Statistics about Energy & Environment in Australia
- Manufacturing industry water consumption Australia FY 2018-2022
- Electricity, gas, water and waste services water consumption Australia FY 2018-2022
- Household water consumption Australia FY 2015-2022
- Water supply and waste services industry gross value added Australia 2012-2023
- Forecast: sewerage facilities 0 revenue Australia 2008-2018
- Accessible volume of water stored in Australia 2023, by region
- Average quarterly household water bill in Australia 2023, by state
- Volume of surface water entitlements traded in Australia FY 2020, by water system
- Water storage volume in dams Australia 2020, by state
- Rainfall volume Australia 2019, by state or territory
- Rainfall volume Australia 2008-2019
- Surface water volume Australia FY 2019, by urban center
- Groundwater volume Australia FY 2019, by urban center
- Desalinated water volume Australia FY 2019, by urban center
- Recycled water volume Australia FY 2019, by urban center
- Rural water consumption for agriculture Australia FY 2010-2019
- Rural water consumption Australia FY 2019 by state
- Share of water held in dams Australia FY 2011-2020
- Volume of water entitlements traded in Australia FY 2021, by region
- Volume of surface water allocations traded in Australia FY 2020, by region
- Median water allocation price for surface water in Australia FY 2020, by water system
- Allocation volume of water traded in Australia 2015-2024, by type
- Estimated revenue from water entitlements traded in Australia 2021, by region
- Volume of water allocations traded in Australia FY 2021, by region
- Estimated revenue from water allocations traded in Australia FY 2021, by region
- Market size of water and wastewater treatment equipment Australia 2019-2022
- Allocation price of water traded in Australia 2015-2024
- Groundwater extraction Australia FY 2016 by state
- Irrigation water use in Australia FY 2019, by crop
- Distribution water usage Australia FY 2020, by purpose
- Distribution of water sources Australia FY 2020, by type
- Import value of water and wastewater treatment equipment Australia 2019-2022
- Industry water sales revenue Australia FY 2009-2017
- Observed annual average minimum temperature in Australia 1901-2022
- Observed annual average maximum temperature in Australia 1901-2022
- Observed annual average mean temperature in Australia 1901-2022
- Mean rainfall in Australia 2000-2023