Saifaddin Galal
Research Expert North Africa
Detailed statistics
Total business density rate in Tunisia 2010-2019
Detailed statistics
Number of newly registered businesses in Tunisia 2014-2029
Detailed statistics
Number of onshore and offshore companies in Tunisia 2003-2020
Number of companies in Tunisia 2003-2020
Number of business enterprises in Tunisia from 2003 to 2020
Total business density rate in Tunisia 2010-2019
Number of business enterprises per 1,000 adult population in Tunisia from 2010 to 2019
Number of limited liability companies (SARL) in Tunisia 2003-2020
Number of limited liability companies (SARL) in Tunisia from 2003 to 2020
Number of onshore and offshore companies in Tunisia 2003-2020
Number of onshore and offshore business enterprises in Tunisia from 2003 to 2020
Number of companies in Tunisia 2003-2020, by nationality
Number of business enterprises in Tunisia from 2003 to 2020, by nationality
Number of companies in Tunisia 2020, by governorate
Number of business enterprises in Tunisia in 2020, by governorate
Number of companies in Tunisia 2019, by sector
Number of business enterprises in Tunisia in 2019, by economic activity
Number of deregistered companies in Tunisia 2000-2020
Number of closed business enterprises in Tunisia from 2000 to 2020
Market capitalization in Tunisia 2010-2019
Market capitalization in Tunisia from 2010 to 2019 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Market capitalization of listed domestic companies as GDP share in Tunisia 2013-2022
Market capitalization of listed domestic companies as a share of GDP in Tunisia from 2013 to 2022
Main companies in Tunisia 2023, by market capitalization
Leading companies in Tunisia in 2023, by market capitalization (in million U.S. dollars)
Number of companies listed in the stock exchange in Tunisia 2013-2020
Number of companies listed in the stock exchange in Tunisia from 2013 to 2020
Number of newly registered businesses in Tunisia 2014-2029
Number of newly registered businesses in Tunisia from 2014 to 2029 (in thousands)
New business density in Tunisia 2013-2022
Number of new business enterprises per 1,000 adult population in Tunisia from 2013 to 2022
Startup ecosystem index score in Tunisia 2022
Startup ecosystem index score in Tunisia as of 2022
Leading startups in Tunisia 2022, by total funding
Leading startups in Tunisia as of 2022, by total funding (in million U.S. dollars)
Number of tech startups that raised funding in Tunisia 2015-2022
Number of funded tech startups in Tunisia from 2015 to 2022
Funding value secured by tech startups in Tunisia 2019-2022
Total funding value secured by tech startups in Tunisia from 2019 to 2022 (in million U.S. dollars)
Ease of doing business score in Tunisia 2016-2020
Ease of doing business score in Tunisia from 2016 to 2020
Ease of doing business in Tunisia 2020, by topic
Ease of doing business in Tunisia in 2020, by topic
Average number of days required to start a business in Tunisia 2014-2029
Average number of days required to start a business in Tunisia from 2014 to 2029
Days needed to obtain business licenses and permits in Tunisia 2020
Average number of days needed to obtain business licenses and permits in Tunisia as of 2020, by type of license
Corporate income tax (CIT) rate in Tunisia 2021, by category
Corporate income tax (CIT) rate in Tunisia in 2021, by category
Main tax and regulation constraints for firms in Tunisia 2020, by type
Share of businesses considering tax and regulations a major constraint in Tunisia as of 2020, by type
Number of employees in the private sector in Tunisia 2003-2020
Number of people employed in private sector enterprises in Tunisia from 2003 to 2020
Number of employees in the private sector in Tunisia 2019-2020, by company size
Number of people employed in private sector enterprises in Tunisia in 2019 and 2020, by company size
Number of employees in private companies in Tunisia 2003-2020, by company nationality
Number of people employed in private business enterprises in Tunisia from 2003 to 2020, by nationality of the company
Number of private sector employees in Tunisia 2020, by sector
Number of people employed in private enterprises in Tunisia in 2020, by main sectors
Index of women entrepreneurs in Africa 2021, by country
Leading African countries in the Mastercard Index of Women Entrepreneurs (MIWE) in 2021
Women with leadership roles in firms in Tunisia 2020
Share of firms with women in ownership or leadership roles in Tunisia as of 2020, by type of position
Firms with women in ownership in Tunisia 2013-2020
Share of firms with women participating in ownership in Tunisia in 2013 and 2020
Problems faced by business managers after COVID-19 lockdown in Tunisia 2020
Problems faced by business managers after the coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown in Tunisia as of June 2020
Businesses undertaking employment adjustment due to COVID-19 in Tunisia 2020
Distribution of businesses undertaking employment adjustment due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Tunisia in April and July 2020 (compared to the previous year)
Businesses registering a decline in sales due to COVID-19 in Tunisia 2020, by sector
Distribution of businesses with a decrease in sales due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Tunisia in 2020, by sector (compared to the previous year)
Impact of COVID-19 on family businesses income in Tunisia 2020
Impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on the income of family businesses in Tunisia from May to October 2020
Main policy supports requested by business owners in Tunisia 2020
Main types of policy support requested by employers or business owners during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Tunisia in 2020
Businesses improving IT infrastructures due to COVID-19 in Tunisia 2020, by sector
Share of companies that have improved their IT infrastructure due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Tunisia as of December 2020, by sector
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