Coffee consumption trends in Canada - statistics & facts
The Canadian coffee consumer
When asked what beverage Canadians regularly consume, most respondents answered coffee, ahead of juice, bottled water and soft drinks. The share of regular coffee consumers was 63 percent, of whom the majority were Generation X and millennials. Only a few respondents from the older or younger generation, Baby Boomers or Gen Z, counted themselves among this group. Another study asked coffee drinkers in the country what they would give up for coffee and found that soft drinks, alcohol, social media, TV and sex were the things respondents were most likely to give up. Soft drinks were named by the most, at 42 percent.Coffee consumption in figures
Coffee consumption measured in 60-kilogram bags has increased steadily over the past few years, and recently reached approximately 5.5 million such bags in Canada. At the same time, the volume of coffee available for consumption per person has slightly fluctuated. While it amounted to roughly 105 liters in 2012, it was approximately 107 liters in 2023. On the other hand, the average number of cups of coffee has decreased. Despite the popularity of the caffeinated hot beverage, the number of cups consumed per day has decreased from an average of 3.6 cups to around 2.7 cups. There may be many reasons for the apparent discrepancy between the increase in coffee bags and the decrease in coffee cups consumed. The change in the way coffee is prepared could be one of them. Modern coffee machines often use more ground coffee per cup compared to before.Although the way coffee is consumed may have changed over time, the hot beverage is an integral part of Canadian culture and is consumed daily in many households.