Aaron O'Neill
Research lead for society, economy, and politics: Europe & global
Detailed statistics
The Troubles: deaths 1969-2001, by religious background
Detailed statistics
The Troubles: results of the Good Friday Agreement referenda 1998
Detailed statistics
The Troubles: deaths in major violent incidents 1971-1998, by background of victim
The Troubles: deaths in major violent incidents 1971-1998, by background of victim
Number of deaths and background of the victims during the deadliest violent incidents of the Troubles in Northern Ireland from 1971 to 1998
The Troubles: results of the Good Friday Agreement referenda 1998
Results of the Good Friday Agreement referenda in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland on May 22, 1998
Northern Ireland: unemployment rate by urban area 1989
Unemployment rate in selected urban areas in Northern Ireland during the Troubles in 1989 (in percentage)
The Troubles: deaths 1969-2001, by religious background
Total number of deaths during the Troubles (the Northern Ireland Conflict) from 1969 to 2001, by religious background
The Troubles: killings 1969-2001, by responsible organization
Total number of killings during the Troubles (the Northern Ireland Conflict) from 1969 to 2001, by organization or group responsible
The Troubles: deaths 1969-2001, by affiliation
Total number of deaths during the Troubles (the Northern Ireland Conflict) from 1969 to 2001, by status or affiliation
The Troubles: deaths 1969-2001, by location
Total number of deaths during the Troubles (the Northern Ireland Conflict) from 1969 to 2001, by geographical location
The Troubles: number of killings 1969-2001, by year and organization
Total number of deaths per year during the Troubles (the Northern Ireland Conflict) from 1969 to 2001, by organization responsible
The Troubles: deaths 1969-2001, by gender
Total number of deaths during the Troubles (the Northern Ireland Conflict) from 1969 to 2001, by gender
The Troubles: deaths 1969-2001, by age
Total number of deaths during the Troubles (the Northern Ireland Conflict) from 1969 to 2001, by age
The Troubles: deaths 1969-2001, by year
Total number of deaths per year during the Troubles (the Northern Ireland Conflict) from 1969 to 2001
The Troubles: IRA killings 1969-2001, by victim status
Total number of killings attributed to the (Provisional) Irish Republican Army (IRA) during the Troubles from 1969 to 2001, by status or affiliation of the victim
The Troubles: duration of hunger strikes 1981
Duration of strikes and outcomes in the 1981 hunger strike during the Troubles in Northern Ireland (in days)
Northern Ireland population distribution 1861-2021, by religious belief or background
Population distribution in Northern Ireland by religious belief or background according to the national census from 1861 to 2021
The Troubles: annual deaths 1969-2015, by affiliation
Annual number of deaths of British security forces and civilians relating to the Troubles and associated activities in Northern Ireland from 1969 to 2015
The Troubles: annual injuries 1968-2002, by affiliation
Annual number of recorded injuries of British security forces and civilians relating to the Troubles and associated activities in Northern Ireland from 1968 to 2002
Northern Ireland: unemployment by religious background and gender 1971-1987
Unemployment rate by religious background and gender in Northern Ireland in select years between 1971 and 1987 (in percentage)
Northern Ireland: employment distribution by social grade and religion1971
Employment distribution by social grade and religious background in Northern Ireland's workforce in 1971 (in percentage)
The Troubles: British army and UDR personnel 1969-2007
Total number of servicemembers of the British Army and Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR) serving in Northern Ireland from 1969 to 2007
The Troubles: RUC/PSNI personnel 1971-2011
Total number of people working for the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) and Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) from 1971 to 2011
The Troubles: loyalist killings 1969-2001, by victim status
Total number of killings attributed to loyalist paramilitary groups during the Troubles between 1969 and 2001, by status or affiliation of the victim
The Troubles: total number of people interned 1971-1975, by religious background
Total number of people detained under internment during the Northern Ireland Troubles from 1971 to 1975, by religious background or affiliation
The Troubles: British security forces killings1969-2001, by victim affiliation
