Renewable energy in Luxembourg - statistics & facts
The main renewable sources utilized in Luxembourg were hydropower, solar power, wind power, and to a lesser extent, biomass. In 2019, the installed hydropower capacity in Luxembourg equaled 1.3 thousand megawatts, while installed solar photovoltaic capacity amounted to 140 megawatts and the installed wind capacity to 136 megawatts. In terms of electricity production, in 2018, Luxembourg generated 0.25 terawatt-hours of electricity by wind power, 0.09 terawatt-hours of electricity by hydraulic power, and 0.09 terawatt-hours of electricity by solid biomass. In other words, Luxembourg had a high capacity for hydropower, yet produced most of its electricity by wind power. To a much lesser extent, Luxembourg also produced energy derived from other renewable sources such as biogas or renewable municipal waste.
Alongside Malta, Belgium, and the Netherlands, Luxembourg is one of the European countries with the lowest implementation of sustainable energy. Indeed, the share of renewable energy in the final energy consumption in Luxembourg was lower than the renewable consumption in Belgium, yet higher than renewable consumption in the Netherlands. Given that the country reaches the European-Union goal for 2020, only 12 percent of the energy consumption would be covered by renewable sources. Therefore, the penetration of renewables in Luxembourg remains very limited.