John Elflein
Research expert covering health and health care
Detailed statistics
U.S. adults with severe headache or migraine 1997-2016
Detailed statistics
Adults with severe headache or migraine 1997-2016, by age
Detailed statistics
Frequency of headaches among adults in the U.S. 2017
U.S. adults with severe headache or migraine 1997-2016
Percentage of adults with severe headache or migraine in the U.S. between 1997 and 2016
Adults with severe headache or migraine 1997-2016, by gender
Percentage of adults in the U.S. with severe headache or migraine between 1997 and 2016, by gender
Share of women who had a migraine in the past 3 months U.S. 2016, by age
Percentage of women who suffered from a severe headache or migraine in the past three months as of 2016, by age
Adults with severe headache or migraine 1997-2016, by age
Percentage of adults in the U.S. with severe headache or migraine in 1997 and 2016, by age group
Adults with severe headache or migraine 2016, by ethnicity
Percentage of adults in the U.S. with severe headache or migraine in 1997 and 2016, by ethnicity
Adults with severe headache or migraine 1997-2016, by region
Percentage of adults in the U.S. with severe headache or migraine in 1997 and 2016, by region
Frequency of headaches among adults in the U.S. 2017
Frequency adults suffered from headaches over the last year in the United States as of 2017
Frequency of headaches among adults in the U.S. 2017, by gender
Frequency adults suffered from headaches over the last year in the United States as of 2017, by gender
Frequency of headaches among adults in the U.S. 2017, by age
Frequency adults suffered from headaches over the last year in the United States as of 2017, by age
Frequency of headaches among adults in the U.S. 2017, by ethnicity
Frequency adults suffered from headaches over the last year in the United States as of 2017, by ethnicity
Agreement of U.S. adults on statements about migraines 2017
Percentage of U.S. adults who agreed with the following statements about migraines as of 2017
Average migraine duration among U.S. adults 2017
Percentage of adults in the U.S. diagnosed with migraines who stated their migraines typically lasted select amounts of time as of 2017
Causes of migraines according to U.S. adults with and without migraines 2017
Percentage of U.S. adults with and without migraines who believed select factors were the underlying cause of migraines as of 2017
Migraine triggers - U.S. patients 2016
Major triggers leading to migraines among U.S. patients as of 2016
Steps U.S. respondents took to avoid migraine triggers 2017, by type of migraine
Percentage of respondents in the U.S. who took select steps to avoid migraine triggers as of 2017, by type of migraine
Satisfaction with medical care among U.S. adults with migraines in 2017
Percentage of U.S. adults diagnosed with migraines who agreed with the following statements about the medical care they receive as of 2017
Agreement on lack of access to treatment for migraine sufferers in the U.S. in 2017
Percentage of adults in the U.S. who agreed/disagreed that many migraine sufferers do not have access to effective treatments as of 2017
Migraine treatment out-of-pocket spending among U.S. patients 2016
Annual out-of-pocket spending on migraine-related treatments by migraine patients in the U.S. as of 2016*
Agreement/disagreement on migraine being a disability in the U.S. as of 2017
Percentage of adults in the U.S. who agreed/disagreed that migraine is a disability as of 2017
Migraine symptom differences in the U.S. 2017, by type of migraine
Percentage of respondents in the U.S. with select migraine symptoms as of 2017, by type of migraine
Symptoms of migraines among U.S. adults diagnosed with migraines 2017
Percentage of U.S. adults diagnosed with migraines who experience select symptoms when they have a migraine as of 2017
Emotions felt due to migraines among U.S. adults diagnosed with migraines 2017
Percentage of U.S. adults diagnosed with migraines who felt select emotions as a result of their migraines as of 2017
Agreement/disagreement on migraine sufferers having other health issues U.S. 2017
Percentage of adults in the U.S. who agreed/disagreed that migraine sufferers often have other health conditions as of 2017
Comorbidities among U.S. adults suffering from migraines in 2017
Percentage of U.S. adults with migraines who had select comorbidities as of 2017
