Statistics about Energy & Environment in Africa
- Opinions on stopping climate change in African countries 2016-2018
- Population exposure to heat waves in Africa 2050, by country
- Severity of droughts and flooding in Africa 2016-2018
- Climate conditions for agricultural production in Africa 2016-2018, by area
- Climate conditions for agricultural production in African countries 2016-2018
- Climate conditions for agricultural production in Africa 2016-2018, by occupation
- Changes in climate conditions for agricultural production in Africa 2016-2018
- African countries with highest disaster risk 2022
- Reported deaths due to natural disasters in Africa 1970-2019, by cause
- Reported natural disasters in Africa 1970-2019, by type
- People displaced due to natural disasters in Africa 2020, by country
- Population exposed to sea level rise in Africa 2000-2060
- GDP exposure to wildfire, flood, sea level rise, or storms in Africa 2050, by country
- Projected internal climate migrants in Sub-Saharan Africa 2050, by region
- Preferred climate policies Sub-Saharan Africa 2020
- Annual climate finance needs in Africa 2020-2030
- Vulnerability and readiness to climate change index in Africa 2021, by country
- Africa's share in the global climate finance flows 2010-2019
- Climate finance flows to Africa 2010-2019
- Climate resilience index in Africa 2022, by country
- Projected GDP loss due to climate change in Morocco 2050-2100, by scenario
- Projected GDP loss due to climate change in Tunisia 2050-2100, by scenario
- Projected GDP loss due to climate change in African countries 2050-2100
- Agricultural adaptation costs to climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa 2050
- Sectorial distribution of climate finance for adaptation in Africa 2010-2019
- Sectorial distribution of climate finance for mitigation in Africa 2010-2019
- Climate change knowledge in African countries 2016-2018
- Increasing severity of droughts in African countries 2016-2018
- Reported economic losses due to natural disasters in Africa 1970-2019, by type
- Number of people affected by natural disasters in Africa 1970-2019, by country
- Opinions on main causes of climate change in African countries 2016-2018
- Increasing severity of flooding in African countries 2016-2018
- Awareness of climate change in African countries 2016-2018
- Awareness of climate change in Africa 2016-2018, by country
- Awareness of climate change in African countries 2016-2018, by educational level
- Understanding of climate change in African countries 2016-2018
- Economic damages caused by droughts in Africa 1970-2019, by country
- Economic damages caused by flooding as share of GDP in Africa 1970-2019, by country
- Economic damages caused by storms as share of GDP in Africa 1970-2019, by country
- Climate change making life worse for people living in poverty in Africa 2016-2018
- Deadliest climate disasters in Africa 1970-2019, by human loss
- Reliability of the electricity supply in Kenya 2019
- Electricity generation from wind power in Africa 2000-2020
- Solar electricity generation in Africa 2010-2020
- Hydroelectricity generation in Africa 2000-2020
- Nuclear power generation in Africa 2000-2020
- Geothermal power generation in Africa 2000-2020
- Share of firms experiencing electrical outages in Sub-Saharan Africa 2019-2020
- Access to the electric grid in Africa 2011-2021
- Electricity generation from renewables in Africa 2000-2020
- Electricity generation from fossil fuels in Africa 2000-2019
- Leading countries in renewable electricity generation in Africa 2020
- Connection to an electric grid in Africa 2019-2021, by lived poverty
- Reliability of connections to the electric grid in Africa 2019-2021
- Share of electricity production from coal in Africa 2021, by leading country
- Electricity generated from coal in Africa 2000-2021
- Electricity generation from biomass and waste in Africa 2000-2020
- Electricity transmission and distribution market share in MEA 2021-2030, by country
- Leading countries in solar electricity generation in Africa 2020
- Annual electrical outages in Africa by key country 2018
- Electric power consumption in Africa 2019, by sector
- Electric power consumption in Africa 2000-2019
- Share of renewables in electricity generation in Africa 2019 by country
- Electricity transmission and distribution revenue MEA 2019-2030, by cable type
- African electricity generation outlook 2010-2040
- Sub-Saharan Africa's electricity mix by fuel type 2018
- Africa's use of backup electricity generators by select country 2014
- Africa's electricity access by select country 2018
- Africa's average electricity rates by select country 2016
- Leading countries in wind electricity generation in Africa 2020
- Power production in Africa 1990-2018
- Countries with the least reliable supply of electricity in Africa 2019-2021
- Investment in electricity networks in Africa 2020
- Share of healthcare facilities without electricity access in Africa 2021, by country
- Electricity exports from African countries 2020
- Renewable electricity generation in Africa 2010-2021, by source
- Number of power outages in firms in Sub-Saharan Africa 2019-2020
- Electricity transmission and distribution revenue in MEA 2021-2030, by country
- Electricity transmission and distribution market revenue MEA 2019-2030
- Share of renewables in electricity generation in Africa 2000-2019
- Electricity transmission and distribution revenue MEA 2019-2030, by user
- African population without electricity 2000-2021
- Electricity prices for businesses in Africa 2023, by country
- African population with electricity 2021, by region
- Household electricity prices in Africa 2023, by country
- Planned high voltage direct current projects EMEA region 2022-2025, by country
- Global urban access to electric grid by select country 2013-2015
- Global electrical outages per month by select country 2013-2015
- Sub-Saharan Africa's per capita power consumption by key country 2011
- Sub-Saharan Africa's electricity demand projection by sector 2010-2040
- Share of electricity production in Africa 2021, by source
- Main sources of electricity generation in Africa 2020
- Countries with the most reliable supply of electricity in Africa 2021-2023
- Net imports of electricity in North Africa 2019, by country
- Net imports of electricity in North Africa 2014-2019
- Share of urban and rural population with electricity in Sub-Saharan Africa 2010-2022
- Access to the electric grid in Africa 2021-2023, by area
- Connection to an electric grid in Africa 2021-2023, by area
- Population living off-grid in Africa and Asia by select country 2012
- Africa and Asia's annual lighting expenditures by off-grid household by country 2012