JYSK - statistics & facts
JYSK’s online and offline presence
Along with its physical presence, JYSK is also a notable e-retailer, especially in its home country Denmark. Based on online net sales, jysk.dk ranked second right after IKEA’s domain, generating around 57 million U.S. dollars. On a global scale, JYSK garnered over 38.5 billion Danish kroner in revenue from physical and online stores alike.One of JYSK’s most important customers is the Danish Royal Court. Due to their long years of partnership and overall satisfaction with the quality of their furniture, Her Majesty Queen Margarethe II has given JYSK permission to market themselves as an official furniture supplier to the Royal Danish Court. This title is awarded to companies or individuals who have done business with the Royal Court for several years, are financially stable and have a good public reputation.
Compared to JYSK’s number of locations, IKEA’s store numbers make up just a fraction of them, having around 470 traditional stores worldwide. However, due to IKEA’s vast size and popularity outside of Europe, the Swedish giant’s revenue surpasses that of JYSK, amounting to over 47 billion euros in 2023. On the other hand, JYSK has many smaller establishments scattered across different countries, making it more convenient for consumers to make more spontaneous purchases.With its affordable prices, stylish designs, and easy-to-build pieces, JYSK remains a favorite among European consumers and royalty alike. Along with their customers, JYSK also takes great responsibility for their workers and the environment, partaking in multiple initiatives and organizations to make sure everyone and everything is getting the care they deserve.