Millennials in France - statistics & facts
What makes millennials different from older generations?
Regarding health, most millennials reported being non-smokers and drinking alcohol less often than several times a month, which makes blackouts experiences after consuming too much less frequent. As for their sexuality, 22 percent of French people aged 18 to 30 found it difficult to cope with the fact that one might be a virgin in this age group. And in 2023, 43 percent of young people did not have any sexual relation in the last year.What do millennials like?
These tech-savvy young individuals like to spend between six and fifteen hours a week on videogames and spend as much as up to 100 euros on them.While some might welcome a digital break, 62 percent of young people could not imagine going on vacation without their smartphones, which implies that surfing activities are taking place on their mobile internet rather than riding waves on the beach. Other than technology, French fashion is not a topic to be taken lightly. France is one of the most popular fashion hubs in the world, and most millennials aged 18 to 30 spend an average of 400 to 500 euros per year on clothing.
However, staying trendy, finding an adequate position in today's society seem difficult as traditional values are shifting, and employment models are restructuring themselves. Being an in-between generation, many experience a psychological impact (stress, mood swings, anxiety) on their well-being when dealing with challenging times.