Statistics about Society in South Korea
- Population density South Korea 2023, by province
- Share of elderly population South Korea 2023, by province
- Working-age population South Korea 2023, by province
- Population in South Korea 2023, by province
- Urban and rural population South Korea 1997-2022
- Household distribution South Korea 2023, by number of members
- Elderly population share in Seoul, South Korea 2012-2022
- Elderly population share South Korea 2000-2023
- Population distribution of Gangwon, South Korea 2023, by district
- Number of single parents South Korea 2015-2023, by gender
- Youth population in South Korea 1980-2060
- Economically inactive population South Korea 2011-2023
- Economically active population Seoul, South Korea 2012-2023
- Population distribution of Daejeon, South Korea 2023, by district
- Single-parent households South Korea 2010-2022
- Number of students in multicultural families in South Korea 2013-2022
- Elderly population South Korea 2022, by province
- Number of single parents in Incheon, South Korea 2015-2022
- Number of single parents in Gyeongnam, South Korea 2015-2022
- Number of foreigners in Jeju, South Korea 2012-2022
- Population of Jeonnam, South Korea 1970-2022
- Share of young female population NEET South Korea 2010-2017
- Elderly population South Korea 2000-2070, by age group
- Share of households in South Korea 2000-2022, by size
- Population of Seoul South Korea 2023, by age
- Elderly population share in Jeonbuk, South Korea 2012-2022
- Number of foreigners in South Korea 2010-2023
- Number of households in Gwangju South Korea 2015-2022
- Elderly population share in Gyeongnam, South Korea 2012-2022
- Number of households in Incheon South Korea 2015-2022
- Number of households in Gyeongbuk South Korea 2015-2022
- Number of households in Gyeongnam South Korea 2015-2022
- Elderly population South Korea 2023, by region
- Number of single parents in Gangwon, South Korea 2015-2022
- Number of single parents in Gyeongbuk, South Korea 2015-2022
- Number of households South Korea 2015-2023
- Number of single parents in Daejeon, South Korea 2015-2022
- Population of Jeju, South Korea 1970-2023
- Labor force participation rate Seoul South Korea 2011-2023
- Population of Busan, South Korea 1970-2023
- Population distribution of Seoul, South Korea 2023, by district
- Number of foreigners in Busan, South Korea 2012-2023
- Share of senior households living alone South Korea 2000-2023
- Population of Daegu, South Korea 1985-2023
- Number of registered foreigners South Korea 2023, by status of residence
- Population of Gyeonggi, South Korea 1970-2023
- Population of Incheon, South Korea 1985-2023
- Population of Daejeon, South Korea 1990-2023
- Share of young male population NEET South Korea 2010-2017
- Number of children South Korea 2011-2023
- Number of single parents in Jeonbuk, South Korea 2015-2022
- Number of foreigners in Gyeongnam, South Korea 2012-2022
- Elderly population share in Jeonnam, South Korea 2012-2022
- Elderly population share in Daegu, South Korea 2012-2022
- Population distribution of Chungbuk, South Korea 2022, by district
- Elderly population share in Sejong, South Korea 2012-2022
- Number of foreigners in Gyeonggi, South Korea 2012-2022
- Number of foreigners in Chungbuk, South Korea 2012-2022
- Homeless population in South Korea 2016, by place of residence
- Economically inactive population South Korea 2012-2022, by gender
- Number of foreigners in Daejeon, South Korea 2012-2022
- Number of foreigners in Sejong, South Korea 2012-2022
- Number of foreigners in Jeonnam, South Korea 2012-2022
- Number of foreigners in Gyeongbuk, South Korea 2012-2022
- Population density in Seoul, South Korea 2000-2023
- Number of foreigners in Jeonbuk, South Korea 2012-2022
- Number of households in Busan, South Korea 2015-2022
- Number of foreigners in Gwangju, South Korea 2012-2022
- Number of foreigners in Ulsan, South Korea 2012-2022
- Number of foreigners in Gangwon, South Korea 2012-2022
- Share of population living in urban areas in South Korea 1990-2050
- Number of single parents in Seoul, South Korea 2015-2022
- Number of households in Gyeonggi South Korea 2015-2022
- Population distribution of Chungnam, South Korea 2022, by district
- Number of households in Ulsan South Korea 2015-2022
- Population density in South Korea 2000-2023
- Multicultural households South Korea 2015-2023
- Population distribution of Gyeongbuk, South Korea 2022, by district
- Elderly population share in Ulsan, South Korea 2012-2022
- Number of single parents in Chungnam, South Korea 2015-2022
- Population distribution of Gyeonggi, South Korea 2022, by district
- Number of foreigners in Seoul, South Korea 2012-2022
- Share of young population NEET South Korea 2010-2017
- Population density Busan, South Korea 2000-2023
- Population distribution of Gwangju, South Korea 2022, by district
- Population of Gangwon, South Korea 1970-2023
- Number of single mothers South Korea 2023, by age group
- Elderly population share in Busan, South Korea 2012-2022
- Population of Chungnam, South Korea 1970-2022
- Elderly population share in Gyeonggi, South Korea 2012-2022
- Population distribution of Jeju, South Korea 2023, by district
- Number of single parents in Jeju, South Korea 2015-2022
- Number of households in Daejeon South Korea 2015-2022
- Number of single parents in Gwangju, South Korea 2015-2022
- Number of households in Jeonbuk South Korea 2015-2022
- Number of households in Jeonnam South Korea 2015-2022
- Number of households in Chungnam South Korea 2015-2022
- Number of households in Gangwon South Korea 2015-2022
- Elderly population share in Gwangju, South Korea 2012-2022
- Number of single parents in Gyeonggi, South Korea 2015-2022