Statistics about Society in South Korea
- Forecast: primary education revenue South Korea 2008-2018
- Forecast: pre-primary education revenue South Korea 2008-2018
- Forecast: post-secondary non-tertiary education revenue South Korea 2008-2018
- Private education participation of high school students South Korea 2014-2023
- Average space per student in high school South Korea 2023
- Share of female students South Korea 2023, by school level
- Share of female students in tertiary education South Korea 2000-2023
- Share of female students in university of education South Korea 2000-2023
- Share of female junior college students South Korea 2000-2023
- Share of female master's degree students South Korea 2000-2023
- High school enrollment South Korea 2014-2023, by gender
- Spending on private education in Seoul South Korea 2012-2023
- Spending on private education per student South Korea 2023, by level
- Spending on private education of middle school students South Korea 2014-2023
- Elementary school enrollment South Korea 2013-2023
- Spending on private education per student South Korea 2023, by subject
- Spending on private education of high school students South Korea 2019-2023
- Number of international students South Korea 2010-2023
- Private education participation rate in South Korea 2023, by gender
- Student-teacher ratio at universities South Korea 1980-2023
- Pupil-teacher ratio South Korea 1980-2023, by school type
- Number of elementary schools South Korea 2014-2023
- Number of students per class in high school South Korea 2000-2023
- Number of elementary schools South Korea 2023, by province
- Number of elementary schools South Korea 2023, by type
- Spending on private education per student South Korea 2023, by province
- Financial burden of private education in South Korea 2023, by school type
- Principles to emphasize for education policies South Korea 2023
- Number of preschools South Korea 2011-2023
- Number of elementary school teachers South Korea 2014-2023
- Average space per student in elementary school South Korea 2023
- Private universities South Korea 2022, by province
- Private universities' income in South Korea 2021, by source
- Seoul National Univ. international students South Korea 2023, by type
- Forecast: general secondary education revenue South Korea 2008-2018
- Spending on private education South Korea 2023, by school level
- Private education participation rate in South Korea 2023, by subject
- Willingness to send children to study abroad South Korea 2023
- Enrollment rate in preschool in South Korea 2013-2023
- Number of designated King Sejong Institutes June 2020, by continent
- Industry 4.0 private education institution number in Seoul South Korea 2014-2017
- Language learning app usage rate South Korea 2019, by age group
- Level of trust in primary and secondary teachers South Korea 2023
- South Korean students' university grades 2015-2022
- South Korean students' university grades 2022, by region
- Higher education entrance rate of high school completers South Korea 2000-2023
- Seoul National University's partners abroad South Korea 2023, by type
- Total spending on private education of middle school students South Korea 2019-2023
- Number of full-time university faculty members South Korea 2000-2023
- Number of master's degree students South Korea 2019-2023
- Number of university students South Korea 2013-2023, by gender
- Number of doctoral students South Korea 2019-2023
- Employment rate of higher education graduates South Korea 2022, by type
- Tuition fees for universities and colleges South Korea 2016-2023
- Number of middle school students South Korea 2013-2023
- Elementary school enrollment South Korea 2013-2023, by gender
- Reasons for participating in private education South Korea 2021
- Number of students per class in elementary school South Korea 2000-2023
- Number of students per class in middle school South Korea 2000-2023
- New junior college entrants in South Korea 2011-2020
- Number of preschools South Korea 2023, by province
- Biggest academic libraries in South Korea 2021, by number of books
- Suggestions to internalize education within the public system South Korea 2023
- Private universities' income from government subsidies in South Korea 2013-2021
- Trust in primary and secondary teachers South Korea 2011-2022
- Private education participation of middle school students South Korea 2012-2022
- Share of female high school students South Korea 2000-2022
- Private universities' income from government subsidies in South Korea 2021, by source
- Private universities customer satisfaction index South Korea 2023
- Private universities' income from tuition fees in South Korea 2013-2021
- Share of female middle school students South Korea 2000-2022
- Number of students per teacher in high school South Korea 2000-2022
- New entrants to higher education institutions South Korea 2010-2021
- Organizations' donation to private universities in South Korea 2013-2021
- Number of middle schools South Korea 2013-2023
- Public libraries in Chungnam, South Korea 2011-2021
- Number of foreign students South Korea 2023, by study level
- Share of female PhD students South Korea 2000-2023
- Employment rate of university graduates South Korea 2019-2023, by gender
- Number of students per teacher in middle school South Korea 2000-2024
- Number of students per class in kindergartens South Korea 2000-2024
- Number of students enrolled in higher education South Korea 1980-2024
- Number of students per teacher in kindergartens South Korea 2000-2022
- Number of visitors to public libraries in Busan, South Korea 2013-2022
- Spending on private education South Korea 2011-2023
- Public libraries in Jeju South Korea 2011-2021
- Government subsidies to private junior universities in South Korea FY 2021, by source
- Public libraries in Incheon, South Korea 2011-2021
- Public libraries in Seoul, South Korea 2011-2021
- Leading universities based on number of courses South Korea 2023
- Private education participation rate in South Korea 2022, by number of children
- Yonsei University's foreign students South Korea 2022, by purpose and campus
- Share of female middle school teachers South Korea 2022, by province
- Share of university courses in South Korea 2020, by size
- Spending on private education per students South Korea 2010-2023
- Share of foreign full-time faculty members at universities South Korea 2000-2023
- Number of high schools South Korea 2023, by province
- Number of workers in the education industry South Korea 2010-2021
- Number of high schools South Korea 2023, by type
- Share of female high school teachers South Korea 2022, by province