Fish & Seafood: market data & analysis

Market Insights report

Fish & Seafood: market data & analysis

Fish & Seafood accounts for around 7.36% of the global Food market. The worldwide revenue at retail selling prices in this segment is expected to increase to US$12.48 trillion by 2029. The report gives a concise overview of the most relevant data for this market segment in an international comparison.

What's included?

  • All relevant sales figures and growth rates, including forecasts until 2029
  • Regional comparison with focus on Europe, Americas, Africa, Australia & Oceania and Asia
  • Country-level comparison with focus on Germany, France, China, United States and United Kingdom

Table of contents

This report covers the market segment Fish & Seafood of the Consumer Market Outlook's Food market. It includes fresh, frozen and processed fish and seafood. Not included are fish-based ready-to-eat meals.

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