Statistics about Society in Australia
- Chinese-Australians' satisfaction with life in Australia 2021
- Age-standardized suicide rate Australia 2012-2022, by remoteness
- Employment and study participation among migrant groups Australia 2023
- Sense of belonging and pride in way of life and culture Australia 2018-2023
- Neighborhood belonging and cohesion Australia 2018-2023
- Involvement in community groups Australia 2021-2023
- Social isolation and intercultural friendships among migrant groups Australia 2023
- Opinions on gender advantages and disadvantages Australia 2019
- Perception of state of personal finances among migrant groups Australia 2023
- Chinese-Australians' view on neutrality in case of U.S.-China war 2021
- ATSI people who used an Australian Indigenous language at home 2021, by state
- COVID-19 safety measures affecting event attendance Australia 2021
- Proof of vaccination requirements affecting event attendance Australia 2021
- Event attendance conditions in outbreak affected states Australia 2021
- How people feel about going to cultural events Australia 2021, by state
- Share of employees experiencing sexual harassment at work Australia 2018 by industry
- Age distribution of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander language speakers 2021
- Public perception of the biggest worldwide problems in Australia 2019
- Attitudes to mandatory coronavirus vaccinations by voting intention in Australia 2021
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders that spoke English well 2021 by state
- Perception of happiness among migrant groups Australia 2023
- Share of Indigenous people that spoke English well in Australia 2021, by state
- Share of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders that spoke English well 2006-2021
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders that spoke English well Australia 2006-2021
- Indigenous persons who used Australian Indigenous language at home 2021, by age group
- Languages used by Indigenous persons in Australia 2021, by share of persons
- Persons who used Australian Indigenous language at home 2006-2021, by age group
- Share of ATSI persons using an Indigenous language at home Australia 1991-2021
- Number of ATSI persons who used Indigenous language at home Australia 1991-2021
- Opinions on necessity of men's support in achieving gender equality Australia 2019
- Languages used by Indigenous persons in Australia 2021, by number of persons
- Public perception of the biggest problems facing the country in Australia 2024
- Young people's confidence in achieving goals Australia 2020, by indigenous status
- Attitudes towards the fairness of elections in Australia 2021-2023
- Social and community group participation among migrant groups Australia 2023
- Share of ATSI people who used an Indigenous language at home Australia 2021 by state
- Most important problems related to war and terrorism Australia 2017 by gender
- Most important problems related to war and terrorism Australia 2017
- Share of women who experienced violence in Australia 2005-2016, by violence type
- Number of men experiencing violence Australia 2005-2016 by perpetrator gender
- Share of sex trafficking victims Australia and New Zealand 2003-2021, by gender
- Number of people experiencing sexual violence Australia 2005-2016 by gender
- Share of men experiencing violence Australia 2005-2016 by perpetrator
- Number of women experiencing violence Australia 2005-2016 by perpetrator gender
- Share of sex trafficking victims Australia and New Zealand 2003-2021, by age
- Offences against persons SA, Australia by type FY 2019
- Perceived and actual main causes of violent death in Australia 2018