Stacy Jo Dixon
Research expert covering social media usage worldwide
Detailed statistics
UK children social media presence and usage 2021, by age group
Detailed statistics
UK children social media presence and usage 2021, by age group
Detailed statistics
UK children social media presence and usage 2021, by age group
Frequency of selected playtime activities for UK children 2021
Types of playtime activities for children in the United Kingdom as of November 2021, by frequency
UK children social media presence and usage 2021, by age group
Social media usage and social media profile ownership of children and teenagers in the United Kingdom (UK) as of October 2021, by age group
UK children daily time on selected social media apps 2023
Average daily time spent by children in the United Kingdom (UK) on leading social media apps in 2023 (in minutes)
UK children daily time on communication apps 2023
Average daily time spent by children in the United Kingdom (UK) on leading communication apps in 2023 (in minutes)
Leading video apps used by children in the UK 2023
Most popular video apps used by children in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2023
UK children daily time on video apps 2023
Average daily time spent by children in the United Kingdom (UK) on leading video apps in 2023 (in minutes)
Time spent on TikTok in the UK forecast 2019-2024
Average minutes per day spent on TikTok forecast in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2019 to 2023
UK kids engaging with selected online platforms weekly 2021, by age group
Share of children in the United Kingdom (UK) who have played on selected online platforms multiple times per week as of November 2021, by age group
UK kids engaging with selected online platforms weekly 2021, by gender
Share of children in the United Kingdom who have played on selected online platforms multiple times per week as of November 2021, by gender
Social media audiences in the United Kingdom (UK) 2023, by age group
Social media audiences in the United Kingdom (UK) as of June 2023, by age group
UK: teen Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram users 2023
Number of teen users of Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram in the United Kingdom (UK) as of June 2023 (in 1,000s)
UK: teenage Facebook users 2023, by gender
Number of Facebook users in the United Kingdom (UK) between the ages of 13 and 17 years as of January 2023, by gender (in 1,000s)
UK: teenage Instagram users 2023, by gender
Number of Instagram users in the United Kingdom (UK) between the ages of 13 and 17 years as of June 2023, by gender (in 1,000s)
UK: teenage Messenger users 2023, by gender
Number of Facebook Messenger users in the United Kingdom between the ages of 13 and 17 years as of September 2023, by gender (in 1,000s)
TikTok penetration demographics in the United Kingdom (UK) 2019
Share of smartphone users on TikTok in the United Kingdom (UK) in December 2019, by age group and gender
TikTok audiences in the UK 2021, by age and gender
Distribution of TikTok audiences in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2021, by age and gender
Dangerous actions kids take online in the UK 2020
Risky online behavior of children in the United Kingdom as of March 2020
UK children on leading potential harms on social media 2020
Leading potential harms on social media according to children in the United Kingdom as of February 2020
UK children who experienced online harms 2020, by platform
Share of children in the United Kingdom who experienced potential online harms as of February 2020, by platform
UK children who have seen worrying online content 2022, by nation
Children in the United Kingdom (UK) who have seen something worrying or nasty online in 2022, by nation
Share of UK children that have seen harmful online content 2020
Types of harmful online content seen by children in the UK in 2020
Social media engagement impact on teens in England 2021, by mental health status
Impact of social media likes, comments, or shares on teenagers in England as of March 2021, by mental health status
U.S. and U.K. teens: negative feelings that started on Instagram 2019
Negative feelings that originated after browsing Instagram according to teens in the United States and United Kingdom in 2019
U.S. and U.K. teens: Instagram and mental health 2019
Instagram and its effects on mental health according to teens in the United States and United Kingdom in 2019
UK children who received information about internet safety 2022, by age group
Share of children in the United Kingdom who have been educated about internet safety from selected figures and media in 2022, by age group
Ability to identify true news stories among children in the United Kingdom (UK) 2023
Level of difficulty identifying whether a news story on social media is true among children in the United Kingdom (UK) as of March 2023
Ways children fact-check social media news United Kingdom (UK) 2024, by age group
Most likely actions children would take to check the reliability of news on social media sites or apps in the United Kingdom (UK) as of March 2024, by age group
UK children able to identify a fake profile 2022, by nation
Children in the United Kingdom (UK) able to identify a fake online profile in 2022, by nation
UK children who can change privacy settings on social media accounts 2020
Share of children in the United Kingdom who know how to change privacy settings on social media accounts as of February 2020
UK children who have changed their social media privacy settings 2020, by age group
Share of children in the United Kingdom who have changed their social media privacy settings as of February 2020, by age group
Leading social media usage reasons worldwide 2023
Most popular reasons for internet users worldwide to use social media as of 4th quarter 2023
UK children on the positives of being online 2021
Positive aspects of being online according to children in the United Kingdom as of October 2021
Parental concerns over children device usage U.S. and UK 2021
Level of concern among parents in the United States and the United Kingdom over children device usage in 2021
Parents in selected countries who block WhatsApp on their children phones 2021
Share of parents in selected countries who blocked WhatsApp on their children mobile devices as of 2021
Most wanted digital features according to UK children 2021
Desired features for digital devices and services according to children in the United Kingdom as of November 2021
Most wanted digital features according to UK children 2021, by gender
Desired features for digital devices and services according to children in the United Kingdom as of November 2021, by gender
UK kids on enjoying playing in real life and online 2021, by age group
Share of children in the United Kingdom who agree that they recently had a great time playing in real life settings and online as of November 2021, by age group
UK kids on enjoying playing in real life and online 2021, by gender
Share of children in the United Kingdom who agree that they recently had a great time playing in real life settings and online as of November 2021, by gender
Methods for parents in England and Wales to monitor kids online activities 2020
Actions taken by parents and guardians in England and Wales to monitor their children internet usage as of March 2020
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