Statistics about Society in Denmark
- Fear of terror attacks within the next year in Denmark 2017
- Survey on fear of a terror attack in Denmark 2009-2023
- Number of persons killed due to terrorism in the Nordic countries 1991-2019
- Number of reported and charged sexual offenses against children in Denmark 2013-2023
- Rate of serious assaults in the Nordics 2012-2022
- Murder rate in Denmark 2010-2022
- Victims of criminal offences in Denmark 2022, by type of offence and gender
- Number of reported crimes in Denmark 2012-2022, by type
- Number of homicides in Denmark 2012-2022
- Violent crime rate in Denmark 2018-2023
- Number of reported and charged rape cases in Denmark 2013-2022
- Prevalence of racist violence in selected Nordic countries 2015-2016
- Number of reported violent crimes in Denmark 2013-2023
- Weapons confiscated from gang members in Denmark 2016-2023
- Number of gang members in Denmark 2013-2023
- Number of reported sexual offenses in Denmark 2013-2023
- Number of homicides per 100,000 inhabitants in Denmark 2018-2022
- Awareness of family or friend being attacked in selected Nordic countries 2016
- Reasons for being a victim of violence and threats in Denmark 2017
- Number of gang-related shootings in Denmark 2013-2023
- Number of reported assaults in Denmark 2012-2022
- Victims of criminal offences in Denmark 2012-2022, by of offence