Statistics about Society in Denmark
- Number of live births in Denmark 2012-2022, by gender
- Crude birth rate in Denmark 1960-2022
- Number of fatalities in traffic accidents in Denmark 2010-2022, by gender
- Fatalities in traffic accidents in Denmark 2010-2022
- Number of deaths in Denmark 2018-2022, by month of death
- Number of births in the Nordic countries 2023, by age of mother
- Fertility rate in Denmark 2000-2023
- Suicides and self-inflicted injuries in Denmark 2019, by age group
- Suicides and self-inflicted injuries in Denmark 2009-2019, by gender
- Number of deaths in alcohol accidents Denmark 2009-2022
- Alcohol-related deaths in Denmark 2013-2022, by age group
- Average age of women giving birth in Denmark 2013-2023
- Fatalities in traffic accidents in Denmark 2021, by age group
- Number of deaths in Denmark 2021, by cause of death
- Number of deaths caused by motor vehicle accidents in Denmark 2009-2019
- Number of deaths in Denmark 2000-2023
- Number of live births in Denmark 2000-2023
- Life expectancy of newborn babies in Denmark 2010-2023, by gender
- Crude birth rate in the Nordic countries 2000-2022
- Average age of women at birth of the first child in the Nordic countries 2013-2023
- Number of reported drug trafficking offences in Copenhagen 2011-2021
- Awareness of family or friend hearing racist slurs in selected Nordic countries 2016
- Reported hate crimes in Denmark 2022, by place
- Share of people reporting racist discrimination in selected Nordic countries 2016
- Perceived discrimination because of ethnicity in selected Nordic countries 2016
- Discrimination because of skin color in selected Nordic countries 2016, by gender
- Prevalence of stops by police because of ethnicity in selected Nordic countries 2016
- Number of reported criminal offences in Denmark 2011-2021, by region
- Arrests in Denmark 2015-2023, by type of crime
- Number of reported criminal offences in Copenhagen 2012-2022, by type
- Victims of criminal offences in Denmark 2012-2022
- People in Denmark who feel safe in their own neighborhood 2013-2023
- Number of reported crimes per 100,000 inhabitant in Denmark 2019-2023
- Number of unsuspended sentences in Copenhagen 2022, by age
- Reported hate crimes in Denmark 2017-2022
- Reported hate crimes in Denmark 2022, by motive
- Discrimination of different groups in Denmark 2017
- Share of African descendants living overcrowded in selected Nordic countries 2016
- Prevalence of racist harassment in selected Nordic countries 2015-2016
- Victims of criminal offences in Denmark 2022, by age group
- Number of reported robberies in Copenhagen 2012-2022
- Number of reported cases of criminal use of illegal drug use in Copenhagen 2012-2022
- Reported hate crimes in Denmark 2022, by type
- Number of unsuspended sentences in Copenhagen 2012-2022
- Prevalence of racial discrimination in housing in selected Nordic countries 2016
- Number of reported homicides in Copenhagen 2012-2022
- Number of reported and charged crimes in Denmark 2012-2022
- Share of self-reported victims of crimes in Denmark 2022, by type of crime
- Number of reported criminal offences in Copenhagen 2012-2022
- Number of reported criminal offences in Denmark 2013-2023
- Number of reported criminal offences in Denmark 2022, by city
- Victims of criminal offences in Denmark 2012-2022, by gender
- Number of unsuspended sentences in Copenhagen 2012-2022, by gender
- Share of persons found guilty in crimes in Copenhagen 2010-2021, by national origin
- Number of men and women guilty of crime in Denmark 2022, by socioeconomic status
- Arrests in Denmark related to homicides 2015-2022
- Duration until recidivism number in Denmark 2019-2021, by sex
- Sex crimes in Denmark 2012-2022
- Average retirement age in Denmark 2010-2022
- Number of people 99 years or older in Denmark 2013-2019, by gender
- Denmark: share of population with severe material deprivation 2007-2020
- Number of accepted grants of asylum in Denmark from 2010-2023
- Experience with professional maintenance service in Denmark 2018
- Legal abortions in Denmark 2005-2015
- Number of people at risk of poverty in Denmark 2010-2020
- Share of Danish population living alone 2007-2023
- Foreign-born population of Denmark 2009-2023
- Estimated and forecasted Muslim population share in Denmark, Norway and Sweden 2020
- Legal abortions in Denmark 2015, by age group
- International adoptions in Denmark 2010-2021
- How millennials in the Nordic countries book taxis in 2018, by country
- Intercountry adoptions in Denmark 2011-2021
- Accepted asylum applicants in Denmark from Q1 2014 to Q1 2019
- Number of drug confiscations in Denmark 2011-2021, by type of drug
- Number of charges related to drug trafficking in Denmark 2013-2023
- Number of drug- and smuggling cases reported to the Police in Denmark 2012-2022
- Drug-related crimes in Denmark 2012-2022
- Number of charges related to drugs and smuggling in Denmark 2012-2022
- Number of drug smuggling prosecutions in Denmark 2010-2020
- Number of drug smuggling cases reported to the police in Denmark 2010-2020
- Number of people driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in Denmark 2007-2021
- Number of drug trafficking cases reported in Denmark 2012-2023
- Distribution of teachers in upper secondary school in Denmark 2021, by gender
- Participation in Danish language courses in Denmark 2011-2021, by gender
- Participation in Danish language courses in Denmark 2021, by region
- Number of teachers in primary schools in Denmark 2014-2024
- Number of teachers in upper secondary school in Denmark 2016-2021
- Participation in Danish language courses in Denmark 2012-2022
- Participation in Danish language courses in Denmark 2016-2022, by age group
- Denmark: public expenditure on education 2003-2011
- Number of teachers in primary schools in Denmark 2013-2023, by gender
- Share of pupils who miss being taught in the school in Denmark 2020-2021
- Educational attainment of women in Nordics 2022
- Entry rates at master's level in Nordics 2010-2019
- Educational attainment of the population in Denmark 2022, by ancestry
- Share of young women leaving early from education in Nordics 2011-2021
- Share of youth leaving early from education in Nordics 2012-2022
- Share of pupils who miss their friends/classmates in Denmark 2020-2021
- Distribution of bachelor students in Denmark 2012-2022, by gender
- Educational attainment of men in Nordics 2022