T. Ozbun
Research expert covering food retail and all food topics for Italy and Brazil
Detailed statistics
Turnover of the beverage manufacturing industry in Italy 2013-2022
Detailed statistics
Turnover of fruit and vegetable juice manufacturing in Italy 2012-2021
Detailed statistics
Companies manufacturing beverages in Italy 2021, by legal form
Non-alcoholic beverages market volume share in Italy 2022, by producer
Volume share of non-alcoholic beverages market in Italy in 2022, by producer
Value added of mineral water and soft drink companies in Italy 2016-2020
Value added of mineral water and soft drink companies* in Italy from 2016 to 2020** (in million euros)
Turnover of the beverage manufacturing industry in Italy 2013-2022
Annual turnover of beverage manufacturers in Italy from 2013 to 2022 (in million euros)
Revenue of the beverage industry in Italy 2021, by sector
Annual revenue of the beverage industry in Italy in 2021, by sector (in 1,000 euros)
Turnover of fruit and vegetable juice manufacturing in Italy 2012-2021
Annual turnover in the fruit and vegetable juice manufacturing industry in Italy from 2012 to 2021 (in million euros)
Market cap of the food & beverage sector on Milan Stock Exchange in Italy 2017-2022
Market capitalization of Italian companies in the food & beverage sector listed on the Milan Stock Exchange from July 2017 to December 2022 (in million euros)
Italy: number of beverage manufacturers 2013-2022
Number of enterprises in the manufacture of beverages industry in Italy from 2013 to 2022
Companies manufacturing beverages in Italy 2021, by legal form
Number of enterprises in the manufacture of beverages in Italy in 2021, by legal form
Number of soft drink and bottled water manufacturers in Italy 2012-2021
Number of enterprises in the manufacture of soft drinks, production of mineral waters and other bottled waters industry in Italy from 2012 to 2021
Italy: personnel costs of the manufacture of beverages industry 2012-2021
Annual personnel costs of the manufacture of beverages industry in Italy from 2012 to 2021 (in million euros)
Production value of beverage manufacturing in Italy 2012-2021
Production value of the beverage manufacturing industry in Italy from 2012 to 2021 (in million euros)
Italy: value of non-alcoholic beverages worldwide exports 2012-2022
Worldwide exports value of non-alcoholic beverages* in Italy from 2012 to 2022 (in million U.S. dollars)
Italy: volume of non-alcoholic beverages worldwide exports 2012-2022
Worldwide exports volume of non-alcoholic beverages* in Italy from 2012 to 2022 (in million liters)
Italy: main countries for non-alcoholic beverages exports 2022, by value
Export value of non-alcoholic beverages* from Italy in 2022, by destination country (in million U.S. dollars)
Italy: main countries for non-alcoholic beverages exports 2022, by volume
Export volume of non-alcoholic beverages* from Italy in 2022, by destination country (in million liters)
Italy: value of non-alcoholic beverages worldwide imports 2012-2022
Value of non-alcoholic beverages* imported by Italy from 2012 to 2022 (in million U.S. dollars)
Italy: volume of non-alcoholic beverages worldwide imports 2012-2022
Volume of non-alcoholic beverages* imported by Italy from 2012 to 2022 (in million liters)
Italy: main countries for non-alcoholic beverages imports 2022, by value
Value of the non-alcoholic beverages* imported by Italy in 2022, by country of origin (in million U.S. dollars)
Italy: main countries for non-alcoholic beverages imports 2022, by volume
Volume of the non-alcoholic beverages* imported by Italy in 2022, by country of origin (in million liters)
Sales share of soft drinks in Italy 2022, by sales channel
Sales share of soft beverages in Italy in 2022, by sales channel
Sales share of fruit drinks in Italy 2022, by sales channel
Sales share of fruit beverages in Italy in 2022, by sales channel
Non-alcoholic beverages large retail sales volume in Italy 2023, by type
Sales volume of non-alcoholic beverages in large retail in Italy in 2023 (in million liters), by type
Non-alcoholic beverages discount sales volume in Italy 2023, by type
Sales volume of non-alcoholic beverages in discount stores in Italy in 2023 (in million liters), by type
Non-alcoholic beverages large retail sales value in Italy 2023, by type
Sales value of non-alcoholic beverages in large retail in Italy in 2023 (in million euros), by type
Non-alcoholic beverages discount sales value in Italy 2023, by type
Sales value of non-alcoholic beverages in discount stores in Italy in 2023 (in million euros), by type
Monthly expenditure on non-alcoholic drinks in Italy 2014-2021
Average monthly household consumption expenditure on non-alcoholic beverages in Italy from 2014 to 2021 (in euros)
Monthly expenditure on non-alcoholic drinks in Italy by macro-region 2021
Average monthly household consumption expenditure on non-alcoholic beverages in Italy in 2021 (in euros), by macro-region
Monthly expenditure on mineral water in Italy 2014-2021
Average monthly household consumption expenditure on mineral water in Italy from 2014 to 2021 (in euros)
Monthly expenditure on soft drinks in Italy 2014-2021
Average monthly household consumption expenditure on soft beverages in Italy from 2014 to 2021 (in euros)
Monthly expenditure on fruit & vegetable juices in Italy 2014-2021
Average monthly household consumption expenditure on fruit and vegetable juices in Italy from 2014 to 2021 (in euros)
Retail price of soft drinks in retail in Italy 2023, by type
Average retail price of soft beverages sold in retail in Italy in 2023, by type (in euros per liter)
Retail price of fruit drinks in retail in Italy 2023, by type
Average retail price of fruit beverages sold in retail in Italy in 2023, by type (in euros per liter)
Italy: annual soft drink consumption 2010-2022
Annual consumption of soft drinks in Italy from 2010 to 2022 (in million liters)
Italy: annual packaged water consumption 2010-2022
Annual consumption of packaged water in Italy from 2010 to 2022 (in million liters)
Consumption of fruit beverages in Italy 2010-20122
Consumption of fruit beverages* in Italy from 2010 to 2022 (in million liters)
Consumption of fruit juice in Italy 2010-20122
Consumption of fruit juice in Italy from 2010 to 2022 (in million liters)
Consumption of fruit nectar in Italy 2010-2022
Consumption of fruit nectar in Italy from 2010 to 2022 (in million liters)
Share of carbonated drinks consumption in Italy by age 2022
Share of individuals who consumed carbonated beverages in Italy in 2022, by age group
Italy: soft drink consumption per capita 2010-2022
Per capita consumption of soft drinks in Italy from 2010 to 2022 (in liters per capita)
Italy: packaged water consumption per capita 2010-2022
Per capita consumption of packaged water in Italy from 2010 to 2022 (in liters per capita)
Italy: juice and nectar consumption per capita 2010-2022
Per capita consumption of juice and nectars in Italy from 2010 to 2022 (in liters per capita)
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