Statistics about Economy & Politics in Australia
- Annual wage growth by industry Australia 2023
- Annual wage growth Australia 2023 by state/territory
- Yearly salary in supply chain IT Australia 2023, by role
- Yearly salary in supply chain logistics Australia 2023, by role
- Development of real Unit Labor Costs Australia 2007-2017
- Average weekly earnings of Australian part-time employees 1975-2023
- Weekly value of paid and unpaid work by married women with children Australia 2018
- Average unpaid workload of stay-at-home parents Australia 2018, by gender and task
- Minimum salary as a percent of median full-time salary in Australia 2000-2019
- Median weekly earnings of Australian employees 1975-2023
- Median hourly earnings of Australian employees 2000-2023
- Mean weekly earnings of Australian employees 1975-2023
- Weekly value of paid and unpaid work by married persons with children Australia 2018
- Average weekly earnings of full-time employees in Australia 1975-2023, by sex
- Average weekly earnings of Australian employees 2023, by educational qualification
- Average weekly earnings of Australian employees 2023, by industry
- Unpaid workload of full-time working parents Australia 2018, by gender and task
- Public sector employee wages Australia FY 2010-2019
- Wages paid in the grocery sector Australia FY 2016 by product class
- Wages paid in the food and beverage sector Australia FY 2016, by product class
- Value of wages and salaries in mining industry in Victoria Australia FY 2012-2023
- Value of wages and salaries in mining industry Queensland Australia FY 2012-2023
- Earning in exploration and mining support services industry Australia FY 2012-2023
- Value of earnings in non-metallic mineral mining industry Australia FY 2012-2023
- Value of wages and salaries in mining industry WA, Australia FY 2012-2023
- Value of wages and salaries in metal ore mining industry Australia FY 2012-2023
- Value of wages and salaries in the coal mining industry Australia FY 2012-2023
- Value of wages and salaries in the mining industry Australia FY 2012-2023
- Value of earnings mining industry ACT Australia FY 2012-2023
- Public sector wages Australia FY 2022 by state
- Value of earnings mining industry New South Wales Australia FY 2012-2023
- Annual wage growth Australia 2000-2023
- Development of real wages Australia FY 2000-2023
- Average weekly earnings of Australian employees 2023, by education level and sex
- Average annual wage in Australia 2000-2022
- Share of income units CRA Australia FY 2023
- Share of income units CRA Australia FY 2023, by remoteness
- Share of people who are food secure Australia 2022-2023, by state
- Capital expenditure on social housing in Western Australia, Australia 2018-2023
- Share of occupied indigenous housing dwellings in Australia FY 2018-2022
- Capital expenditure on social housing in Queensland, Australia 2018-2023
- Share of occupied community housing dwellings in Australia FY 2019-2023
- Capital expenditure on social housing in Victoria, Australia 2018-2023
- Share of occupied public housing dwellings in Australia FY 2014-2023
- Capital expenditure on social housing in New South Wales, Australia 2018-2023
- Number of state owned and managed indigenous households in Australia FY 2014-2023
- Share of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander income units CRA Australia FY 2023
- Government expenditure for NHHA Australia FY 2019-2023
- Number of public housing households in Australia FY 2014-2023
- Government expenditure for CRA Australia FY 2019-2023
- Number of public housing dwellings in Australia FY 2014-2023
- Distribution of people receiving income assistance Australia 2022, by weekly income
- Capital expenditure on social housing in Northern Territory, Australia 2018-2023
- Capital expenditure on social housing in ACT, Australia 2018-2023
- Capital expenditure on social housing in South Australia, Australia 2018-2023
- Capital expenditure on social housing in Australia 2018-2023
- Leading concerns of households Australia 2023, by issue and food security status
- Share of charity recipients poverty rate Australia 2022, by income source
- Total recurrent real expenditure on homelessness services in Australia FY 2019-2023
- Number of people in social housing Australia FY 2022, by gender
- Number of people receiving social services benefits Australia 2023, by state
- Number of indigenous people receiving social services benefits Australia 2023
- Number of state owned and managed indigenous housing in Australia FY 2014-2023
- Clients who experience persistent homelessness in Australia FY 2019-2023
- Clients at risk of homelessness in Australia FY 2019-2023
- Clients who return to homelessness after achieving housing in Australia FY 2019-2023
- Share of people who received a COVID-19 payment in Australia 2020 by state
- Children in out-of-home-care VIC, Australia FY 2017 by type of care
- Clients who return to homelessness after achieving housing in Australia FY 2019-2023
- Clients with independent housing, before and after support in Australia FY 2019-2023
- Indigenous clients, before and after support in Australia FY 2019-2023
- Clients who experience persistent homelessness in Australia FY 2019-2023
- Real expenditure per person on homelessness services in Australia FY 2019-2023
- Share of people receiving charity looking for work Australia 2022, by income source
- Clients at risk of homelessness who avoided homelessness in Australia FY 2019-2023
- Share of support provided by homelessness services in Australia FY 2019-2023
- Share of support provided by homelessness services in NT Australia FY 2019-2023
- Share of support provided by homelessness services in Western Australia FY 2019-2023
- Share of support provided by homelessness services in Queensland FY 2019-2023
- Share of support provided by homelessness services in NSW FY 2019-2023
- Share of support provided by homelessness services in Victoria FY 2019-2023
- Share of support provided by homelessness services in South Australia FY 2019-2023
- Share of support provided by homelessness services in Tasmania FY 2019-2023
- Share of support provided by homelessness services in ACT FY 2019-2023
- Change in food security Australia 2022-2023, by socio-economic type
- Level of food security Australia 2022-2023
- Share of charity recipients cost of living pressure Australia 2022, by income source
- People receiving charity with housing stress Australia 2022, by income source
- Capital expenditure on social housing in Tasmania, Australia 2018-2023