Migraines affecting plan making among U.S. adults with migraines 2017
Percentage of U.S. adults diagnosed with migraines whose migraines affected their ability to make plans as of 2017
Missed work-related opportunities due to migraines among U.S. adults 2017
Percentage of working U.S. adults diagnosed with migraines who felt they missed work-related opportunities due to their migraines as of 2017
Events missed due to migraines among U.S. adults diagnosed with migraines 2017
Percentage of U.S. adults diagnosed with migraines who missed select events due to migraines as of 2017
Most common social stigmas associated with migraine sufferers in the U.S. as of 2017
Percentage of adults in the U.S. who believed the following were the most common social stigmas associated with migraines as of 2017
Perception of impact of migraines on work in the U.S. in 2017
Percentage of U.S. adults diagnosed with migraines who felt their coworkers or boss does not understand the impact of their migraines as of 2017
Ways U.S. adults relieved headaches as of 2017
Percentage of adults in the U.S. who used select techniques to relieve headache as of 2017
Ways U.S. adults relieved headaches as of 2017, by gender
Percentage of adults in the U.S. who used select techniques to relieve headache as of 2017, by gender
Products U.S. adults had used to relieve their headache 2017, by gender
Percentage of adults in the U.S. who had used select products to relieve headache as of 2017, by gender
Products U.S. adults had used to relieve their headache 2017, by ethnicity
Percentage of adults in the U.S. who had used select products to relieve headache as of 2017, by ethnicity
Headache relief measures U.S. adults considered effective 2017
Percentage of U.S. adults who considered select measures effective in relieving headache as of 2017
Best headache relief measures among U.S. adults 2017
Percentage of U.S. adults who stated select measures provided them the best relief from headache as of 2017
Best headache relief measures among U.S. adults 2017, by age
Percentage of U.S. adults who stated select measures provided them the best relief from headache as of 2017, by age
Migraine treatments among U.S. patients 2016
Migraine treatments most often tried in the U.S. as of 2016*
Leading analgesic tablet brands in the U.S. 2019, based on sales
Leading internal analgesic tablet brands in the United States in 2019, based on sales (in million U.S. dollars)*
U.S. unit sales of the leading internal analgesic tablet brands 2019
Unit sales of the leading internal analgesic tablet brands in the United States in 2019 (in millions)*
Sales share of the leading analgesic-internal tablet brands in the U.S. 2019
Sales share of the leading analgesic-internal tablet brands in the United States in 2019*
Sales growth of the leading analgesic-internal tablet brands in the U.S. 2019
Sales growth of the leading brands of analgesic-internal tablets in the United States in 2019 (change to prior sales year)*
U.S. college students that had been diagnosed with select health issues fall 2023
Percentage of U.S. college students that had been diagnosed with select health issues in the past 12 months as of fall 2023
Perceived causes of headaches among U.S. adults as of 2017, by gender
Percentage of U.S. adults who believed select sources were the cause of their headaches as of 2017, by gender
Perceived causes of headaches among U.S. adults as of 2017, by age
Percentage of U.S. adults who believed select sources were the cause of their headaches as of 2017, by age
Frequency U.S. adults sought treatment for headaches from a doctor 2017, by gender
Number of times U.S. adults went to a doctor for treatment for their headache in the past year as of 2017, by gender
Frequency U.S. adults sought treatment for headaches from a doctor 2017, by age
Number of times U.S. adults went to a doctor for treatment for their headache in the past year as of 2017, by age
Frequency U.S. adults sought alternative treatment for headaches 2017, by gender
Number of times U.S. adults sought treatment from an alternative practitioner for headaches in the past year as of 2017, by gender
Perception of helpfulness of chiropractic care for various pains U.S. 2017
Percentage of adults in the U.S. who thought chiropractic care could help select issues as of 2017
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