Statistics about Society in Australia
- Hourly preschool fees Australia 2023, by preschool type
- Leading universities in terms of research quality and quantity Australia 2023
- Number of Vietnamese international student enrollments in Australia 2021 by sector
- Number of Indian international student enrollments in Australia 2021 by sector
- Number of Indian international student enrollments Australia 2019-2021
- Number of Korean international student enrollments in Australia 2019-2021
- Forecast: pre-primary education revenue Australia 2008-2018
- Forecast: primary education revenue Australia 2008-2018
- Forecast: general secondary education revenue Australia 2008-2018
- Share of Chinese students located abroad in Australia 2020 by visa subclass
- Hourly preschool fees Australia 2023, by state
- Payment card fraud in Australia 2010-2018 by type
- Number of fraudulent card transactions Australia 2010-2019
- Value of fraudulent card transactions Australia 2012-2019
- Total fraud rate on cards Australia 2012-2019
- Public opinion about the Great Barrier Reef in Australia 2017
- Mean rainfall in Australia 2021, by state
- Number of buildings damaged in the fire season NSW Australia 2020
- Risk index for natural disasters Australia 2021 by type
- Perceived and actual number of hottest years in the last 18 years in Australia 2018
- Perception on the world's fight with climate change in Australia 2018
- Land mass and sea country subject to Indigenous people's rights Australia 2022
- Threatened species affected by bush fires in Australia 2019-2020 by habitat burned
- Mean monthly rainfall in Port Hedland Australia 1942-2016
- Mean monthly rainfall in Weipa Australia 1914-2016
- Share of Australians exposed to bushfires and related events 2020
- Mean monthly rainfall in Perth Australia 1993-2016
- Five-year average annual growth rate of major urban areas Australia 2010-2015
- Average temperatures in Australia 2015, by state
- Average minimum and maximum temperatures in Australia 2015, by state
- Threatened flora in fire affected areas in Australia 2019-2020 by threat category
- Number of bush fires reported to fire services Australia FY 2023, by state
- Threatened flora in fire affected areas in Australia 2019-2020 by habitat burned
- Annual damage cost of climate change to properties in Australia 2030-2100
- Satisfaction of Australians with direction of country 2020 by bushfire exposure
- Mean monthly rainfall in Hobart Australia 1882-2016
- Opinion on action for Paris Climate Agreement goal Australia 2019 by age
- Opinion on who should pay for climate related costs Australia 2019
- Number of bush fires reported to fire services Australia FY 2014-2023
- Share of bushfire ignitions in Australia 2019 by cause
- Consumers' changing habits due to global warming Australia 2019
- Country of most recent online purchase in Australia 2020
- Consumer behavior changes made due to global warming Australia 2019
- Share of Australians who think specific environmental concerns are very serious 2020
- Mean monthly rainfall in Melbourne Australia 1855-2016
- Mean monthly rainfall in Canberra Australia 1839-2016
- Loss in property values due to climate change in Australia 2030-2100
- Mean monthly rainfall in Sydney Australia 1929-2016
- Magnitude of strongest earthquakes in Australia 1900-2016
- Mean monthly rainfall in Brisbane Australia 1949-2000
- Threatened fauna species in fire affected areas in Australia 2019-2020 by type
- Mean monthly rainfall in Townsville Australia 1940-2016
- Public confidence in institutions in Australia January 2020
- Mean monthly rainfall in Darwin Australia 1941-2016
- Mean monthly rainfall in Adelaide Australia 1839-2016
- Mean monthly rainfall in Alice Springs Australia 1941-2016
- Life expectancy in Australia, 1870-2020
- Crude birth rate of Australia, 1800-2020
- Value of one Australian dollar 1966-2020
- Migration from Oceania to the US 1870-1957
- Population of Australia 1800-2020
- Total fertility rate of Australia 1800-2020
- Child mortality in Australia 1860-2020
- Infant mortality in Australia 1870-2020
- Number of people imprisoned for illicit drug offences Australia 2011-2022
- Number of people sentenced to imprisonment Australia 2005-2022, by gender
- Imprisonment rate Australia 2005-2022, by gender
- Share of imprisoned men in Australia 2018, by age group
- Imprisonment rate Australia 2022, by age and gender
- Median aggregate sentence length of women 2009-2019 by indigenous status
- Number of people imprisoned for theft in Australia 2011-2022
- Number of indigenous deaths in custody Australia 2008-2023
- Number of Indigenous deaths in custody Australia between 2008 and 2021 by type
- Number of Indigenous deaths in custody Australia between 2008 and 2021 by state
- Death rate in prison custody Australia FY 2000-FY 2018
- Death rate in prison custody Australia FY 2000-2015 by indigenous status
- Median aggregate sentence length for prisoners 2005-2019, by gender
- Number of people imprisoned for sexual assault Australia 2010-2022
- Number of people imprisoned for fraud or deception Australia 2011-2022
- Proportion of people imprisoned for homicide in Australia 2010-2018
- Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal imprisonment rate Australia 2009-2019 by gender
- Median aggregate sentence length of men 2009-2019, by indigenous status
- Proportion of people imprisoned for sexual assault in Australia 2010-2018
- Proportion of people imprisoned for illicit drug offences in Australia 2010-2022
- Proportion of people imprisoned for robbery or extortion in Australia 2010-2018
- Daily average number of young people in detention in Australia FY 2018-2022
- Share of Indigenous prisoners Australia 2012-2022
- Share of prisoners Australia 2022, by Indigenous status
- Rate of young people in detention Australia FY 2013-2022, by Indigenous status
- Imprisonment rate Australia 2022, by Indigenous status
- Share of Indigenous prisoners Australia 2022, by state or territory
- Daily number of young people in detention Australia FY 2022 by indigenous status
- Imprisonment rate Australia 2019 by gender and Indigenous status
- Children sentenced in court VIC, Australia 2008-2017
- Proportion of people imprisoned for offences against justice in Australia 2010-2018
- Crude marriage rate Australia 1901-2022
- Divorce rate in Australia 2023, by age and gender
- Number of marriages in Australia 1901-2023
- Median age of first time marriages in Australia 1997-2021, by gender
- Number of marriages in Australia 2023, by state