Statistics about Society in Denmark
- Total population in Denmark 2000-2024, by origin
- Total population in Denmark 2000-2024, by gender
- Single woman households in Denmark 2013-2023
- Total population in Denmark 2014-2024, by age group
- Population in Denmark 2014-2024, by marital status
- Total population in Denmark 2000-2024, by citizenship
- Average age of the population in Denmark 2005-2024
- Number of people from Greenland living in Denmark 2013-2023
- Single man households in Denmark 2013-2023
- Total population in Denmark 2000-2024
- Households in Denmark 2023, by number of children
- Women living in single-person households in Denmark 2023, by age group
- Experienced ethnic discrimination in Denmark 2023, by region of origin
- Population in Denmark 2023, by type of household
- Men living in single-person households in Denmark 2023, by age group
- Reasons for not reporting experienced ethnic discrimination in Denmark 2023
- Population in the capital areas in Nordic countries 2014-2024
- Population density in the Nordic countries 2013-2023
- Households in Denmark 2024, by household size
- Number of people from the Faroe Islands living in Denmark 2012-2022
- Population in the Nordic countries 2024, by gender
- Population in Denmark 2014-2024, by ancestry
- Death rate in the Nordic countries 2023, by gender
- Number of registered baptisms in Denmark 2011-2021
- Population of Copenhagen 2013-2023, by gender
- Degree of urbanization in Nordic countries 2014-2024
- Population of Copenhagen 2023, by age groups
- Households in Denmark 2014-2024, by type of household
- Population density of Copenhagen 2018-2024
- Death rate in the Nordic countries 2000-2023
- Population in the Nordic countries 2024, by age groups
- Forecast of population growth in Denmark 2018-2028, by age group
- Population of Copenhagen 2013-2023
- Population in the Nordic countries 2000-2024
- Number of social benefits recipients in Denmark 2012-2022, by national origin
- At-risk-of-poverty rate in the Nordic countries 2011-2023, by country
- People at risk of poverty or social exclusion in the Nordic countries in 2010-2023
- Number of social benefits recipients in Denmark 2012-2022, by ancestry
- Social and material poverty rate in Denmark 2014-2022, by place of birth
- Number of children living under poverty threshold in Denmark 2015-2017
- At-risk-of-poverty rate in Nordic countries 2022, by country and gender
- At-risk-of-poverty rate in Copenhagen 2011-2021
- Number of reported and charged robberies in Denmark 2012-2022
- Number of thefts in kiosks, wine and tobacco shops in Denmark 2007-2017
- Number of burglaries in kiosks, wine and tobacco shops in Denmark 2012-2017
- Number of thefts in shops in Denmark 2013-2023
- Number of reported and charged robberies in shops in Denmark 2010-2020
- Number of robberies in gas stations in Denmark 2007-2017
- Number of robberies in shops in Denmark 2007-2017
- Number of burglaries in supermarkets and convenience stores in Denmark 2012-2017
- Number of reported and charged burglaries in Denmark 2012-2022
- Number of reported and charged thefts in Denmark 2012-2022
- Number of bank robberies in Denmark 2012-2022
- People in favor of same-sex marriage, Denmark 2017, by religious identification
- Reasons to leave a religion in Denmark 2017
- Share of Muslims feeling looked down upon in Denmark 2017
- Frequency of praying in Denmark 2017
- Share of people agreeing that Islam is incompatible with Denmark's lifestyle 2017
- Opinions on restrictions on the religious clothing of Muslim women in Denmark 2017
- Number of members of National Church in Denmark 2011-2021, by gender
- Acceptance of Jews/Muslims as members of family in Denmark 2017
- Share of people having positive or negative view of religion in Denmark 2017
- Forecast: religious organizations revenue Denmark 2008-2018
- Level of religiousness in Denmark 2023, by origin and age
- Religious identification in Denmark 2017, by type
- Believers in spiritual/supernatural phenomena in Denmark 2018
- Knowledge about religion in Denmark 2017, by religion
- Inhabitants in Denmark 2020, by religious belief
- Attitude toward legal abortion in Denmark 2017, by religious practice
- Share of people believing in God in Denmark 2017
- Difficulty finding a job with Muslim background in Denmark 2017
- Belief in God or greater divine power in Denmark 2017
- Danish Muslims feeling criticized due to Islamic physical appearance in 2017
- Total population in Denmark 2014-2024, by membership in the National Church
- Religious practice in Denmark 2017, by type
- Religious beliefs in Denmark 2023, by origin and age
- Government spending on religious communities in Denmark 2010-2022
- Forecast: intellectual property lease revenue Denmark 2009-2018
- Forecast: social science and humanities R&D revenue Denmark 2008-2018
- Forecast: biotechnology R&D revenue Denmark 2008-2018
- Research and development spending as share of GDP in Denmark 2010-2022
- Number of patent applications from the Nordics 2018
- Number of patents granted per million inhabitants from the Nordics 2018
- Share of women that have experienced sexual harassment in European countries 2020
- Survey on most important areas of Nordic cooperation in Denmark 2017
- Share of Danes who want monarchy or republic head of state in Denmark 2018
- Opinions on opening borders during COVID-19 in Denmark 2020
- Sexual harassment at the workplace in Denmark 2018, by gender and age group
- Share of millennials in the Nordic countries who gambled in 2018, by country
- Survey on attitudes towards immigration in Denmark 2017
- Winner of hot dog eating championship in Denmark 2018, by number of eaten hot dogs
- Share of Danes who want Queen Margrethe of Denmark to abdicate 2018
- Survey on importance of well-developed cooperation between Nordic countries 2017
- Survey on two most important national issues in Denmark 2017
- Share of Danes thinking the royal family are good representatives of Denmark 2018
- Survey on the threat of a third world war in Denmark 2017
- Survey on avoiding places because of fear of terrorism in Denmark 2015
- Importance of explanations for becoming a terrorist in Denmark 2016
- Extent to which immigrants worsen the crime problems in Denmark 2017
- Foreign fighters from selected Nordic countries leaving to Syria/Iraq from 2011-2015