Travel and tourism in Denmark - statistics & facts
What is popular in the Danish tourism market?
From the Roskilde festival to Tivoli in Copenhagen, exploring Christiania, and spending time at Dyrhavsbakken, the oldest documented amusement park in the world, there are multitude of experiences to be had in Denmark. Tivoli had over 40 million visitors in 2023 and remains Denmark’s leading attraction spot. Tourists enjoy Danish nature by primarily renting holiday houses. Almost 17 million of all overnight stays were spent in holiday homes, compared to the 7.6 million spent in hotels. Camping was the third-most popular accommodation type, with 4.1 million campers in 2023. Out of those overnight stays in camping sites, Germans constituted 68.1 percent of those visitors. Overall, Germany was the highest inbound market to Denmark, with over 20 million overnight stays.Outbound tourism from Denmark: Danes abroad
Denmark’s population was well over 5.9 million in 2024, but the number of tourist departures were already over six million in 2022. This was a decrease from the pre-pandemic period when trips could amount to over nine million departures. Hence, Danes made more trips than the number of people living in the country. The most popular tourism destination among Danes was Spain, with 18 percent of all holidays taking place there in 2023. The second-most preferred location was Italy, followed by Greece. Leisure trips were overwhelmingly taken for beach vacations, with 81 percent of overnight stays conducted in 2023.Denmark is a popular destination to travel to, with many beautiful sights and attractions. Neighboring countries consist of most of the inbound tourists. Danes themselves preferred sunny beach vacations, with Spain as the main destination. It is forecast that the revenue for camping holidays will decrease, and vacation and hotels will increase over time to 2028.