Alexandru Arba
Research expert covering Japan
Detailed statistics
Revenue of J. League soccer clubs in Japan FY 2016-2023
Detailed statistics
Number of J. League fans in Japan 2015-2024
Detailed statistics
Overall number of attendances in the J League 1994-2023
Number of soccer players registered in Japan 1990-2024
Number of soccer players registered with the Japan Football Association in Japan from 1991 to 2024 (in 1,000s)
Number of players registered in the J. League 2024, by division
Number of players registered in Japan's professional soccer circuit (J. League) in 2024, by division
Number of teams in the J. League 1993/1994-2023/2024
Number of teams in Japan's professional soccer circuit (J. League) from season 1993/1994 to 2023/2024
Number of teams in the J. League 2023/2024, by division
Number of teams in Japan's professional soccer circuit (J. League) in 2023/2024, by division
Number of games to be played per team in the J. League 2023, by division
Number of matches scheduled in Japan's professional soccer circuit (J. League) in the 2023 season, by division
Home stadiums of J1 teams 2022, by attendance capacity
Home stadiums of teams playing in Japan's first-tier professional soccer league (J1) as of 2022, by admission capacity (in 1,000s)
Revenue of J. League soccer clubs in Japan FY 2016-2023
Total revenue of soccer clubs in the J. League in Japan from fiscal year 2016 to 2023 (in billion Japanese yen)
Revenue of clubs in the J. League FY 2015-2023, by type
Revenue earned by clubs in Japan's professional soccer circuit (J. League) from fiscal year 2015 to 2023, by type (in billion Japanese yen)
Business expenses of teams in the J. League FY 2016-2023
Business expenses of teams in Japan's professional soccer circuit (J. League) from fiscal year 2016 to 2023 (in billion Japanese yen)
Operating expenses of soccer clubs in the J. League FY 2023, by type
Operating expenses of clubs in Japan's professional soccer circuit (J. League) in fiscal year 2023, by type (in billion Japanese yen)
Operating profit of J. League soccer clubs FY 2014-2023
Operating profit of teams in Japan's professional soccer circuit (J. League) from fiscal year 2014 to 2023 (in billion Japanese yen)
Revenue of J. League teams FY 2023, by division
Total annual revenue of teams in Japan's professional soccer circuit (J. League) in fiscal year 2023, by division (in billion Japanese yen)
Revenue from sponsors in the J. League 2023, by division
Revenue received from sponsors in Japan's professional soccer circuit (J. League) in 2023, by division (in billion Japanese yen)
Revenue from selling merchandise by J. League soccer clubs FY 2023, by division
Total merchandise revenue by teams in Japan's professional soccer circuit (J. League) in fiscal year 2023, by division (in billion Japanese yen)
Operating expenses of soccer clubs in the J. League FY 2023, by division
Operating expenses of clubs in Japan's professional soccer circuit (J. League) in fiscal year 2023, by division (in billion Japanese yen)
Personnel expenses of J. League soccer clubs FY 2021, by division
Personnel expenses of teams in Japan's professional soccer circuit (J. League) in fiscal year 2021, by division (in billion Japanese yen)
Operating profit of J. League soccer clubs FY 2023, by division
Total operating profit of teams in Japan's professional soccer circuit (J. League) in fiscal year 2023, by division (in billion Japanese yen)
Number of J. League fans in Japan 2015-2024
Number of fans of Japan's professional soccer circuit (J. League) from 2015 to 2024 (in millions)
Most popular J1 soccer teams in Japan 2024
Most popular soccer teams playing in the J1 League in Japan as of April 2024
Share of people spectating J. League matches in Japan 2018-2023
Share of people spectating J. League matches at stadiums in Japan from 2018 to 2023
Share of people watching J. League games on TV or the internet in Japan 2018-2023
Share of people watching J. League matches on TV or the internet in Japan from 2018 to 2023
Audience reach abroad of the J. League through social media 2018-2023
Foreign audience reach through social network services of Japan's professional soccer circuit (J. League) from 2018 to 2023 (in millions)
Number of J. League SNS followers from abroad 2018-2023
Number of worldwide followers on social networks of Japan's professional soccer circuit (J. League) from 2018 to 2023 (in millions)
Overall number of attendances in the J League 1994-2023
Attendances at matches in Japan's professional soccer circuit (J League) from 1994 to 2023 (in millions)
Annual attendance figures J1 League 1993-2023
Annual number of attendances at matches in Japan's first-tier professional soccer league (J1) from 1993 to 2023 (in millions)
Annual attendance figures J2 League 1993-2023
Annual number of attendances at matches in Japan's second-tier professional soccer league (J2) from 1999 to 2023 (in millions)
Average per game attendance at J. League matches 2023, by division
Average per game attendance at matches in Japan's professional soccer circuit (J. League) in 2023, by division (in 1,000s)
Average per game attendance of J1 League matches 2024, by team
Average per game attendance of matches in the J1 League in 2024, by team (in 1,000s)
Average occupancy rate of stadiums that host J. League matches 2020-2021
Average occupancy rate of stadiums that hosted J. League soccer matches in Japan from July 2020 to December 2021
All-time most successful J1 teams in Japan 2023, by number of matches won
All-time most successful soccer teams in the J1 League in Japan as of December 2023, by number of matches won
Attendance at J1 League matches 2023, by team
Leading J1 teams in 2023, by annual supporter attendance (in 1,000s)
Operating revenue of J1 League teams FY 2023, by club
Operating revenue of teams in Japan's first-tier professional soccer league (J1) in fiscal year 2023, by club (in billion Japanese yen)
Revenue from sponsorship of J1 League teams FY 2022, by club
Sponsorship revenue of teams in Japan's first-tier professional soccer league (J1) in fiscal year 2022, by club (in billion Japanese yen)
Revenue from entry fees of J1 League teams FY 2022, by club
Revenue generated through entry fees by teams in Japan's first-tier professional soccer league (J1) in fiscal year 2022, by club (in million Japanese yen)
Top personnel expenses in the J1 League FY 2022 by club
Top personnel expenses of teams in Japan's first-tier professional soccer league (J1) in fiscal year 2022, by club (in billion Japanese yen)
Number of goals scored in the J1 League 2023, by team
Number of goals scored in Japan's first-tier professional soccer league (J1) in 2023, by team
Average running distance of teams per game in the J1 League 2022, by team
Average distance run per game by teams playing in Japan's first-tier professional soccer League (J1) in 2022, by team (in kilometers)
Top scorers in the J1 League in Japan 2023
Leading goal scorers playing in the J1 League in Japan in 2023
Leading players in the J1 League in Japan 2021, by chances created
Leading players in the J1 League in Japan in 2021, by chances created
Leading players in the J1 League in Japan 2023, by sprints
Leading players in the J1 League in Japan in 2023, by number of sprints
Leading goal keepers in the J1 League 2023, by saves
Leading goal keepers in Japan's first-tier professional soccer league (J1) in 2023, by number of saves
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