Revenue growth of media rights in Indonesia 2020-2029

Revenue growth of media rights in Indonesia 2020-2029

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Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


Esports Media Rights refer to the licensing agreements that grant broadcasters, streaming platforms, and media companies the exclusive or non-exclusive rights to distribute and broadcast esports content, including tournaments, matches, and related programming. This market involves the negotiation and sale of these rights to various media outlets, enabling them to reach global audiences through television, online streaming, and other digital platforms. The revenue generated from media rights is a significant contributor to the esports economy, helping to fund events, teams, and game developers while also expanding the visibility and mainstream appeal of esports. As esports continues to grow, media rights play a crucial role in shaping how competitive gaming is consumed and monetized worldwide.

Additional information:

The market comprises revenues, users, average revenue per user, and penetration rates. Revenues are generated through consumer spending and ad spending. Sales channel data shows online revenues. All monetary figures refer to the annual gross revenue.
Key players of the market include companies or teams such as FaZe, Cloud9 or TSM.
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