Aaron O'Neill
Research lead for society, economy, and politics: Europe & global
Detailed statistics
WWII: number of people mobilized by selected countries 1937-1945
Detailed statistics
Coal and petroleum output by major power during the Second World War 1940
Detailed statistics
WWII: annual tank and self-propelled gun production 1939-1945, by country
WWII: number of people mobilized by selected countries 1937-1945
Number of personnel mobilized by selected Axis and Allied countries or territories during the Second World War from 1937 to 1945
WWII: share of the male population mobilized by selected countries 1937-1945
Number of personnel mobilized as a share of the total male population in selected Axis and Allied countries or territories during the Second World War from 1937 to 1945
WWII: pre-war populations of selected Allied and Axis countries and territories 1938
Estimated pre-Second World War populations of selected Allied and Axis countries and their territories in 1938 (in millions)
WWII: pre-war territory of selected Allied and Axis countries and possessions 1938
Estimated pre-Second World War territories of selected Allied and Axis countries and their possessions in 1938 (in 1,000 square kilometers)
WWII: Axis territorial gains 1938-1942, by country
Estimated territorial gains of the Axis Powers in selected countries or regions during the Second World War from 1938 to 1942 (in 1,000 square kilometers)
WWII: total share of personnel mobilized by the Allied and Axis powers 1937-1945
Allied and Axis share of total personnel mobilized during the Second World War from 1937 to 1945
Number of women enlisted in the U.S. military 1941-1945
Number of women enlisted in each branch of the United States military during the Second World War, from 1941 to 1945
Population of Germany and its allied or occupied areas during World War II in 1941
Population of Germany, its European allies and German-occupied areas during the Second World War in 1941 (in millions)
Territory held by Germany and its allies in mid-1941 during the Second World War
Area of land controlled by Germany and its European allies during the Second World War in mid-1941 (in thousand square kilometers)
Manhattan Project: monthly expenditure 1942-1946
Monthly expenditure of the Manhattan Project from August 1942 to December 1946 (in 1,000s of U.S. dollars)
WWII: pre-war GDP of selected countries and regions 1938
Estimated pre-Second World War gross domestic product (GDP) of selected countries, territories, and regions in 1938 (in billion 1990 international dollars)
WWII: pre-war GDP per capita of selected countries and regions 1938
Estimated pre-Second World War gross domestic product (GDP) per capita of selected countries, territories, and regions in 1938 (in 1990 international dollars)
WWII: annual manpower of major powers 1939-1945
Estimated annual armed forces of the major powers of the Second World War from 1939 to 1945 (in 1,000s)
WWII: annual GDP of largest economies 1938-1945
Estimated annual gross domestic product (GDP) of the Second World War's largest powers from 1938 to 1945 (in billions of 1990 international dollars)
WWII: military spending as a share of national income 1939-1944
Annual military spending as a share of national income of selected major powers during the Second World War from 1939 to 1944
European labor productivity as a share of productivity in the U.S. 1870-1990
Labor productivity in Western Europe as a share of productivity in the United States in select years between 1870 and 1990
Soviet Union: number of workers in each industry 1940
Total number of workers in each industry of Soviet Russia and the other Soviet States in 1940 (in 1000's)
Soviet Union: share of workforce employed in each industry 1940
Total share of the Soviet Union's workforce employed in each industry in 1940
United States: total trade with Germany and Japan 1900-1950
Total value of the United States' international trade with Germany and Japan from 1900 to 1950 (in million U.S. dollars)
United States: imports from main Allied trading partners 1900-1950
Total value of annual imports into the United States from its main Allied trading partners from 1900 to 1950 (in million U.S. dollars)
United States: exports from main Allied trading partners 1900-1950
Total value of annual exports from the United States to its main Allied trading partners from 1900 to 1950 (in million U.S. dollars)
WWII: annual production of major naval vessels 1939-1945, by country
Annual number of major naval vessels produced by the major powers during the Second World War from 1939 to 1945
WWII: annual combat aircraft production 1939-1945, by country
Annual number of combat aircraft produced by the major powers during the Second World War from 1939 to 1945 (in 1,000s)
WWII: annual tank and self-propelled gun production 1939-1945, by country
Annual number of tanks and self-propelled guns (SPGs) produced by the major powers during the Second World War from 1939 to 1945 (in 1,000s)
WWII: annual production of rifles and carbines 1939-1945, by country
Annual number of rifles and carbines produced by the major powers during the Second World War from 1939 to 1945 (in 1,000s)
WWII: machine pistols and submachine guns annual production 1939-1945, by country
Annual number of machine pistols and submachine guns (SMGs) produced by the major powers during the Second World War from 1939 to 1945 (in 1,000s)
WWII: annual production of machine guns 1939-1945, by country
Annual number of machine guns produced by the major powers during the Second World War from 1939 to 1945 (in 1,000s)
WWII: annual production of artillery guns 1939-1945, by country
Annual number of artillery guns produced by the major powers during the Second World War from 1939 to 1945 (in 1,000s)
WWII: annual mortar production 1939-1945, by country
Annual number of mortars produced by the major powers during the Second World War from 1939 to 1945 (in 1,000s)
Cement output and metal-working tools by major powers during Second World War 1940
Cement output and number of machine tools for working metal by major powers during the Second World War in 1940
Change in the output of the Soviet Union's tanks and aircraft 1930-1940
Change in the Soviet Union's output of aircraft and tanks from 1930 to 1940
WWII: Soviet industrial output as a share of U.S. and German output 1940
Output of the main industrial products in the Soviet Union as a share of production in the United States and Germany in 1940
Coal and petroleum output by major power during the Second World War 1940
Output of coal and crude petroleum by major powers during the Second World War in 1940 (in millions of tons)
Americas: petroleum production 1860-1988, by country
Annual petroleum output of the major American producers from 1860 to 1988 (in 1,000s of metric tons)
Petroleum production in selected East Asian countries 1900-1945, by country
Crude petroleum production in selected East and Southeast Asian countries from 1900 to 1945 (in 1,000s of metric tons)
Iron ore production in Asia 1900-1945, by country
Iron ore production in selected Asian countries from 1900 to 1945 (in 1,000s of metric tons)
Iron ore production in Europe 1900-1945, by country
Iron ore production in selected European countries from 1900 to 1945 (in thousands of metric tons)
Pig iron production in Europe 1900-1945, by country
Pig iron production in selected European countries from 1900 to 1945 (in thousands of metric tons)
Crude steel production in Axis European countries 1900-1945, by country
Crude steel production in selected Axis European countries from 1900 to 1945 (in thousands of metric tons)
Crude steel production in Allied European countries 1900-1945, by country
Crude steel production in selected Allied European countries from 1900 to 1945 (in thousands of metric tons)
Coal production in Allied European countries 1900-1945, by country
Coal production in selected Allied European countries from 1900 to 1945 (in thousands of metric tons)
Coal production in Axis European countries 1900-1945, by country
Coal production in selected Axis European countries from 1900 to 1945 (in thousands of metric tons)
Electricity output by major power during the Second World War 1940
Electricity output by major powers during the Second World War in 1940 (in billions of kilowatt hours)
Change in the output of the Soviet Union's coal and steel 1930-1940
Change in the Soviet Union's output of coal and steel from 1930 to 1940 (in million tons)
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