Lionel Sujay Vailshery
Research expert covering cloud computing and emerging tech industries
Detailed statistics
Public cloud services market size 2017-2025
Detailed statistics
Revenue of the public cloud industry in the UK 2020-2029
Detailed statistics
Most used cloud services in the UK 2023
Public cloud services market size 2017-2025
Public cloud services end-user spending worldwide from 2017 to 2025 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Revenue of the public cloud industry in the UK 2020-2029
Revenue of the public cloud market in the United Kingdom from 2020 to 2029 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Most used cloud services in the UK 2023
Most used cloud services in the UK as of December 2023
Use of internet-based data storage (cloud services) in Great Britain 2020, by age
Use of services to store data on the internet (cloud services) in Great Britain from 2015 to 2020, by age
Revenue of the public cloud infrastracture services industry in the UK 2020-2029
Revenue of the public cloud infrastracture services market in the United Kingdom from 2020 to 2029 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Revenue of the platform as a service industry in the UK 2019-2029
Revenue of the platform as a service market in the United Kingdom from 2019 to 2029 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Revenue of the software as a service industry in the UK 2019-2029
Revenue of the software as a service market in the United Kingdom from 2019 to 2029 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Effect of GDPR on cloud governance worldwide 2019
Share of organizations that will make significant changes in cloud governance after the introduction of the GDPR as of 2019, by country
UK industry: enterprises using cloud computing services 2018
Uses of cloud computing services in enterprises in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2018, by cloud service
UK manufacturing industry: enterprises using cloud computing services 2018-2020
Purchase of cloud computing services in manufacturing enterprises in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2018 and 2020 by cloud services
Enterprises using cloud computing services in construction industry in UK 2016-2020
Use of cloud computing services in construction enterprises in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2016, 2018 and 2020, by cloud service
UK transportation industry: enterprises using cloud computing services 2016-2018
Use of cloud computing services in transportation and storage industry enterprises in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2016 and 2018, by cloud service
UK accommodation industry: enterprises using cloud computing services 2016-2018
Use of cloud computing services in accommodation enterprises in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2016 and 2018, by cloud service
UK ICT industry: enterprises using cloud computing services 2016-2018
Use of cloud computing services in ICT enterprises in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2016 and 2018, by cloud service
UK government G-Cloud spending 2013-2019
G-Cloud spending of the government in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2013 to 2019 (in million GBP)
UK government: G-Cloud spending 2012-2019, by enterprise size
Annual G-Cloud spending of the government in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2012 to 2019, by size of enterprises (in million GBP)
Policies on the use of cloud services in the public sector in the United Kingdom 2020
What is your organization's policy on cloud?
UK: Public sector organizations' hesitancy for using the cloud 2020
My organization is reluctant to move workloads to the cloud due to risk and security concerns in 2020
UK: Public sector organizations consideration of public cloud usage 2020, by use case
Which of the following would you not consider using public cloud for?
UK: Public sector organizations' lack of skills for using cloud native applications
My organization lacks the skills to manage cloud native applications
UK: Public sector organizations' views on cloud as enabler for digital transformation
Cloud is merely an enabler for my organization to adopt transformative technologies like artificial intelligence, smart places and IoT/hyper connectivity
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