Statistics about Economy & Politics in France
- French opinion on public policies for the suburbs in July 2023
- French opinion on Macron's majority after passing the immigration bill in 2023
- French level of satisfaction towards the new immigration bill in December 2023
- French opinion on the new immigration bill's efficiency in December 2023
- French views on the intervention of French and NATO armed forces in Ukraine 2022
- French opinion on which party emerged stronger after passing the new immigration bill
- Number of times article 49.3 was used in France 1958-2024, by Prime Minister
- Negative opinion of Rassemblement National voters on EU membership 2014-2022
- French opinion on a motion of censure against the 49.3 article in March 2023
- French opinion on Macron's new immigration bill main points 2023
- Number of non-European first residence permits issued in France 2007-2023
- French's perception of Macron's government's policy in 2023
- Support for the legalization of cannabis for medical use in France 2022, by party
- French opinion on EU actions as a response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine 2023
- French opinion on a motion of censure against the government's budget plan 2024
- French opinions on reinforcing trade barriers to protect companies 2020, by party
- French opinion on the new immigration bill political party influences December 2023
- Opinion of French people on whether ecology is above all a left-wing value 2019
- Labor Law: opinion on the submission of labor agreements to employees in France 2017
- Support for Ukraine EU membership in key EU member states 2022
- Intention to demonstrate against pension reform in France 2023, by political affinity
- Intention to demonstrate against pension reform in France 2023, by status
- Intention to demonstrate against pension reform in France 2023, by age group
- Knowledge about the Council of the European Union among young people in France 2019
- French business leaders' forecasts for the number of employees 2022
- Opinion of French people towards the reintroduction of ISF 2018
- Estimated investment opportunity according to French business leaders 2020
- Confidence in governments to effectively deal with the coronavirus 2021, by country
- Labor Law: opinion on the increase in legal severance pay France 2017
- Number of senators in France 2017, by age
- People favorable to the welcoming of refugees France 2016, by political affiliation
- Public opinion on whether or not the executive power is corrupt in France 2019
- Public opinion on Bruno Le Maire in France from November 2018 to February 2020
- Ranking of the least popular French politicians January 2017
- French opinion on the benefits of being a member of the EU in 2023
- Public opinion on Nicolas Sarkozy in France From january 2019 to February 2020
- Opinion on the need to increase or decrease France's military spending 2019
- Public opinion on Muriel PĂ©nicaud in France from January 2019 to February 2020
- Awareness of the European Council among young French people 2019
- Distribution of French mayors 2020, by age group
- French business leaders' point of view on the need of pension reform 2019
- French presidential election of 2017 results
- Party vote share change in selected European countries as of 2018
- Concerns of business leaders over the reform of the pension system in France 2019
- Share of French trusting EU partner countries for environmental commitments 2018
- French business leaders: confidence level in the world economy in 2019
- French opinion of Macron and his government's handling the riots in July 2023
- Opinion on the French position on free trade in France 2019
- Public investments in transportation infrastructures in France 2007-2020, by type
- Belief that September 11 was an inside job in France 2018
- Opinion on the Yellow vests movement by political affiliation in France 2018
- French opinion on the budget devoted by the EU to the Common Agricultural Policy 2018
- Frequency of participation in protests among young French people 2020, by occupation
- French public opinion on EU priorities on ecology and sustainable development 2018
- Confidence levels of French business leaders for their companies 2018-2022
- Prevalence of populist sentiments in France in 2018
- Perceptions on the European Union in France 2017, by age group
- French perception of their political leaders' honesty 2014-2024
- French opinion on Marine le Pen 2016
- Negative view on use of article 49.3 to pass pension reform in France 2023, by party
- Ranking of the most popular French politicians January 2017
- Share of the French wanting the mobilization against pension reform to continue 2023
- Italy: public opinion towards personal freedom in France 2017
- Sense of European and national identity in France 2018
- Trust in the European Union in France 2021
- Frequency of participation in protests among young people in France 2020, by gender
- Frequency of participation in demonstrations among young people in France 2020
- Frequency of participation in protests among young people in France 2020, by age
- Opinion on the country's capacity to welcome immigrants in France 2023
- France: number of senators by political group May 2021
- France: share of female senators 1958-2017
- Public opinion on Jean-Luc MĂ©lenchon France 2018-2022
- Share of people sympathising with Emmanuel Macron in France 2018-2022, by age group
- Breakdown of the public support for Emmanuel Macron France 2018-2022, by profession
- Public opinion on Anne Hidalgo in France from November 2018 to November 2022
- Italy: opinion on Macron declaring France will play its part on refugees 2017
- Political orientation of gay and bisexual men in France 2021
- Corruption perception index score of France 2012-2022
- Forecast: political organizations revenue France 2008-2018
- Satisfaction with the new government in France 2024, by political affiliation
- Share of women among local elected officials in France 2024, by type of mandate
- French people trust in the new Prime Minister Michel Barnier 2024
- ELO Group total equity 2019 to 2023
- ELO Group total assets 2019 to 2023
- ELO Group net income 2019 to 2023
- ELO Group gross profit 2019 to 2023
- ELO Group net cash 2019 to 2023
- ELO Group operating profit 2019 to 2023
- ELO Group revenue 2019 to 2023
- ELO Group employees 2019 to 2023
- Average age of deputies in the French Parliament 2017, by political group
- Support for the 'yellow vests' movement in France 2019, by occupation
- French business leaders: confidence level in the economy of France 2019
- French inclination to participate politically in unconventional ways 2021, by age
- Opinion of people on the financial situation of their town in France 2019
- Members of political party in France 2007-2014
- Public opinion on whether or not deputies and senators are corrupt in France 2019
- French level of trust in political figures in 2024
- Popularity ranking of Presidents of the Fifth Republic in France 2018
- French's perception of Emmanuel Macron's government political orientation in 2023