Pre-industrial demographics

Statistics report on pre-industrial demographics

Pre-industrial demographics

This report presents a collection of statistics on demographic trends and patterns in pre-industrial times. The global population has exploded from around one to eight billion people since the beginning of the 19th century, due to a combination of factors such as advancements in healthcare (vaccination, anaesthesia, etc), the Second Agricultural Revolution, and improvements in infrastructure. Before this time, however, population growth was relatively slow, as high birth rates were cancelled out by high death rates, and life expectancy from birth was around 24 years due to high rates of infant and child mortality. As most of humanity depended on subsistence farming to survive, urbanization rates were incredibly low, before industrialization and the aforementioned advances swept across the world. However, these changes took places across different time periods depending on the country or region, which tends to correlate with modern interpretations of "developed", "developing", and the "least-developed" countries. This report includes chapters relating to popoulation, growth, fertility, mortality, migration, urbanization, and some of the major events that changed demographics throughout history.

Table of contents


  • Basic Statistic Population of the world 10,000BCE-2100
  • Basic Statistic Historical population of the continents 10,000BCE-2000CE
  • Basic Statistic Global population 1800-2100, by continent
  • Basic Statistic Global population distribution 1800-2100, by continent
  • Basic Statistic Population size and growth rates in Western Europe 0-1998
  • Basic Statistic Population development of Japan 0-2020
  • Basic Statistic Population development of China 0-2100
  • Basic Statistic Population of the United States 1610-2020
  • Basic Statistic Comparison of population in Brazil and the U.S. 1500-2050

Population growth

  • Basic Statistic Years taken for the world population to double in size 837-2023
  • Basic Statistic Years taken for the world population to grow by one billion 1803-2088
  • Basic Statistic Comparison of population growth across the world 0-1998
  • Basic Statistic Comparison of population growth rates in China, Japan, and Western Europe 0-1998
  • Basic Statistic Comparison of population growth in Brazil and the U.S. 1500-1998
  • Basic Statistic Comparison of population growth in (former) European colonies 1500-1998

Fertility, Mortality, and life expectancy

  • Basic Statistic Crude birth rate in selected regions 1820-2024
  • Basic Statistic Global life expectancy from birth in selected regions 1000-2020
  • Basic Statistic Fertility rate of the world and continents 1950-2024
  • Basic Statistic Historical life expectancy from birth in selected regions 33-1875
  • Basic Statistic Life expectancy among the male English aristocracy 1200-1745
  • Basic Statistic Historical infant mortality in selected regions 33-1875
  • Basic Statistic Countries with the highest fertility rates 2024

Migration and urbanization

  • Basic Statistic Urbanization: largest cities throughout history 7000BCE-2022
  • Basic Statistic Urbanization rates various countries or regions 1800
  • Basic Statistic Urbanization rates in China, Japan, and Western Europe in selected years 1000-2020
  • Basic Statistic Western Europe: urbanization rate by country 1500-1890
  • Basic Statistic Urbanization in the United States 1790 to 2050
  • Basic Statistic Historical net migration for Australia, Brazil, the UK, and U.S. 1500-1998
  • Basic Statistic Migration from all continents to the US 1820-1957
  • Basic Statistic Nationality of immigrants arriving in the United States 1820-1870

Major events

  • Premium Statistic Deadliest pandemics in history worldwide
  • Basic Statistic Estimated death toll of the Plague of Justinian 541-767
  • Basic Statistic Estimates of the Black Death's death toll in European cities from 1347-1351
  • Basic Statistic Estimated pre-colonization population of the Americas~1492
  • Basic Statistic Number of slaves taken from Africa by region and century 1501-1866
  • Basic Statistic Life expectancy during the Spanish Flu pandemic 1917-1920
  • Basic Statistic Second World War: fatalities per country 1939-1945

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