household as a share of income in France 2020, by decile
- People who are buying more secondhand to reduce costs worldwide 2022, by generation
- Share of French people making online donations to associations 2020, by age
- Actions people have found most effective to save money worldwide 2022
- French financial situation in May 2023
- People struggling to pay for basic needs worldwide 2022, by commodity
- People struggling to make ends meet worldwide 2022, by country
- France: monthly financial situation of consumers for the next 12 months in 2019-2021
- Share of French people describing themselves as thrifty 2019, by age
- Monthly consumer price index for communications in France 2019
- Share of pre committed expenses in French household consumption 1960-2022
- Monthly Harmonized Consumer Price Index in France 2018-2023
- Amount of the poverty line per month in France 2012-2017
- Public debt of 2004-2022
- Budget share of meals taken outside in France 2011, by eating places and age
- Wealth held by the richest households in France 2010-2021
- Decrease in revenue caused by yellow vests protests France 2018, by activity sector
- France: households purchasing power evolution 2007-2017
- Inequality in Europe: bottom 50 percent's share of national income 1980-2021
- Monthly household expenditures on consumer goods France 2019-2022, by category
- Amount of average annual income in France 2015, by social-professional category
- Share of French people describing themselves as thrifty 2019, by gender
- Proportion of French people describing themselves as thrifty or not 2019
- Satisfaction level with the current salary in France 2019
- Breakdown of household consumption expenditure in France 2017-2020, by item
- France: monthly consumer price index for health 2021
- Public perception of the purchasing power partiy in France 2015, by age group
- France: real economy debt change from 2007 to 2014
- France: consumer opinions on economic situation over the last 12 months in 2020-2021
- Purchasing power variation in France 2007-2023
- State Medical Aid expenditure trend in France 2017-2024
- Average annual wages in major developed countries 2010-2023
- Breakdown of consumption of French households 2021, by category