Statistics about Energy & Environment in Japan
- Amount of damage caused by flood Japan 2012-2020
- Views on the reconstruction progress of tsunami-hit areas Japan 2020
- Views on fading interest in areas affected by the Tohoku earthquake Japan 2020
- Cost of damage caused by natural disasters Japan 2006-2021
- Number of missing persons due to natural disasters in Japan 2012-2021
- Value of orders received in the nuclear power industry in Japan FY 2012-2021
- Nuclear power reactors in Japan 2024, by age class
- Level of long-term health concerns due to the Fukushima disaster Japan 2023
- Capacity of operable nuclear reactors Japan 2013-2022
- Share of nuclear energy electricity output Japan FY 2005-2021
- Number of operable nuclear power plants Japan 2023, by company
- Opinion about the restoration of Fukushima Prefecture Japan 2021
- Share of employees in the nuclear sector Japan FY 2021, by industry
- Nuclear-related costs of electric power companies Japan FY 2021, by category
- Nuclear energy supply Japan FY 2013-2022
- Share of nuclear energy in primary energy supply Japan FY 2013-2022
- Electricity production from nuclear energy Japan FY 2013-2022
- Number of nuclear power plants Japan 2023, by company
- Age of operable nuclear power plants Japan 2023, by power plant
- Electricity production from operable nuclear power plants Japan 2023, by power plant
- Amount of domestic-owned plutonium Japan 2022, by company
- Fukushima nuclear accident: compensation of victims 2011
- Nuclear-related costs of electric power companies Japan FY 2013-2022
- JAPC's total assets FY 2015-2022
- Number of employees in the nuclear power industry Japan FY 2013-2022
- Nuclear power related costs Japan FY 2019-2022
- Nuclear energy consumption in Japan 1998-2023
- Views on whether the use of nuclear power is safe Japan 2020
- Views on the current condition of Fukushima Daiichi Japan 2020
- Awareness of items of the Fukushima Innovation Coast Scheme Japan 2023
- Number of nuclear power plants Japan 2023, by prefecture
- Main sources of information used about the reconstruction in Fukushima Japan 2023
- Main information people want on the reconstruction in Fukushima Japan 2023
- Amount of plutonium owned by power companies Japan 2022, by location
- Awareness of radioactive testing in food in Japan 2023
- Nuclear fuel material stock Japan 2022, by fuel
- Share of Japanese who support atomic energy 2010-2023
- Share of nuclear energy in energy consumption Japan 2013-2022
- Storage amount of high-level radioactive waste Japan 2022, by company
- Amount of overseas-owned plutonium of power companies Japan 2022, by country
- Japan's long term operation nuclear reactors based on average age 2015
- Fukushima nuclear power plant: remaining nuclear fuel
- Nuclear power plant capacity factor in Japan 2013-2022
- Sales value in the nuclear power industry FY 2013-2022
- Number of employees in the nuclear sector Japan FY 2020, by industry
- Nuclear-related R&D costs in the mining and manufacturing industry Japan FY 2011-2020
- Opinion on future nuclear power generation Japan 2023
- Opinion regarding the lessons drawn from the Fukushima nuclear accident 2021
- Share of people concerned about radioactive contamination Japan 2023
- Japanese public opinion on TEPCO handling of Fukushima crisis 2012
- JAPC's ordinary income FY 2015-2020
- Nuclear-related sales in the mining and manufacturing industry Japan FY 2010-2019
- Japanese public opinion on level of nuclear power in the country 2012
- Number of employees at Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd. FY 2015-2022
- Revenue of Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd. FY 2015-2022
- Share of nuclear energy in electricity production Japan 2000-2023
- JAPC's net income FY 2015-2020
- Opinion on the government's responsibility regarding the nuclear accident 2021
- Opinion about the release of treated contaminated water into the ocean Japan 2020
- JAPC's number of employees FY 2015-2021
- Perception regarding the risk posed by low radiation doses in Japan 2023
- Ordinary income of Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd. FY 2015-2021
- Views on the decontamination progress of Fukushima Daiichi Japan 2020
- Views on what should be done with nuclear power stations Japan 2020
- JAPC's revenue FY 2015-2022
- Vales of sales of Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd. FY 2021, by segment
- Japan Nuclear Fuel's total assets FY 2015-2022
- Volume of recyclable waste collected from municipalities Japan FY 2023, by type
- Recovery quota of foamed polystyrene in Japan 2006-2015
- Product volume from recovered PET bottles in Japan FY 2016, by utilization type
- Recycling rate of refrigerators and freezers Japan FY 2013-2022
- Volume of recycled plastic waste Japan 2022, by method
- Forecast: sorted material recovery revenue Japan 2008-2018
- Amount of mobile and PHS equipment collected for re-use Japan FY 2021, by type
- Battery chargers from mobile and PHS collected for re-use Japan FY 2013-2021
- Level of awareness of the Plastic Resource Circulation Act in Japan 2022
- Mobile and PHS terminals collected for re-use Japan FY 2013-2021
- Number of recycled aluminum cans Japan FY 2013-2022
- Recycling rate of washing machines and dryers Japan FY 2013-2022
- Recycling rate of air conditioners Japan FY 2013-2022
- Volume of recycling Japan 2022, by material
- Recycling rate of aluminum cans Japan FY 2014-2023
- Can to can recycling rate of aluminum cans Japan FY 2014-2023
- Number of smoke and fire troubles at recycling companies Japan FY 2013-2022
- Number of paper recycling business entities Japan 2015-2024
- Industry revenue of “Iron and steel scrap preparation for smelting“ in Japan 2012-2024
- Plastic reduction promotion awareness in Japan 2022
- Popular methods to reduce plastic in Japan 2022
- Number of glass bottles recycling business entities Japan 2015-2024
- Number of plastics recycling business entities Japan 2015-2024
- Recycling rate of used paper beverage cartons Japan FY 2012-2021
- Recycling rate of sewage sludge Japan FY 2011-2020
- Recycling rate of packaging Japan FY 2022, by material
- Level of awareness of recycling plastic products Japan 2023
- Level of awareness of recycling plastic products Japan 2023, by age
- Recycling rate of waste from the electric power industry Japan FY 2014-2021
- Recycling rate of plastic waste Japan 2013-2022
- Number of recycling business entities Japan 2020-2023
- Recycling rate of LDC and plasma televisions Japan FY 2011-2020
- Sales volume of recycled products in Japan 2023, by material