Natalie Cowling
Research Expert South Africa
Detailed statistics
Most dangerous cities in Africa 2024
Detailed statistics
Crime index in South Africa 2014-2024
Detailed statistics
Share of people who are worried about crime and violence in South Africa 2022-2024
Most dangerous cities in Africa 2024
Cities with the highest crime index in Africa in 2024
Crime index in South Africa 2014-2024
Crime index in South Africa from 2014 to 2024
Most dangerous cities in South Africa 2024
Cities with the highest crime index in South Africa in 2024
Share of people who are worried about crime and violence in South Africa 2022-2024
Monthly share of people who are worried about crime and violence in South Africa from February 2022 to July 2024
Total number of contact crimes in South Africa 2021/2022, by type
Total number of contact crimes in South Africa in 2021/2022, by type
Number of contact crimes in South Africa 2022/2023, by type
Total number of contact crimes in South Africa in 2022/2023, by type
Number of contact crimes committed against women in South Africa 2022/2023, by type
Number of contact crimes committed against women in South Africa in 2022/2023, by type
Number of contact crimes committed against children South Africa 2022/2023, by type
Number of contact crimes committed against children in South Africa in 2022/2023, by type
Common areas where contact crime occurs in South Africa 2022/2023
Locations with the highest number of contact crimes in South Africa in 2022/2023
Number of arrests related to contact crimes in South Africa 2021/2022, by type
Number of arrests related to contact crimes in South Africa in 2021/2022, by type
Number of sexual offenses in South Africa 2022/2023, by crime
Number of sexual offenses in South Africa in 2022/2023, by crime
Common areas where sexual offenses occurs in South Africa 2022/2023
Locations with the highest number of sexual offenses in South Africa in 2022/2023
Number of rape offenses in South Africa 2022/2023, by province
Number of rape offenses in South Africa in 2022/2023, by province
Common areas where rape occurs in South Africa 2022/2023
Locations with the highest number of rape incidents in South Africa in 2022/2023
Monthly number of households that experienced robbery in South Africa 2023
Monthly number of households that experienced robbery in South Africa in 2023 (in 1,000s)
Number of household robberies in South Africa 2022/2023, by province
Number of household robberies in South Africa in 2022/2023, by province
Share of households that reported robbery in South Africa 2022/2023
Share of households that reported robbery in South Africa in 2022/2023
Number of non-residential robberies in South Africa 2022/2023, by province
Number of non-residential robberies in South Africa in 2022/2023, by province
Number of carjackings in South Africa FY 2009-2024
Number of carjackings in South Africa from the fiscal year of 2009 to the fiscal year of 2024
Number of carjackings in South Africa 2022/2023, by suburb
Suburbs with the highest number of carjackings in South Africa in 2022/2023
Most hijacked cars in South Africa 2023, by brand
Most hijacked cars in South Africa in 2023, by brand
Number of truck hijackings in South Africa FY 2009-2023
Number of truck hijackings in South Africa from the fiscal year of 2009 to the fiscal year of 2023
Number of domestic violence-related crimes in South Africa 2022/2023, by gender
Number of domestic violence-related crimes in South Africa in 2022/2023, by gender
Number of kidnappings in South Africa 2022/23-2023/24, by province
Number of kidnappings in South Africa from 2022/23 to 2023/24, by province
Causative factors of kidnapping in South Africa FY 2023/24-2024/25
Causative factors of kidnapping in South Africa in Q3-Q4 2023/24 and Q1-Q2 2024/25
Number of multiple murders in South Africa 2022/2023, by province
Number of multiple murders in South Africa in 2022/2023, by province
Occurrence of multiple murders in South Africa 2022/2023, by factor
Occurrence of multiple murders in South Africa in South Africa in 2022/2023, by factor
Causative factors for five and more counts of murder in South Africa 2022/2023
Causative factors for five and more counts of murder in South Africa in 2022/2023
Number of police personnel in South Africa 2021/2022, by program
Number of police personnel in South Africa in 2021/2022, by program
Total expenditure on police personnel in South Africa 2021/2022, by program
Total expenditure on police personnel in South Africa in 2021/2022, by program (in South African million rand)
Total number of crime-related emergency call-takers in South Africa 2022, by province
Total number of crime-related emergency call-takers in South Africa in 2022, by province
Number of dropped crime-related emergency calls in South Africa 2022, by province
Number of dropped crime-related emergency calls in South Africa in 2022, by province
Number of crime cases finalized with a verdict in South Africa 2022/2023, by type
Number of crime cases finalized with a verdict in South Africa in 2022/2023, by type
Number of convictions in South Africa 2022/2023, by type
Number of convictions in South Africa in 2022/2023, by type
Inmate population in South Africa 2021/2022, by province
Inmate population in South Africa in 2021/2022, by province
Number of inmates versus approved bed space in South Africa 2021/2022, by province
Number of inmates versus approved bed space in South Africa in 2021/2022, by province
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Mon - Fri, 10:00am - 6:00pm (JST)
Mon - Fri, 9:30am - 5pm (GMT)
Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm (EST)