Statistics about Economy & Politics in Australia
- Housing Consumer Price Index in Sydney, Australia 2018-2023
- Transport Consumer Price Index in Sydney, Australia 2018-2023
- Housing Consumer Price Index in Perth, Australia 2018-2023
- CPI quarterly percentage change in Australia Q1-Q4 2023, by category
- CPI annual inflation rate in Australia 2023, by capital city
- CPI quarterly percentage change in Canberra, Australia Q4 2023 by category
- CPI quarterly percentage change in Darwin, Australia Q4 2023 by category
- CPI in Australia 2023, by capital city
- CPI quarterly percentage change in Melbourne, Australia Q4 2023 by category
- CPI quarterly percentage change in Adelaide, Australia Q4 2023 by category
- Transport Consumer Price Index in Hobart, Australia 2018-2023
- CPI quarterly percentage change in Sydney, Australia Q4 2023 by category
- Transport Consumer Price Index in Perth, Australia 2018-2023
- Transport Consumer Price Index in Adelaide, Australia 2018-2023
- CPI quarterly percentage change in Brisbane, Australia Q4 2023 by category
- Transport Consumer Price Index in Darwin, Australia 2018-2023
- Transport Consumer Price Index in Canberra, Australia 2018-2023
- Transport Consumer Price Index in Brisbane, Australia 2018-2023
- CPI quarterly percentage change in Perth, Australia Q4 2023 by category
- Transport Consumer Price Index in Melbourne, Australia 2018-2023
- Share of views on if US would defend Australia if China attacked Australia 2021
- Share of views on if Australia could defend itself if China attacked Australia 2021
- Military expenditure as percentage of GDP in Australia 2003-2020
- Share of views on when China will launch an armed attack Australia 2021
- Share of views on whether China is aggressive Australia 2021
- Share of views on if US would defend Taiwan against China in 2021
- Attitude towards protectionism Australia 2018, by type
- Arms exports from Australia 2011-2022
- Arms exports from Australia 2022, by weapon category
- Arms exports from Australia 2022, by country
- Arms imports to Australia 2022, by weapon category
- Arms imports to Australia 2022, by country
- Arms imports to Australia 2011-2022
- Financial donors to charity Australia 2021
- Donors on when they are likely to donate to charity Australia 2020, by generation
- Number of volunteers Australia 2014 by age group
- Donors on when they are most likely to donate to charity in Australia 2020
- Donors on causes which should not receive charitable status in Australia 2019
- Donors on why they volunteer, by reason in Australia 2019
- Donors on how often they volunteer Australia 2019
- Charity donation methods by age group Australia 2019
- Motivators for involvement in online charity initiatives Australia 2021
- Most pressing issues among young people Australia 2018-2019
- Charity donation methods Australia 2019
- Charity donation frequency Australia 2019
- Duration at organization among charity workers Australia 2019
- Donors on charity essentials in Australia 2020
- Donors on if cost of living changes is affected ability to give Australia 2019
- Donors on not-for-profit sector trust Australia 2019
- Non-financial giving preferences of charity donors in Australia 2020, by generation
- Expenditure of Islamic Relief Australia FY 2019, by expenditure type
- Total revenue of the not-for-profit sector in Australia FY 2014-2021
- Allocation of funds raised for bushfire relief Red Cross Australia 2019-2020
- Number of volunteers Australia 2014 by organization type
- Donors on why they choose to volunteer Australia 2019
- Donors on areas of need they are most likely to donate to charity for Australia 2021
- Employment status among charity givers Australia 2019
- Number of volunteers Australia 2014 by motivation
- Number of volunteers Australia 2014 by gender
- Leading reasons for future charitable donations Australia 2018
- Opinion on impact of charities internationally Australia 2018
- Leading reasons for charitable donations Australia 2018
- Opinion on impact of charities on local community Australia 2018
- Leading causes for charitable donations Australia 2018
- Participation in charitable activities Australia 2018 by activity
- Gender split among charity workers Australia 2021
- Gender split among charity givers in Australia 2019
- Opinion on impact of charities on Australia 2018
- Leading methods for charitable donations Australia 2018
- Annual gross income among charity givers Australia 2021
- Percentage of ORIC charities Australia 2016 by income size
- Number of employed charity workers Australia 2021, by home state
- Generation breakdown among charity workers Australia 2021
- Generation breakdown among charity givers Australia 2021
- Percentage of charities Australia FY 2019, by activity
- Household situation among charity givers Australia 2019
- Highest completed education level among charity workers Australia 2019
- Number of newly registered charities Australia FY 2014-2019
- Number of registered charities Australia 2014 - 2016
- Fertility rate in Guam 2022
- Australian opinion about whom to blame for tensions with China 2021
- Factors influencing Australian opinions on China 2021
- Level of support for strong relations with China among Australians 2022
- Chinese perception of major barriers to China-Australia relations 2021
- Australian views on investment from China 2008-2021
- Chinese opinion about Australia being partner or threat 2021
- Income of the Department of Human Services Australia 2014-2020
- Australian opinion about China being partner or security threat 2015-2022
- Australian views on possibility of good relations with the U.S. and China 2013-2021
- Chinese belief in improvement of China-Australia relations 2021
- Public perception of prime ministers' handling of foreign policy Australia 2023
- Public perception of Labor government performance Australia 2023, by issue
- Breakdown of digital Medicare services in Australia FY 2024, by transmission platform
- Australian views on global responses to COVID-19 2022, by country or region
- Public perception of AUKUS alliance Australia 2023
- Australian general sentiment towards other countries or regions 2022
- Australian view on neutrality in case of U.S.-China war 2022
- Public perception of global warming Australia 2023
- Perception of systems of government Australia 2012-2023
- Distribution of Medicare service payment types in Australia FY 2024