Statistics about Energy & Environment in Japan
- Annual average amount of ozone over Sapporo in Japan 2007-2016
- Share of people taking disaster prevention measures Japan 2021
- Awareness of global warming risks Japan 2023
- Level of interest in global warming issues Japan 2023
- Awareness of the term decarbonized society Japan 2023, by gender
- Level of awareness of the Paris Agreement Japan 2023, by gender
- Level of interest in global warming issues Japan 2023, by gender
- ESG integration investment Japan 2018-2020
- Awareness among Japanese children of marine problems 2022
- Awareness of marine problems Japan 2022
- Awareness of carbon neutrality Japan 2024
- Major sources for information about global warming risks Japan 2023
- Views on the changes in number and scale of natural disasters Japan 2021
- Japanese opinion on cause for climate change 2018
- Opinion on increasing average global temperatures Japan 2020
- Share of people purchasing products from climate-friendly companies Japan 2020
- Expectation of companies taking action against global warming Japan 2020
- Willingness to reduce greenhouse gas emissions Japan 2020
- Awareness of the Paris Agreement Japan 2020
- Opinion on where the responsibility lies for reducing plastic use in Japan 2019
- Opinion on the level of seriousness of air pollution in Japan 2024
- Companies viewed active in global warming prevention Japan 2021
- Measures taken in daily life to reduce emissions Japan 2023
- Consumers' changing habits due to global warming Japan 2019
- Number of ground subsidence areas in Japan 2006-2015
- Views on probability of reaching the SDG targets Japan 2022
- Level of awareness of SDGs Japan 2021, by age group
- Leading products people want to purchase from ethical companies Japan 2022
- Views of young people on global warming causes Japan 2021
- Awareness and interest in climate change issues Japan 2021, by age group
- Awareness of global warming risks among young people Japan 2021
- Opinion of young people on the government’s plan to become carbon neutral Japan 2021
- Opinion on CO2 emissions reduction among young people Japan 2021
- Opinion on whether activities of people cause environmental issues Japan 2020
- Awareness of SDGs Japan 2021
- Opinion on seriousness of environmental issues Japan 2020
- Level of interest in environmental issues Japan 2020
- Opinion on whether environmental issues should be recognized more Japan 2020
- Opinion on environmental protection being the governments' responsibility Japan 2020
- Opinion on own responsibility for environmental protection Japan 2020
- Impacts of climate change on daily life Japan 2023
- Share of people who think that climate change is a crisis Japan 2020-2021
- Share of people who think that climate change is a crisis Japan 2021, by age
- Awareness of the term decarbonized society Japan 2023
- Consumer behavior changes made due to global warming Japan 2019
- Market size of global warming prevention measures Japan 2011-2020
- Most serious environmental issues in Japan 2024
- Familiarity with the term sustainability Japan 2020
- Level of interest in sustainability Japan 2020
- Most commonly known national efforts to make Japan carbon neutral 2022
- Level of concern that global warming will intensify disasters Japan 2022
- Number of invasive alien species brought to Japan 2016, by category
- Level of awareness of the term carbon neutrality Japan 2022
- Level of awareness of the term carbon neutrality among students Japan 2022
- Leading SDG-related lifestyle behaviors people intend to practice Japan 2020
- Opinion on methods to reduce greenhouse gas emissions Japan 2020
- Most concerning environmental issues in Japan 2019
- Green procurement implementation rate of enterprises in Japan 2006-2015
- Awareness of the local government measures to promote carbon neutrality Japan 2024
- Main sources of information about carbon neutrality in Japan 2022
- Forecast for the market size of the environmental industry Japan 2021-2050
- Opinions on Tokyo's carbon neutrality promotion measures Japan 2024
- Awareness of COP27 and its contents in Japan 2022, by age group
- People's views on the impact of climate change on their life in Japan 2019
- Sustainable investment assets in Japan 2016-2020
- Market size of the environmental pollution field Japan 2019, by segment
- Opinion on when climate change impacts will occur Japan 2020
- Opinion on whether environmental issues are a crisis Japan 2020
- Japanese perceived climate change 2018
- Sustainable investment assets in Japan 2020, by strategy
- Number of environmental crime arrests in Japan 2007-2016
- TEPCO's debt FY 2023, by type
- TEPCO's debt FY 2016-2023
- Electricity generation of thermal energy plants Japan 2021, by prefecture
- TEPCO's profit FY 2014-2023
- TEPCO's ordinary income FY 2014-2023
- Electric Power Development's total assets FY 2015-2022
- TEPCO's total assets FY 2014-2023
- Electricity generation of biomass plants Japan 2021, by prefecture
- TEPCO's ROE FY 2014-2023
- TEPCO's electricity sales volume FY 2013-2022
- TEPCO's number of employees FY 2014-2023
- Electricity sales Japan FY 2015, by use
- TEPCO's revenue from electricity sales FY 2013-2022
- Kyushu Electric Power's operating revenue FY 2013-2022
- Tohoku Electric Power's generated electricity FY 2022, by energy source
- Tohoku Electric Power's operating revenue FY 2013-2022
- Non-ferrous metals industry electricity demand in Japan 2015, by region
- Toho Gas' gas sales volume FY 2016-2021
- Osaka Gas' profit FY 2016-2021
- Shikoku Electric Power's electricity sales FY 2015-2020
- Major electric power companies Japan FY 2021, by ordinary income
- Electricity demand Japan FY 2021, by region
- LCOE per kilowatt hour of power generation technologies Japan 2020, by type
- Tohoku Electric Power's market value FY 2013-2022
- Tohoku Electric Power's profit FY 2013-2022
- Tohoku Electric Power's electricity sales volume FY 2022, by type
- Tohoku Electric Power's generated power from renewables FY 2013-2022
- Kansai Electric Power's total assets FY 2014-2022
- Tohoku Electric Power's share of generation capacity FY 2022, by energy source