Alexandru Arba
Research expert covering Japan
Detailed statistics
Participation rate in sports in Japan 2021-2023
Detailed statistics
Sport participation rate in Japan 2023, by type of activity
Detailed statistics
Market size of the sports participation industry in Japan 2017-2024, by segment
Market size of the sports participation industry in Japan 2017-2024, by segment
Market size of the sports participation industry in Japan from 2017 to 2024, by segment (in billion Japanese yen)
Participation rate in sports in Japan 2021-2023
Share of people participating in sports in Japan from 2021 to 2023
Rate of sports participation in Japan 2023, by age group
Share of sports practitioners in Japan as of November 2023, by age group
Participation rate in sports in Japan 2021-2023, by gender
Share of sports practitioners in Japan from 2021 to 2023, by gender
Weekly participation in sports among adults FY 2023, by frequency
Share of adults participating in sports weekly in Japan in fiscal year 2023, by frequency
Sport participation rate in Japan 2023, by type of activity
Participation rate in sports and physical exercise in Japan in 2023, by type of activity
Share of people doing sports once a week or more in Japan FY 2023, by age and gender
Share of people participating in sports at least once a week in Japan in fiscal year 2023, by age group and gender
Share of people doing sports twice or more per week Japan FY 2023, by age and gender
Share of people participating in sports at least two times a week in Japan in fiscal year 2023, by age group and gender
Sport participation rate among female adults 2023, by type of activity
Sports participation rate among adult women in Japan in 2023, by type of activity
Sport participation rate among male adults 2023, by type of activity
Sports participation rate among adult men in Japan in 2023, by type of activity
Annual number of participations in physical activities in Japan 2023, by sport
Annual number of times people participated in physical activities in Japan in 2023, by sport
Desired vs actual participation in sports in Japan 2023, by type of sport
Desired versus actual participation in sports in Japan in 2023, by type of sport
Number of sports club members in Japan 2014-2023
Number of fitness club members in Japan from 2014 to 2023 (in millions)
Share of people using gyms in Japan 2016-2023
Share of people using fitness clubs in Japan from 2016 to 2023
Share of people using gyms in Japan 2016-2023, by gender
Distribution of fitness club users in Japan from 2016 to 2023, by gender
Participation rate in gyms in Japan 2023, by age group
Share of people that work out in gyms and fitness studios in Japan as of November 2023, by age group
Share of people using gyms in Japan 2023, by urbanity of area
Distribution of fitness club users in Japan as of November 2023, by degree of urbanity of area
Rate of children doing sports in Japan 2023, by frequency
Sport participation rate among children in Japan as of July 2023, by frequency
Participation rate of children in sports teams and clubs in Japan 2023, by gender
Participation rate of children in sports teams and clubs in Japan in 2023, by gender
Participation rate of adolescents in sports teams and clubs in Japan 2023, by gender
Participation rate of teenagers in sports teams and clubs in Japan in 2023, by gender
Most popular exercise or sports among children in Japan 2023, by type
Most frequently carried out exercises or sports among children in Japan as of July 2023, by exercise and sports type
Most popular exercise or sports among teenagers in Japan 2023, by type
Most frequently carried out exercises or sports among teenagers in Japan in 2023, by exercise and sports type
Participation rate of adolescents in sports volunteering Japan 2023, by gender
Participation rate of teenagers in sports volunteering activities in Japan in 2023, by gender
Number of sports club members at junior high schools in Japan 2016-2023, by gender
Number of sports club members at junior high schools in Japan from 2016 to 2023, by gender (in 1,000s)
Number of female sports club members at junior high schools in Japan 2023, by sport
Number of female sports club members at junior high schools in Japan as of June 2023, by sport (in 1,000s)
Number of male sports club members at junior high schools in Japan 2023, by sport
Number of male sports club members at junior high schools in Japan as of June 2023, by sport (in 1,000s)
Number of high school sport club members in Japan 2014-2023, by gender
Number of sports club members at high schools in Japan from 2014 to 2023, by gender (in 1,000s)
Number of female sports club members at high schools in Japan 2023, by sport
Number of female sports club members at high schools in Japan as of August 2023, by sport (in 1,000s)
Number of male sports club members at high schools in Japan 2023, by sport
Number of male sports club members at high schools in Japan as of August 2023, by sport (in 1,000s)
Sports participation rate of disabled people in Japan 2017-2023
Sports participation rate of disabled persons in Japan from 2017 to 2023
Adults with disabilities participating in sports in Japan 2014-2023, by frequency
Sports participation rate of adults with disabilities in Japan from 2014 to 2023, by frequency
Children with disabilities participating in sports in Japan 2013-2023, by frequency
Sports participation rate of children and adolescents with disabilities in Japan from 2013 to 2023, by frequency
Children with disabilities participating in sports in Japan 2023, by frequency
Sports participation rate of children with disabilities in Japan in 2023, by frequency
Main reasons for sports participation of disabled people in Japan 2023
Leading positive aspects that sports participation provided to disabled people in Japan as of December 2023
Main obstacles for sports participation of disabled people in Japan 2023
Main obstacles for sports participation of disabled people in Japan as of December 2023
Reasons for working out and doing sports Japan 2023
Leading reasons for exercising and participating in sports in Japan as of November 2023
Opinion on importance of sports and exercise in Japan 2023
Share of people who consider sports and physical exercise personally important in Japan as of November 2023
Teenagers' opinion on exercising and doing sports Japan 2023
Attitude of teenagers towards exercise and sports in Japan in 2023
Preferred places for training and doing sports Japan 2023
Most popular private and public places to exercise or partake in sports in Japan as of November 2023
Self-assessed status regarding lack of physical exercise Japan 2023, by age
Share of people who felt that they were lacking sufficient physical exercise in Japan as of November 2023, by age group
Leading reasons for not doing sports in Japan 2023
Leading reasons for not doing sports in Japan as of November 2023
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