Statistics about Consumer Goods & FMCG in Belgium
- Scampi consumption in Belgium 2017, by place
- Mussels consumption in Belgium 2017, by place
- Per capita gross consumption of meat in Belgium 2021, by type
- Value of the meat and edible meat offal exported from Belgium 2012-2023
- Meat consumption in Belgium 2018, by place
- Value of meat and fish preparations imported to the Benelux 2022, by country
- Reduction of meat consumption in Belgium 2019
- Meat eating habits in Belgium 2019
- Value of meat and fish preparations exported from Belgium 2010-2023
- Meat mixtures consumption in Belgium 2018, by place
- Value of meat and fish preparations imported to Belgium 2010-2023
- Per capita consumption of processed meat in Belgium 2018, by region
- Out-of-home consumption of processed fish and seafood in Belgium 2014-2019
- Belgium: import value of fish and seafood by category from Germany 2013
- Breakdown of the production of foie gras in Europe 2023
- Per capita gross consumption of poultry in Belgium 2012-2020
- Reasons to eat meat in Belgium 2019
- Processed fish and seafood retail sales volume in Belgium 2013-2017
- Frozen processed fish and seafood retail sales value in Belgium 2013-2022
- Importance of ease of preparation of food in Flanders (Belgium) 2018
- Leading export countries of oil seeds and fruits from Belgium 2018, by export value
- Food industry turnover in Belgium 2015, by sector
- Change of the Asian food sales volume in Belgium 2017, by product
- Per capita expenditure on cake in Belgium 2008-2015
- Willingness to pay extra for local food products in Belgium 2019
- Distribution of the turnover of food producers in Belgium 2018, by region
- Frequency of snack bar visits in Flanders (Belgium) 2018
- Frequency of hamburger restaurant visits in Flanders (Belgium) 2018
- Leading suppliers of oil seeds to Belgium 2017, by import value
- Value of cocoa imported to Belgium 2010-2023
- Time spent on cooking the main meal in Flanders (Belgium) 2018, by day
- Importance of healthy food in Flanders (Belgium) 2018
- Reasons to throw away alcoholic beverage in Flanders (Belgium) 2017-2018
- Value of oils and fats imported to the Benelux 2022, by country
- Number of potato processing plants in Belgium 2016-2018
- Food storage places available in households in Flanders (Belgium) 2018
- Willingness to pay extra for ecological food products in Belgium 2019
- Value of milling industry products exported from the Benelux 2022, by country
- Total profits of Nestlé Belgilux 2010-2018
- Distribution of the fries consumption in Flanders (Belgium) 2018, by type and place
- Consumers expecting food prices to rise in Belgium 2021-2023
- Consumer expenditure on food and non-alcoholic beverages in Belgium 2022
- Annual household food waste in Flanders (Belgium) 2017-2018, by product type
- Total Full-time Equivalent by employees at Nestlé Belgilux 2010-2018
- Average number of employees of Nestlé Belgilux 2010-2018, by type of employment
- Share of consumers concerned by packaging materials in Europe 2019
- Total equity of Nestlé Belgilux 2010-2018
- Weekly household food waste in Flanders (Belgium) 2017-2018, by product type
- Total profits before taxation of Nestlé Belgilux 2010-2018
- Importance of availability of ecological products for consumers in Belgium 2019
- Leading suppliers of oils and fats to Belgium 2022, by import value
- Frequency of kebab/pita shop visits in Flanders (Belgium) 2018
- Average number of jobs per food production site in Flanders (Belgium) 2007-2018
- Reasons to throw away sandwich fillings in Flanders (Belgium) 2017-2018
- Number of food production sites in Flanders (Belgium) 2016, by sector
- Average daily consumption of nuts and seeds in Belgium 2014, by region
- Number of jobs in the food sector in Flanders (Belgium) 2016, by sub sector
- ARPU in the meat segment of the food market Belgium 2019-2029
- Per capita consumption of cake in Belgium 2008-2015
- Percentage change of dairy export from Belgium 2014-2018, by continent
- Distribution of the peanut butter consumption in Belgium 2014, by frequency
- Forecast: bread, fresh pastry and cake manufacturing revenue Belgium 2008-2018
- Market share of HelloFresh in European countries in 2022
- Opinions on buying domestic products in Flanders (Belgium) 2018
- Change of the Asian food sales value in Belgium 2017, by product
- Distribution of frozen potato products sales value in Belgium 2017, by product
- Consumer expectations of the future quality of food in Belgium 2018
- Most frequently consumed grain products in Belgium 2014, by type
- Reasons to throw away soup in Flanders (Belgium) 2017-2018
- Distribution of dairy export from Belgium 2018, by continent
- Per capita consumption of frozen processed potatoes in Belgium 2008-2015
- Value of Belgium's dairy trade balance 2005-2015
- Frequency of using private label food products in Flanders (Belgium) 2018
- Fries production in Belgium 2008-2018
- Per capita expenditure on frozen processed potatoes in Belgium 2008-2015
- Distribution of food industry export from Wallonia (Belgium) 2020, by category
- Distribution of companies in the food industry in Belgium 2018, by employee number
- Out-of-home pizza consumption places in Belgium 2016
- Distribution of the sugar consumption in Belgium 2014, by frequency
- Leading export countries of milled products from Belgium 2018, by export value
- Distribution of fresh food expenditure in Belgium 2017, by purchase channel
- Reasons to throw away non-alcoholic beverage in Flanders (Belgium) 2017-2018
- Value of dairy export from Belgium 2016, by destination
- Consumer concerns regarding food safety risks in Belgium 2019
- VAT rates of food and drinks in the Benelux 2015
- Turnover of Ter Beke 2012-2018
- Distribution revenue farms and farmers market Belgium in 2015, by category
- Reasons to throw away coffee and tea in Flanders (Belgium) 2017-2018
- Total number of butcheries and bakeries in Belgium 2016, by province
- Distribution of milk utilization in Belgium 2017, by type of product
- Employment in the food industry in Wallonia (Belgium) 2017, by company size
- Production of the potato industry in Belgium 2019, by product
- Employment in the food industry in Belgium 2019, by type
- Consumer expectations of future environmental sustainability of food Belgium 2018
- Consumer expectations of future access to healthy food in Belgium 2018
- Consumption frequency of fries in Flanders in Belgium 2015
- Share of people who prefer to eat well than to be thin in Belgium 2018
- Distribution of the brown rice consumption in Belgium 2014, by frequency
- Importance of taste food in Flanders (Belgium) 2018
- Distribution of the potatoes purchases in Belgium 2018, by packaging volume