Jose Sanchez
Research expert covering society, economy, & politics for Latin America
Detailed statistics
Mexico: poverty headcount ratio at 3.20 U.S. dollars a day 1984-2022
Detailed statistics
Gini coefficient income distribution inequality in Mexico 2000-2022
Detailed statistics
Mexico: people living in poverty 2022, by state
People living in poverty and extreme poverty in Latin America 1990-2024
Number of people living in poverty and extreme poverty in Latin America from 1990 to 2024 (in millions)
Poverty rate by gender in Latin American countries 2022
Poverty rate in selected Latin American countries in 2022, by gender
Mexico: people living in poverty 2008-2022
Number of people living in poverty in Mexico between 2008 and 2022 (in millions)
Average annual wage in Mexico 2000-2023
Average annual wage in Mexico from 2000 to 2023 (in U.S. dollars)
Annual inflation rate of households' market basket in Mexico 2024, by income level
Impact of inflation on the consumer basket in Mexico in February 2024, by household's income group (compared to the same month of the previous year)
Mexico: per capita income 2022, by deciles
Monthly income per capita in Mexico between 2016 and 2022, by deciles (in Mexican pesos)
Mexico: wealth inequality based on income concentration 2005-2022
Percentage of income held by the richest 20 percent of the population in Mexico between 2005 and 2022
Distribution of wealth held by percentile in Mexico 2022
Percentage distribution of wealth in Mexico in 2022, by wealth percentile
Average earnings by percentile in Mexico 2022
Average income in Mexico in 2022, by income percentile (PPP in euros)
Gini coefficient income distribution inequality in Mexico 2000-2022
Income distribution inequality based on Gini coefficient in Mexico between 2000 and 2022
Mexico: Gini coefficient income distribution inequality 2022, by state
Income distribution inequality based on Gini coefficient in Mexico in 2022, by state
Mexico: people living in poverty 2022, by state
Number of people living in poverty in Mexico in 2022, by state (in 1,000s)
Mexico: poverty rate 2022, by state
Share of population living in poverty in Mexico in 2022, by state
Mexico: poverty headcount ratio at 3.20 U.S. dollars a day 1984-2022
Share of population living on less than 3.20 U.S. dollars per day in Mexico from 1984 to 2022
Poverty headcount ratio at 1.00 U.S. dollars a day in Mexico 1992-2022
Share of population living on less than one U.S. dollar per day in Mexico from 1992 to 2022
Mexico: share of population living in poverty 2014-2022, by gender
Share of population living in poverty in Mexico between 2014 and 2022, by gender
Mexico: poverty rate by age group 2014-2022
Share of population living in poverty in Mexico between 2014 and 2022, by age group
Mexico: poverty rate by disability condition 2014-2022
Share of population living in poverty in Mexico between 2014 and 2022, by disability condition
Mexico: people living in extreme poverty 2008-2022
Number of people living in extreme poverty in Mexico between 2008 and 2022 (in millions)
Mexico: population living in extreme poverty 2008-2022
Share of population living in extreme poverty in Mexico between 2008 and 2022
Mexico: people living in extreme poverty 2022, by state
Number of people living in extreme poverty in Mexico in 2022, by state (in 1,000s)
Mexico: population living in extreme poverty 2022, by state
Share of population living in extreme poverty in Mexico in 2022, by state
Mexico: extreme poverty rate by gender 2014-2022
Share of population living in extreme poverty in Mexico between 2014 and 2022, by gender
Mexico: poverty rate by age group 2014-2022
Share of population living in poverty in Mexico between 2014 and 2022, by age group
Mexico: people living in extreme poverty 2014-2022, by ethnicity
Number of people living in extreme poverty in Mexico between 2014 and 2022, by ethnicity (in millions)
Mexico: share of population lagging behind in education 2008-2022
Share of population considered vulnerable for lagging behind in education in Mexico between 2008 and 2022
Share of population without access to health services in Mexico 2008-2022
Share of population considered vulnerable due to lack of access to health services in Mexico between 2008 and 2022
Share of population without access to health services in Mexico 2022, by state
Share of population considered vulnerable due to lack of access to health services in Mexico in 2022, by state
Mexico: share of population with inadequate housing 2008-2022
Share of population considered vulnerable due to poor housing quality or lack of space in Mexico between 2008 and 2022
Mexico: share of population lacking housing services 2008-2022
Share of population considered vulnerable due to lack of access to basic housing services in Mexico between 2008 and 2022
Mexico: number of people lacking basic housing services 2008-2022
Number of population who lack access to basic housing services in Mexico between 2008 and 2022 (in millions)
Mexico: people lacking basic housing services by state 2022
Number of population who lack access to basic housing services in Mexico in 2022, by state (in 1,000s)
Mexico: share of population with inadequate housing by state 2022
Share of population considered vulnerable due to poor housing quality or lack of space in Mexico in 2022, by state
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