Augmented and Virtual Reality
- Have you heard of wearable computing devices?
- Which type of wearable device interests you most?
- Do you own any of these wearable devices?
- Have you ever heard of the term 'virtual reality'?
- Are you interested in virtual reality?
- Do you think virtual reality headsets might have negative effects on the user?
- How likely is it that users of virtual reality headsets could lose themselves in virtual worlds?
- Have you ever heard of virtual reality headsets before?
- Have you already tried a virtual reality headset (e.g. at a trade show or somewhere else)?
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the experience with virtual headsets?
- Could you imagine virtual reality headsets having a lasting influence on your personal life?
- When will you get a virtual reality headset for yourself?
- Would you - given a price that is acceptable for you – buy a virtual reality headset for yourself?
- How much would you spend on a virtual reality headset?
- How often do you personally play videogames?
- Which of the following devices do you use to play games?
- Can you imagine that new target groups of video game users will come into existence because of virtual reality headsets?
- How strong will the influence of virtual reality headsets be on video games?
- Do you think that you would play (more) video games, if you had a VR headset?
- How much would you be willing to pay for a video game that can be played with a virtual reality headset?
- For what kind of video games would you like to use a VR headset?
- Do you know Pokémon GO and have you played it already?
- Which of the following negative effects are, in your opinion, most likely to occur when using virtual reality headsets?
- In which fields of application do you think virtual reality headsets are likely to be used?
- What are the reasons why you don't want to buy a VR headset?
- Which of the following virtual reality headsets have you already heard of?
- Which of the following virtual reality headsets have you already used?
- How much would you spend on a virtual reality headset?/$
- What is, in your opinion, the single most interesting aspect about virtual reality?
- What is your level of education?
- What is your marital status?
- How many people live in your household?
- What is your personal income, before tax?
- What is your current household income?
- In what type of community do you live?
- What is your gender?
- Which race/ethnicity best describes you?