Total number of killings attributed to British security forces during the Troubles between 1969 and 2001, by status or affiliation of the victim
Population of Northern Ireland 1971-2023
Population of Northern Ireland from 1971 to 2023
Irish reunification survey in Northern Ireland 2023
"If you were being asked to vote on whether Northern Ireland should unify with the Republic of Ireland how would you vote?" (2019 to 2023)
Northern Irish exports out of total for merchandise trade in Ireland 2005-2023
Value of exports to Northern Ireland (UK) compared to total exports for the merchandise trade in the Republic of Ireland from 2005 to 2023 (in million euros)
Northern Irish imports out of total for merchandise trade in Ireland 2005-2023
Value of imports from Northern Ireland (UK) compared to total imports for the merchandise trade in the Republic of Ireland from 2005 to 2023 (in million euros)
Crime rate in Northern Ireland 2002-2024
Crime rate per 1,000 population in Northern Ireland from 2002/03 to 2023/24
Population of Northern Ireland 2022, by local district
Population of Northern Ireland in 2022, by local government district
Unemployment rate in Northern Ireland 2000-2024
Unemployment rate in Northern Ireland from 1st quarter 2000 to 4th quarter 2024
Number of visits to the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland 2014-2023
Number of visits to the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland from 2014 to 2023 (in 1,000s)
Northern Ireland: cycling frequency in the last 12 months
Cycling frequency in the last twelve months in Northern Ireland, 2020
Passenger car sales in the Republic of Ireland 2009-2023
Number of passenger cars sold annually in the Republic of Ireland from 2009 to 2023
Views on the Israel-Hamas conflict ASEAN 2024, by country
Leading views on the Israel-Hamas conflict among respondents in Southeast Asia in 2024, by country
Views on the Israel-Hamas conflict among respondents ASEAN 2024
Leading views on the Israel-Hamas conflict among respondents in Southeast Asia in 2024
Internet usage in Ireland in the last three months 2009-2024, by age group
Share of the population that has used the internet in the last three months in Ireland from 2009 to 2024, by age group
Leading impacts of the Israel-Hamas conflict on ASEAN 2024
Leading impacts of the Israel-Hamas conflict on Southeast Asia in 2024
Leading impacts of the Israel-Hamas conflict on ASEAN 2024, by country
Leading impacts of the Israel-Hamas conflict on Southeast Asia in 2024, by country
Northern Ireland: number of pedestrian and pedal cyclist casualties 2018-2023
The number of pedestrian and pedal cyclist casualties in Northern Ireland from 2018/19 to 2022/23
Northern Ireland voting intention in a Northern Ireland Assembly election 2024
"If a Northern Ireland Assembly Election were to be held tomorrow, which political party would you vote for as first preference?" (November 2024)
Average house price for existing dwellings in Northern Ireland 1990-2023
Simple average house price for existing dwellings in Northern Ireland from 1990 to 2023 (in GBP)
Northern Ireland-Great Britain ferry passenger movements 2013-2023
Number of ferry passenger movements between Northern Ireland and Great Britain between 2013 and 2023, by route (in 1,000s)
Youth unemployment rate in Northern Ireland 2001-2024
Youth unemployment rate in Northern Ireland from 3rd quarter 2001 to 3rd quarter 2024
Median age of the population in Ireland 2020
Ireland: Average age of the population from 1950 to 2100 (median age in years)
Number of students taught using the Irish language Northern Ireland 2018-2024
Number of school students taught using the Irish language in Northern Ireland from 2018/19 to 2023/24
CET1 capital of the leading banks in Ireland 2023
Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital of the largest banks in Ireland in 2023 (in billion euros)
Impact on Red Sea vessel shipped oil exports caused by the Israel-Hamas conflict 2024
Impact on Red Sea vessel shipped crude oil exports caused by the Israel-Hamas conflict from October 7th 2023 to February 9th 2024 (in barrels per day)
Northern Ireland: e-cigarettes smoking prevalence in 2014-2024
E-cigarettes smoking prevalence in Northern Ireland from 2014/15 to 2023/24
Installed capacity of Northern Ireland 2008-2023
Cumulative installed capacity of hydropower in Northern Ireland from 2008 to 2023 (in megawatts)
Northern Ireland: share of people with possible psychiatric disorder 2010-2024
Share of individuals with possible psychiatric disorder and referred to as high GHQ12 score* in Northern Ireland from 2010/11 to 2023/24, by gender
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