Statistics about Society in China
- Comparison of population growth rates in China, Japan, and Western Europe 0-1998
- Infant mortality in China 1950-2020
- Number of registered marriages in China 2023, by region
- Marriage registration breakdown in China 2005-2023, by age group
- Marriage registration in China 2023, by age group
- Marriage registrations in China 2005-2023, by first and remarriage
- Distribution of the single population in China 2013, by age and gender
- Single population in China 2013, by age and gender
- Number of registered marriages and divorces in Shanghai 1990-2022
- Number and share of marriages with non-Chinese partners in China 2000-2023
- Marriage rate in China 2000-2023
- Number of registered marriages in Hong Kong 2000-2023
- Number of marriages in China 2005-2023
- Opinion on legality of same-sex marriage in China 2016
- Married women at childbearing age in Shanghai 2010-2018
- Number of marriages per quarter in China Q1 2019-Q2 2024
- Chinese citizens in Chinese-foreign marriages in Shanghai 2006-2022, by gender
- Number of divorces in China 2023, by region
- Number of divorces in China 2005-2023
- Divorce rate in China 2023, by region
- Divorce rate in China 2000-2023
- Chinese immigrants into Canada 2007-2017
- Migration of registered population in Shanghai 2015-2022
- Coverage of urban rail system of commuting population in China 2021, by city size
- Number of immigrants from China in 2017, by country of destination
- Labor migration flow from China 2007-2020
- Number of foreign residents Japan 2014-2023, by selected nationality
- Perceived and actual share of immigrants in China 2018
- Countries with high immigration rates of millionaires from China 2013
- Number of Japanese residents in Shanghai 2014-2023
- Number of Chinese migrants in African countries 2000-2019
- Number of immigrants from mainland China living in Hong Kong 1990-2020
- Number of Japanese residents in Beijing 2013-2018
- Number of Japanese residents in Guangzhou 2013-2018
- Number of Japanese residents in Suzhou 2013-2018
- Number of Japanese residents in Dalian 2013-2018
- Number of Japanese residents in Shenzhen 2013-2018
- Number of Chinese getting residence permit and settlement permit in Taiwan 2005-2023
- Number of Chinese migrants in African countries 2000-2019, by region of destination
- Number of overseas Chinese people 2013-2023, by continent
- Distribution of overseas Chinese communities 2023, by continent
- Immigrants from China to Japan 1984-2022
- Number of Japanese residents in China 2014-2023
- Population increase rate by migration in Shanghai 1990-2022
- Most attractive cities for new residents in China 2022
- Share of migrant workers in China's total population 2010-2023
- Number of Chinese children affected by migration 2000-2015, by area
- Number of immigrants from Hong Kong living in mainland China 2010-2017
- Rural population share in China 2013-2023
- Gender distribution in China 2023, by region
- Population in Jiangsu, China 2022, by city
- Number of people in China by age group 1990-2023
- Population of Hubei province, China 2012-2022
- Population aged 15 and above in Hong Kong 2013-2023, by gender
- Population with household registration in Hebei China 2021, by city
- Population density in Beijing, China 1980-2022
- Population with household registration in big cities China 2021, by city
- Population density in Beijing, China 2022, by district
- Age distribution of urban population in Jiangsu, China 2022
- Population with household registration in Sichuan China 2021, by city
- Population distribution by five-year age group in China 2023
- Breakdown of population in Hong Kong 2021, by language
- Population distribution by five-year age group and gender in China 2023
- Children and old-age dependency ratio in Beijing, China 2010-2023
- Population of Guangxi, China 2012-2022
- Age distribution of the population in Shanghai, China 2015-2023
- Children and old-age dependency ratio in Shanghai, China 2015-2023
- Population of Hunan province, China 2012-2022
- Population distribution in Guangdong, China 2000-2022, by gender
- Population of Jiangxi province, China 2012-2022
- Population aged 80 and older in China 1950-2100
- Population distribution in China 2022-2023, by broad age group
- Sex ratio of population in Shanxi China 2010-2022
- Population of Jilin province, China 2012-2022
- Population of Liaoning province, China 2012-2022
- Population of Inner Mongolia, China 2012-2022
- Population of Hebei province, China 2012-2022
- Age distribution in China 2013-2023
- Population of Jiangsu, China 1990-2022
- Population aged 60 and older in China 1950-2100
- Population in Beijing, China 2022, by district
- Working-age population in China 1980-2050
- Number of people aged 15-29 years in China by age group 2000-2050
- Median age of the population in China 1950-2100
- Share of working age population in China 1950-2100
- Children and old-age dependency ratio in China 2013-2023
- Share of population aged 65 and older in China 1950-2100
- Sex ratio in China 2023, by age group
- Share of child age population in China 1950-2100
- Population of Shenzhen, China 2022, by district
- Share of population aged 80 and older in China 1950-2100
- Population of Chongqing municipality, China by age group 2012-2022
- Child, old-age, and total dependency ratio in China 1950-2100
- Population of Fujian province, China 2012-2022
- Population of Anhui province, China 2012-2022
- Population of Heilongjiang province, China 2012-2022
- Share of population of selected countries over 60 years of age by 2050
- Population distribution in Guangdong, China 2000-2022, by age group
- Total population in Macao 2013-2023, by gender
- Sex ratio of population in Jiangsu, China 2012-2022