Statistics about Society in China
- Total population of Macao 1990-2023
- Age distribution of the population in Chongqing, China 2022
- Share of population aged 60 and older in China 1950-2100
- Total population in Macao 2023, by age group
- Urbanization rate in China 1980-2023
- Resident population in Shanxi China 1990-2022
- Population density of Macao 2013-2023, by district
- Population density of Macao 2013-2023
- Population under 15 years of age China 2013-2023
- Distribution of the Chinese population 1950-2023, by gender
- Perceived and actual share of population over 65 years by 2050 in China 2018
- Age distribution of the population in China 2023, by region
- Age distribution of population in Shandong, China 2023
- Total population in Henan, China 2010-2022
- Population of Shanghai, China 1980-2035
- Population of Tianjin in China 1980-2035
- Population of Wuhan in China 1980-2035
- Population of Guangzhou in China 1980-2035
- Population of Chongqing in China 1980-2035
- Registered population in Shanghai 2012-2022
- Population density in urban areas of China 2023, by region
- Population in Shanghai, China 2022, by district
- Urbanization rate of Zhejiang province, China 1978-2023
- Population of Nanjing in China 1980-2035
- Population of Zhejiang province, China 2000-2023
- Urbanization rate in China 2023, by region
- Population of the Greater Bay Area in China in global comparison 2022
- Population distribution in Beijing, China 2013-2023, by broad age group
- Population distribution in Beijing, China 2022, by five-year age group
- Urban and rural population in China 2023, by region
- Population in China 2013-2023, by gender
- Urbanization rate of Jiangsu province, China 1980-2022
- Population of Chengdu in China 1980-2035
- Population of Shenyang in China 1980-2035
- Urban and rural population of China 2013-2023
- Population of Xiamen in China 1980-2035
- Dependency ratio in China 2023, by region
- Urbanization rate of Beijing, China 1980-2023
- Population in China in 2023, by region
- China: share of only children among male and female population under 30 in 2005
- Population density in Shanghai, China 2012-2022
- Population density in Shanghai, China 2022, by district
- Total population of China's Greater Bay Area 2013-2023
- Population of Kunming in China 1990-2035
- Population of Hangzhou in China 1980-2035
- Population of Suzhou in China 1990-2035
- Population of Xi'an in China 1980-2035
- Population of Shenzhen in China 1995-2035
- Population of Changchun in China 1980-2035
- Population of Jinan in China 1980-2035
- Urbanization rate in Henan, China 1990-2022
- Population of Dalian in China 1980-2035
- Population of Harbin in China 1980-2035
- Population of Beijing municipality, China 1980-2023
- Gender ratio in Henan, China 1990-2022
- Population density in China 2011-2021
- Age distribution of population in Shanxi, China 2012-2022
- Population share of Millennials in China 2014, by birth year
- Population in Henan, China 2022, by region
- Children and old-age dependency ratio in China 2023, by region
- Population of Tibet 2012-2022
- Urban population in Henan, China 2012-2022
- Population density in Guangdong, China 1980-2022
- Rural population in Henan, China 2012-2022
- Population of Yunnan province, China 2012-2022
- Population of Hong Kong 1980-2023
- Population of Guizhou province, China 2012-2022
- Population of Shandong, China 2000-2023
- Population of Guangdong province, China 2013-2023
- Population of Hainan province, China 2012-2022
- Population density in China 2023, by region
- Population of major cities in China 2021
- Population of Beijing, China 1980-2035
- Population of Shaanxi province, China 2012-2022
- Urban population in Shanxi, China 2022, by city
- Population with household registration in Shanxi China 2021, by city
- Population of Gansu province, China 2012-2022
- Urbanization rate of Guangdong province, China 1982-2023
- Dependency ratio in China 2013-2023
- Population density in Henan, China 2012-2022
- Population of Shanghai municipality, China 1980-2023
- Total population of China 1980-2029
- Population of Xinjiang, China 2012-2022
- Population of Qinghai province, China 2012-2022
- Population of Ningxia, China 2012-2022
- Population in China's Greater Bay Area cities 2023
- Number of rural residents living below the poverty line in China 2018-2020, by region
- Number of rural residents living below the poverty line in China 2000-2020
- Ratio of residents living below the extreme poverty line in China 2000-2020
- Number of mosques in Kashgar, China 1950-2013
- Muslim population in China 2010-2020, by ethnicity
- Religious or spiritual well-being as a source of happiness among Chinese 2019
- Breakdown of the Muslim population China 2014 by education
- Forecast: religious organizations revenue China 2008-2018
- Number of mosques in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region 1950-2013
- Number of registered Buddhist sites in China 2023, by denomination
- Perceived and actual share of Muslim population in China 2018
- Registered Buddhist sites in China 2016, by region
- Intellectual property trading benefits in Hong Kong, Singapore and Shanghai 2018
- Employees in China's science parks 2003-2013