Alexandru Arba
Research expert covering Japan
Detailed statistics
Sports club revenue in Japan 2014-2023
Detailed statistics
Number of sports club members in Japan 2014-2023
Detailed statistics
Number of fitness clubs in Japan 2020-2023
Sport participation rate in Japan 2023, by type of activity
Participation rate in sports and physical exercise in Japan in 2023, by type of activity
Average annual spending on sports in Japan 2024, by category
Average annual spending on sports in Japan in 2024 by category of expense (in 1,000 Japanese yen)
Sports club revenue in Japan 2014-2023
Total sales of fitness clubs in Japan from 2014 to 2023 (in billion Japanese yen)
Monthly net sales of gyms in Japan 2020-2023
Monthly net sales of fitness clubs in Japan from 2020 to 2023 (in billion Japanese yen)
Leading sports clubs in Japan 2023, by net sales
Leading fitness clubs in Japan in the fiscal year as of March 2023, by net sales (in billion Japanese yen)
Number of gym operators in Japan 2014-2023
Number of fitness club businesses in Japan from 2014 to 2023 (in 1,000s)
Number of fitness clubs in Japan 2020-2023
Number of fitness clubs in Japan in 2020 and 2023 (in 1,000s)
Number of fitness club facilities in Japan in 2023, by type
Number of fitness club facilities in Japan as of July 2023, by type
Gym instructor figures in Japan 2014-2023
Number of fitness club trainers in Japan from 2014 to 2023 (in 1,000s)
Fitness club employee figures in Japan 2014-2023, by type
Fitness club employee numbers in Japan from 2014 to 2023, by type (in 1,000s)
Number of sports club members in Japan 2014-2023
Number of fitness club members in Japan from 2014 to 2023 (in millions)
Annual number of gym visitors in Japan 2014-2023
Annual cumulative number of gym users in Japan from 2014 to 2023 (in millions)
Share of people using gyms in Japan 2016-2023, by gender
Distribution of fitness club users in Japan from 2016 to 2023, by gender
Share of people using gyms in Japan 2023, by age group
Distribution of fitness club users in Japan as of November 2023, by age group
Share of people using gyms in Japan 2023, by urbanity of area
Distribution of fitness club users in Japan as of November 2023, by degree of urbanity of area
Share of people using gyms in Japan 2023, by household income
Distribution of fitness club users in Japan as of November 2023, by household income
Average household expenditure on gyms in Japan 2014-2023
Average household expenses on fitness clubs in Japan from 2014 to 2023 (in 1,000 Japanese yen)
Household expenses on gyms in Japan 2023, by age group
Household expenditure on fitness clubs in Japan in 2023, by age group (in 1,000 Japanese yen)
Average household expenditure on gyms in Japan 2023, by region
Average household expenses on fitness clubs in Japan in 2023, by region (in 1,000 Japanese yen)
Average household expenditure on gyms in Japan 2023, by urbanity of area
Average household expenses on fitness clubs in Japan in 2023, by degree of urbanity of area (in 1,000 Japanese yen)
Single household expenditure on gyms in Japan 2014-2023
Expenditure of single households on fitness clubs in Japan from 2014 to 2023 (in 1,000 Japanese yen)
Rizap Group's sales profit FY 2015-2024
Sales revenue of Rizap Group Inc. from fiscal year 2015 to 2024 (in billion Japanese yen)
Konami's sports segment revenue FY 2017-2024
Revenue of Konami Holdings Corporation's sport segment from fiscal year 2017 to 2024 (in billion Japanese yen)
Central Sports' net sales FY 2015-2024
Net sales of Central Sports from fiscal year 2015 to 2024 (in billion Japanese yen)
Renaissance's net sales FY 2014-2023
Net sales of Renaissance Inc. from fiscal year 2014 to 2023 (in billion Japanese yen)
Curves' net sales FY 2019-2023
Net sales of Curves Holdings Co., Ltd. from fiscal year 2019 to 2023 (in billion Japanese yen)
Fast Fitness' net sales in Japan FY 2019-2024
Net sales of Fast Fitness Japan, Inc. from fiscal year 2019 to 2024 (in billion Japanese yen)
Sporting goods market size in Japan 2015-2024
Total domestic shipment value of the sporting equipment market in Japan from 2015 to 2023 with a forecast for 2024 (in trillion Japanese yen)
Sporting goods market size in Japan 2023, by category
Domestic shipment value of the sporting equipment market in Japan in 2023, by category (in billion Japanese yen)*
Projected activewear market size Japan 2024, by type
Projected sportswear market size in Japan in 2024, by type (in billion Japanese yen)
Sportswear market size in Japan 2018-2024
Domestic shipment value of the sports apparel market in Japan from 2018 to 2023 with forecasts for 2024 (in billion Japanese yen)
Sports shoes market size in Japan 2015-2024
Domestic shipment value of the sports shoes market in Japan from 2015 to 2023 with a forecast for 2024 (in billion Japanese yen)
Athletic gear market size in Japan 2015-2024
Domestic shipment value of the athletic wear market in Japan from 2015 to 2023 with a forecast for 2024 (in billion Japanese yen)
Leading workout applications in Japan 2023, by all-time revenue
Leading fitness applications for workout in Japan as of December 2023, by all-time revenue (in million U.S. dollars)
Leading fitness apps for workout in Japan 2023, by revenue
Leading fitness applications for workouts in Japan in 2023, by revenue (in 1,000 U.S. dollars)
Leading fitness workout apps in Japan 2023, by all-time downloads
Leading fitness applications for workouts in Japan as of December 2023, by all-time number of downloads (in millions)
Leading weight control applications in Japan 2023, by all-time revenue
Leading weight control applications in Japan as of December 2023, by all-time revenue (in 1,000 U.S. dollars)
Leading fitness apps for weight control in Japan 2023, by revenue
Leading fitness applications for weight control in Japan in 2023, by revenue (in 1,000 U.S. dollars)
Leading weight control applications in Japan 2023, by all-time downloads
Leading weight control applications in Japan as of December 2023, by all-time downloads (in millions)
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