Use frequency of sex toys by female consumers in the U.S. 2017
Sex toy ownership
The global sex toy market is growing. Manufacturers are offering all kinds of products to their customers and when it comes to U.S. female consumers over 18, close to 7 out of 10 own a sex toy. Nearly a quarter of female 18+ sex toy owners in the U.S. have spent over 100 dollars on sex toys in the previous year , as of 2017, and the most popular sex toy is the vibrator followed by lubricant and dildo.
Reasons for using sex toys
Consumers have different reasons for using sex toys: While most of the 18+ female respondents in the U.S. that have tried these products before, often for the sake of fun, there are various others who want to invigorate their sex lives with the help of erotic gadgets. Some respondents just use sex toys out of curiosity while others believe they can’t get an orgasm without these aids.