Statistics about Energy & Environment in Australia
- Change in methane emissions in Australia 1990-2022, by sector
- Projected volume of processes and product use emissions Australia 2030 by subsector
- Cumulative methane emissions in Australia 1850-2022
- Cumulative nitrous oxide emissions in Australia 1850-2022
- Projected volume of agriculture emissions Australia 2020-2035
- Methane emissions in Australia 1990-2022
- Emissions intensity from electricity generation in Australia 2014-2023
- Annual greenhouse gas emissions from fugitive emissions in Australia 2009-2018
- Nitrous oxide emissions in Australia 1990-2022
- Breakdown of GHG emissions from agriculture in Australia 2019, by segment
- Carbon footprint per passenger of return flights from London, by destination
- Projected volume of industry emissions Australia 2020-2035
- Projected volume of fugitive emissions Australia 2030-2035, by subsector
- Projected volume of fugitive emissions Australia 2020-2035
- Greenhouse gas emissions from manufacturing Australia 2008-2017
- Projected volume of transport emissions Australia 2023-2035 by type of transport
- Annual greenhouse gas emissions in Australia 2023, by source
- Small business market share of gas in Australia 2023, by retailer category
- Energy related environmental tax paid Australia FY 2017 by industry
- Transport related environmental tax utilities industry Australia FY 2008-2017
- Energy end use by the utilities industry in Australia FY 2011-2022
- Average quarterly electricity and gas bill among consumers in Australia 2019-2023
- Transport related environmental tax manufacturing industry Australia FY 2008-2017
- Transport related environmental tax paid by mining industry Australia FY 2008-2017
- Number of employees of the company Agl Energy 2018-2021
- Residential market share of gas in Australia 2023, by retailer category
- Net value of energy assets Australia FY 2018 by type
- Transport related environmental tax paid by households Australia FY 2008-2017
- Energy end use by the manufacturing industry in Australia FY 2011-2022
- Net value of land assets Australia FY 2009-2018
- Power-to-gas market size in Australia 2018-2026
- Large customer market share of gas in Australia 2023, by retailer category
- Net value of energy assets Australia FY 2009-2018
- Transport related environmental tax paid by industry Australia FY 2008-2017
- Net value of timber assets Australia FY 2009-2018
- Transport related environmental tax paid agriculture industry Australia FY 2008-2017
- Value of energy infrastructure construction work done Australia FY 2014-2023
- Energy intensity of the agriculture industry in Australia FY 2011-2023
- Energy related environmental tax transport industry Australia FY 2008-2017
- Forecast: electricity generation revenue Australia 2008-2018
- Number of large-scale batteries under construction in Australia 2021-2023
- Primary energy consumption Australia 2010-2023
- Primary energy consumption Australia 2023, by source
- Average quarterly electricity bill among consumers in Australia 2021, by state
- Average quarterly gas bill among consumers in Australia 2021, by state
- Gas price index in Australia 2005-2022
- Share of Australians unable to heat or cool their home comfortably 2022, by age
- Share of Australians invested into improving their home insulation 2022, by age
- Perceived changes in utility prices in Australia 2022, by type
- Average weekly spend on utilities in Australia 2022, by type
- Share of Australians unable to pay electricity or gas bill on time 2022, by age
- Forecast: electricity trade revenue Australia 2008-2018
- Australia's energy dependency 2004-2015
- Investment in commissioned renewable energy storage projects Australia 2017-2023
- Share of total energy consumption Australia FY 2023, by source
- Share of total energy consumption Australia FY 2023, by industry
- Energy consumption share in the transport industry FY 2022-23, by subsector
- Energy consumption share in manufacturing Australia FY 2022-23, by type
- Energy production Australia FY 2023, by fuel type
- Total energy consumption Australia FY 2022-23, by industry
- Total energy consumption Australia FY 2022-23, by source
- Renewable energy consumption Australia FY 2022-23, by source
- Energy production Australia FY 2014-2023
- Renewable energy consumption share Australia FY 2022-23, by source
- Production volume of grey hydrogen in Australia 2022, by operation
- Gas service providers customer satisfaction in Australia 2019
- Energy related environmental tax utilities industry Australia FY 2008-2017
- Capacity of large-scale batteries under construction in Australia 2021-2023
- Capacity of commissioned renewable energy storage projects Australia 2017-2023
- Average market price of gas in Brisbane, Australia FY 2012-2024
- Energy related environmental tax manufacturing industry Australia FY 2008-2017
- Energy related environmental tax paid by mining industry Australia FY 2008-2017
- Energy related environmental tax paid by agriculture industry Australia FY 2008-2017
- Energy related environmental tax paid by households Australia FY 2008-2017
- Energy related environmental tax paid by industry Australia FY 2008-2017
- Annual installed capacity of financial renewable energy projects Australia 2017-2023
- Annual financial investment in renewable energy projects Australia 2017-2023
- Opinion on government action on climate change Australia 2023
- Average market price of gas in Adelaide, Australia FY 2012-2024
- Average market price of gas in Victoria, Australia FY 2012-2024
- Capacity of renewable energy storage projects Australia 2022, by state
- Average market price of gas in Sydney, Australia FY 2012-2024
- Transport related environmental tax paid Australia FY 2017 by industry
- Transport related environmental tax transport industry Australia FY 2008-2017
- Value of condensate Australia FY 2014-2023
- Average residential customer bill in Australia FY 2018 by type
- Average residential customer effective prices in Australia FY 2018 by type
- Wholesale revenue of generation businesses in Australia FY 2015 - FY 2018
- Actions taken by consumers to reduce environmental impact Australia 2018 by action
- Perceived and actual share of renewable energy sources used in Australia 2018
- Likelihood of switching gas provider Australia 2018 by satisfaction levels
- Australian consumers who feel guilty doing something unsustainable 2014
- Consumer concern for the environment Australia 2018 by generation
- Australian view of brands having to be environmentally responsible 2014, by age
- Domestic passenger airplanes energy consumption Australia 2012-2021
- Buses energy consumption Australia 2012-2021
- Transport energy consumption Australia 2021, by vehicle type
- Energy intensity for passenger transport Australia 2021, by vehicle type
- Main consumer concerns for the environment Australia 2018
- Main business concerns for the environment Australia 2018